Biology I Name______HR__

Mrs. Schepers

Freshman Academy, room 2204


Phone: 299-4415 ext. 2449

Class website:

Supplies Needed:

  • Binder (at least 1.5 inch)
  • Pencils
  • Notebook paper
  • Dividers for binder (at least 4)---Label: Tests, Assignments, Notes, Labs

Grading policy:

Students will be graded on a total points system. Tests will be worth 100 points. All other assignments will be assigned a point value based on effort and time required to complete the assignment.

Course overview:

In Biology we will study the basic functions and relationships of living things. This will include: cell parts and functions, organic molecules, cell respiration, photosynthesis, taxonomy, theory of evolution, history of biology, and much more. We will do this through projects, class work and activities, labs, notes, and homework. At the end of the year students will be tested by the state via EOI (end of instruction testing). Please see the state department of education if you have questions about class curriculum or the EOI:

Assignment policies:

-Late work will reduce in point value by 25%. Late work cannot be accepted after two weeks from the date assigned.

-Any student that scores lower than a 70%on a unit testwill be requiredto come in at lunch for tutoring.(They will be able to bring food in for tutoring.) If they refuse, they will be assigned a detention in which they will do work to reinforce the topic of the test.

-Board work (first fives) is worth 10 points a week!!

-There will be vocabulary quizzes every Friday over the chapter we are covering. Students are responsible to study for these at home.

Classroom expectations:

  • Respect: school property, each other, staff
  • Responsibility: bring materials, get work done
  • Procedure: bell work, be in seat, follow lab safety, follow handbook

I do not tolerate behaviors such as racism or racist comments, being up out of your seat after the bell, bullying other students, using a cell phone, leaving trash or not cleaning up after a lab, and obscenities both stated andimplied.

Discipline policy:

Consequences for violating student handbook rules and classroom expectations include:

  • Verbal warning
  • Parent phone call
  • Detention
  • Office referral

--Consequence depends on those outlined by handbook.


-Students are expected to be in their seat, working on the bell work when the bell rings. Bell work will be turned in as a grade every Friday.

-Students should raise their hands when they wish to speak during a lesson, and remain in their seats.

-Students are also expected to abide by the lab safety rules, and will sign a contract stating that they understand these rules. Students who break a rule should expect to have lab privileges revoked. These procedures insure a safe and productive learning environment.

-All assignments from the week are posted on the white board. Any assignments taken as a grade are circled. All makeup work is kept in the makeup work file and is filed by day. Students who are absent are expected to get their work and come check with me before or after class for direction or any other assignments. You may also get onto the class webpage (edmodo) and download/print work and get instructions while you are sick!!!! I will not hunt down students to give them their work!!!!!!! Makeup work/Late work should be turned in to the bottom basket.

Syllabus Contract

Please keep the syllabus as a reference for yourself. Sign this paper indicating that you have read and understand the policies and procedures discussed in the Biology I syllabus. Feel free to tell me anything important about your student: allergies, special needs, etc. Please list an email if you have one, it makes it a lot easier to stay in communication!! (Print neatly )

Student: ______

Parent name: ______

Parent signature: ______

Parent phone: ______

Parent email: ______

Comments: ______


Mrs. Schepers---Biology I

20011-12 Wish List

Below are some supplies we will need for various projects in class. Please bring whatever you can for your particular hour. You do not have to participate, but it would be greatly appreciated!

1st hour---

Box of tissues

One set of twistable crayons

Box of pencils

Roll of paper towels

3rd hour---

A calculator (basic)


Bag of pipe cleaners

Roll of paper towels

4th hour---

Modeling clay of various colors

Bag of straws

Dry erase markers

Glue (preferably bottle)

5th hour---


A cheap dry erase board


Non-latex gloves (any size)

6th hour---

Bag of pipe cleaners

Glue (preferably bottle)

Non-latex gloves (any size)