Beckman Scholars Program
The Beckman Scholars Program is designed to stimulate, encourage, and support research activity by exceptionally talented students who have shown the potential to become the scientific leaders of tomorrow. Research through the Beckman Scholars Program shall be conducted under the guidance of a pre-approved Yale faculty member in one of the participating departments: Biomedical Engineering; Chemistry; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry; Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology.
The Beckman Foundation requiresthat Scholars arecitizens or permanent residents of the United States andenrolled full-time and maintain a 3.5 GPA, at a minimum. Each Beckman Scholar will be required to perform research activities part-time (ten hours per week) during one academic year and full-time over two summers (ten 40-hour weeks each summer).
Up to two students will be named as 2015-2016 Beckman Scholars. Beckman Scholars are normally selected from among current sophomores, but juniors who commit to participation in the full program, including the summer after graduation, may also be considered.
Each student named as a Beckman Scholar will receive an award in the amount of $21,000 (fellowship support of $18,200 and $2,800 for travel and supplies)to carry out research during the 2015-2016 academic yearand 2015 and 2016 summer. In addition, each Beckman Scholar may be invited to attend the annual Beckman Symposium in each of the two summers of their award. This year’s Symposium will be held August 6-8, 2015at the Beckman Foundation, in Irvine, California.
Approved faculty mentors for the 2015-2016 Beckman Scholars Program are:
SusanBaserga, Yale Beckman Scholars Program Director, Department of MolecularBiophysicsandBiochemistry
Victor Batista,Department ofChemistry
RonaldBreaker,Department of Molecular, Cellular andDevelopmentalBiology
Nilay Hazari, Department of Chemistry
Valerie Horsley,Department of Molecular, Cellular andDevelopmentalBiology
Farren Isaacs, Department of Molecular, Cellular andDevelopmentalBiology
Karla Neugebauer, Departmentof MolecularBiophysicsandBiochemistry
Laura Niklason,Department of BiomedicalEngineering
ThomasPollard,Department of Molecular,Cellular andDevelopmental BiologyMarkSaltzman,BiomedicalEngineering
Joan Steitz,Department of MolecularBiophysicsandBiochemistryScottStrobel,Department of MolecularBiophysicsandBiochemistryPaulTurner,DepartmentofEcologyand EvolutionaryBiology
Elsa Yan,Department ofChemistry
Formore informationcontactDeanCarl Hashimoto at
Beckman Scholars Program
Application Instructions
A pre-application is stronglyrecommendedbyMarch 2, 2015.
The full application is due by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25, 2015. To submit you a cover sheet please follow the link on our website,
In addition, the following application materials must be emailed as an attachment to .
1)A CV/résumé
2)A copy of the applicant’s transcript (an “unofficial” copy or academic record printed from the web or obtained in your residential college dean’s office is sufficient).
3)A description ofanyprevious researchexperience (for each previous researchexperience, adescription ofup to 1 single-spacedpage maybeprovided)
4)A detaileddescription ofthe proposedresearchproject(up to 3 single-spacedpages).Include a description ofthe researchand trainingobjectives oftheproposed research,and howthese willprepare the applicantfor further studyin his or her field ofinterest (up to 1 single-spacedpage).
5)A confidentialevaluation*from thefacultymentor, includingevaluation ofthequalificationsandpotential ofthe applicant, thescholarlyandpedagogic merits ofthe proposedproject,and a detailed plan for theacademic supervision ofthe project.
6)One additionalconfidentialletter ofrecommendationfrom another individualqualifiedto assess the applicant’squalificationsandpotential.
*Please note that recommendation letters must come from the mentor or recommender, not the applicant.
Interviewswill be held duringfirstweekof April.
For questions concerning the application contact Donalee Slater at .
Pre-Application andApplication Cover Page
Permanent/Home Address:
U.S.Citizen:U.S.Permanent Resident:
Title ofProject: