PC Specification Instructions and Requirements
Part 1: Specifications Table (MS Word)
For the selected case study, create a summary of user requirements and a PC Specifications Table in Microsoft Word. This Word document will include a two-paragraph summary that classifies the user type and identifies the PC category(ies) that will be recommended and Word tables that identify and contain the hardware and software requirements to meet the selected case study requirements. Students are expected to conduct external research to adequately address all aspects of the assignment requirements. Any outside sources should be correctly cited in APA style at the end of the table.Students will need to include specific requirements from the case study to show why each item is being recommended. Each element listed below must be incorporated into the assignment – omissions will result in loss of points.
Requirement / Points Allocated / CommentsSet normal text to Arial, 12 point. / 0.25 / This is the font in normal paragraphs. Heading and title fonts may be a larger size.
Title Page which shows title and author's (student's) name. / 0.25 / The title must be, “PC Specification for_[insert user name]”
Write a brief 2-paragraph narrative that categorizes the user type, identifies the category of PC (s) required, and summarizes your recommendations. / 0.5 / Two well-written, concise and organized paragraphs not to exceed one-half a page.
Create a table that shows the various required hardware components. The table should have all the necessary columns, rows, and column headings to show the following:
- Input Devices – Identify each type and show which specific user requirements are met
- Output Devices – Identify each type and show which specific user requirements are met
- Communication Devices – Identify each type and show which specific user requirements are met
- Storage Devices – External (including portable) storage devices and show which specific user requirements are met
- Other Peripheral Devices – Identify each type and show which specific user requirements are met
Create a table that shows the various required system unit features. The table should have all the necessary columns, rows, and column headings to show the following:
- Processor – Include type and clock speed and state how processor type and clock speed meets specific user’s requirements in the mini case
- RAM – Include type and amount and state how RAM type and amount meets specific user’s requirements in the mini case
- Adapter Cards – Identify each type and show which specific user requirements are met
- Ports – Include types, how many of each type, and show which specific user requirements are met
- Storage Devices – Identify internal system unit storage devices, size of hard drive, and state how each storage device and the hard drive size recommended meets specific user’s requirements in the mini case
Create a table that shows the various required Application Software. The table should have all the necessary columns, rows, and column headings to show the following:
- Identify types, recommend specific product names, and show which specific user requirements are met
Create a table shows that the various required System Software. The table should have all the necessary columns, rows, and column headings to show the following:
- Operating System – Identify a specific operating system and version
- Utility Programs – Include a comprehensive list and state how each utility program meets specific user’s requirements in the mini case
Create a table that shows the required Internet connectivity and Web-hosted applications and services. The table should have all the necessary columns, rows, and column headings to show the following:
- Identify the specific type of ISP that should be used for Internet connectivity
- Identify the specific Web services that should be used
- State how the ISP type and Web services that were identified meets specific user’s requirements in the case study
TOTAL: / 14
Part 2:Vendor Database
Create a vendor database and related reports and queries to capture contact information for potential vendors. As your research your chosen case study and the hardware and software requirements, collect contact information for potential vendors. This information will be used to populate an Access database.
For this assignment, you will be creating an MS Access database file that contains the following components:
- a simple database table to hold vendor contact information;
- a simple database form that can be used to enter data into the database table; and
- a simple database report that can used to present the data as information.
- A simple mailing label report.
All aspects of the assignment will be evaluated according to the following criteria and overall professional business-like appearance. This would include clear readability and formatting for both screen and print-based output.
Requirement / Points Allocated / CommentsLaunch MS Access and open a Blank Access database.
Save the new database with the following name:
Vendor Database_(First Initial and Last Name) / 0.5
Create a table with all the following fields and settings:
A. Vendor ID (autonumber)
B. Company Name (text)
C. Contact’s First Name (text)
D. Contact’s Last Name (text)
E. Billing Address (text) (this is the street address)
F. City (text)
G. State (text—limited to 2 characters)
H. Zip Code (text—limited to 5 characters)
I. Phone Number (text)
J. YTD Orders (currency) (if any)
K. Preferred Vendor (Yes/No) / 1.5 / The Vendor ID field must be set as the primary key (*). If the Vendor ID is not the primary key, 0.5 points will be deducted. If you have properly set the Vendor ID field as the primary key, it will be numbered automatically (Auto Number).
Name the table as follows:
Vendor Table / 0.5
Use the Form Wizard to create a form that uses all the fields from the Vendor table. / 1.0 / Let the Form Wizard guide you through the completion of the form.
Use a Columnar layout / 0.25
Select a style / 0.25
Name the form as follows:
Vendor Contact Entry Form / 0.25 / You should be finished with the form at this point. It is best if you allow the Form Wizard to open the form to view and enter information.
You can either use the form or enter data directly into the table.
Enter all the appropriate data for three vendors (such as Best Buy, CDW, and CompUSA.) Ignore data that is not required.
It is important to complete all data entry prior to moving on to create the report. You should also use the table to manually review and audit all entries to ensure accuracy and consistency prior to report setup. If find any data entry errors or inconsistencies, simply go back the item in the form and make the appropriate corrections. Missing data or including data that should be ignored will result in a deduction. / 3.0 / When you are finished, the table should contain all the contact information three vendors. You may need to create fictitious information for contact names–other field information should be available from the company website.
The form will automatically populate the Vendor ID for you because this is your primary key. Vendor Names will be your three vendors ( for example - Best Buy, CDW, and CompUSA.)
Use the Report Wizard to create a report for the database that uses the following fields:
Vendor Name
Contact First and Last Name
Complete Address
Phone Number / 1.5 / Let the Report Wizard guide you through the completion of the report.
Make sure that you do not select the Product ID field.
Set up the report to be sorted by Vendor Name.
Use Landscape orientation
Select an appropriate style that improves readability / 1.0
Name the report as follows:
Vendor Contact Report / 0.25 / After you name the report, you should allow the Report Wizard to let you preview the report. If you created the report correctly you should see the items sorted alphabetically by Vendor. Only one report should be submitted for grading or points will be deducted)
Create mailing labels for the vendor list: Include the Contact person as well as full company name and mailing address. ). Save this report as "Mailing Labels." Be sure to view your mailing labels to ensure correct spacing of the name, address. etc. / 1.0
Spelling and data entry consistency / 1.0 / These points are not included in deductions for missing data or incorrect grouping on the report. This means a combination of missing data; report grouping problems; or spelling and data entry consistency errors could result in a several point deduction.
TOTAL: / 12
Part 3: Executive Presentation
Create a presentation to outline your proposal for the PC specifications to meet the case study requirements. Identify a purpose and audience for your presentation (i.e., are you informing a friend, presenting to the CIO, educating your colleagues?)
Requirement / Points Allocated / CommentsSelect a design/theme template to define the format and background for your presentation slides. / 0.5 / From this point forward, let the design template automatically set font and style formats. This is the beauty of using a standard template over one that you designed yourself.
Slide 1: This is your Title Slide. / 0.25 / Select an appropriate title and subtitle that clearly conveys the purpose of your presentation
Slide 2: Title this slide "Agenda."
Add the following bullet points for the agenda:
- Introduction/Overview
- Hardware Components
- System Unit Features
- Application Software
- Conclusion
Slide 3: Title this slide "Hardware Components."
Write and add 3 – 5 bullets that best illustrate how the Hardware Components satisfy the requirements. / 1.5
Slide 4: Title this slide "System Unit Features."
Write and add 3 – 5 bullets that best illustrate how the System Unit Features satisfy the requirements. / 2.0
Slide 5: Title this slide "Application Software."
Write and add 3 – 5 bullets that best illustrate how the Application Software satisfy the requirements. This slide must also contain a relevant graphic that enhances text on the slide. / 2.0
Slide 6: Title this slide "Conclusion."
Write and add 3 – 5 bullets that best illustrate why this is the best solution or supports the purpose you’ve defined for your presentation. / 2.0
Slide 7: Add a Title Only slide. Type "Questions & Next Steps" in the title section. Move the title box so that is it centered on the slide (horizontally & vertically). / 0.5
Create a footer using "Courtesy of Your Name" so that is shows on all slides including the Title Slide. / 0.5 / Replace the words "Your Name" with your actual name.
Create a footer for automated Slide Numbers that appears on all slides except the Title Slide. / 0.5
Apply an animation and transition scheme to all slides. / 1.0
Proofread and Spellcheck your presentation. / 1.0 / Presentation should be well-organized with appropriate amount of text per slide.
TOTAL: / 12