Religion 9 - Fall 2015

Jesus Christ: God’s Revelation to the World

“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” (Luke 23:42)

Instructor: Mrs. Danielle Rakowski, MA, PPS

Office Hours: Wednesday 7:45 a.m. – 8:05 a.m. and by appointment.

Email Address:

Telephone: 310. 394. 3701 X1418

Room: 202


This course will serve as a source of knowledge about Jesus, the Holy Trinity, the Catholic Church, the Sacraments, and ways those who believe in Jesus Christ live out their faith. This course will help youth grow in knowledge of Jesus while providing them with questions, answers, and inspiration to take part in Christ’s Church and share the gospel with others.


Students will discover that their ongoing desire and search for more joy and happiness is actually their desire to find God.

Learn that Divine Revelation is communicated to them through Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition while guided by the Magisterium of the Church.

Examine in great detail the life of Jesus Christ and his central message: the coming of the Kingdom of God.

Unpack the central mystery of the Christian faith, the dogma of the Holy Trinity, while distinguishing between the Immanent Trinity and the Salvific or Economic Trinity.

Focus on the saving events of the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ.

Appreciate how Christ’s Resurrection is both a historical and current event.

Investigate the ways Christ is constantly present in the Church while tracing the historical origins of the Church.

Discover characteristics of the Church as the People of God and determine how they can participate in Christ’s offices as priest, prophet, and king.

Understand the meaning of Sacrament, especially that Christ is the Prime Sacrament who comes from and leads us to God the Father.

Survey the Seven Sacraments and understand their meanings as efficacious symbols that bring Christ’s presence to the world.

Look at the sources for discipleship, including the Ten Commandments and Beatitudes.

Realize that Christian living means discovering he face of Jesus among us today.


  1. Jesus Christ: God’s Revelation to the World
  2. Bible (All students must purchase a Bible and use it for the four years)
  3. Colored markers, pens, or pencils, glue stick and scissors for art projects.
  4. Three ring binder/notebook (This will become the student’s individual review book to prepare for the unit tests and semester exam. Include loose leaf, college-ruled paper in the back for in-class activities.
  5. Books must be brought to every class period….NO exceptions.
  6. Black or Blue ink must be used for class work and homework.


1. The St. Monica Grading Scale will be used (located in your parent-student handbooks).

2. Rounding Policy: Students will have their grades rounded up at the .5 or higher mark at semester period, at the teacher’s discretion.

Weight Factors for First Semester
20% / Final Exam
55% / Chapter Exams and Quizzes
10% / Homework
15% / Classroom Participation/Discussion


  1. Punctual attendance and participation are expected and required. Students are to be in their assigned seats by the second bell or they will be sent to the Attendance Office for being tardy and receive a corresponding detention. Prompt and regular attendance and active participation in all class discussions and assignments are critical for student success.
  2. READ! Stay current on all reading assignments and supplemental reading activities. The amount of time required for a student to complete homework assignments will directly depend on the student’s reading speed and personal study habits.
  3. Assignments are due on assigned dates. It is the student’s sole responsibility to schedule time with the instructor to take a make-up test. Unless previous arrangements have been made, a make-up test must be taken PRIOR to the next unit/chapter test (make up work (tests) should be done two days after returning to school). When a student is absent from class for any reason, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain assignments from the instructor or from a peer so that timely work can be submitted when the student returns to school.
  4. No food is allowed in the classroom unless pre-approved by the instructor. This includes uneaten lunches and snack food as well as GUM. Water bottles are acceptable.
  5. Cell phones are not permitted in class at any time. Cell phones will be confiscated and given to the Dean for handling.
  6. Be respectful at all times. Respect yourself. Respect your instructor. Respect your peers. Respect Saint Monica property. Respect the topics being discussed in class. All regulations found in the Saint Monica’s Parent-Student Handbook are to be followed. Work for other classes/subjects may not be completed during the religion class. If work is confiscated, it will not be returned. Students will receive a detention or referral to the dean’s office for inappropriate/disrespectful/or disruptive behaviors in class.
  7. Wear your Saint Monica uniform correctly and with pride!If you are out of dress code = detention.
  8. Always “try your hardest”. Give your best effort at all times and on all assignments. If students find that they are struggling, then the students are encouraged to meet with the instructor at the first available moment. Required tutoring will be assigned if a student receives a “D” or lower at the quarter grading report.
  9. Academic honesty is a given. Students are responsible for understanding and following Saint Monica’s policies regarding academic honesty and student integrity. If a student is found to have cheated in any form or plagiarized any part of a paper or project, that student (along with any student assisting in the cheating or plagiarism) will be sent to the Dean for appropriate action (including possible expulsion from the school). If students are uncertain as to what constitutes cheating or plagiarism, the students should speak with their instructor prior to submission of any coursework.
  10. Do NOT begin your Christian Service hours without signed, prior approval.

In response to the goals of St. Monica Catholic High School, “To encourage responsible participation in the world community,” and St. Monica Parish, “To form loving disciples who will transform the world,” St. Monica has a graduation requirement of 100 hours of approved Christian Service. The program is progressive both in number of hours and level of community participation. It is expected in the learning process students will be exposed to different communities of need and hopefully serve others outside their existing comfort zone.

Students must receive written approval from their current grade-level religion teacher prior to beginning any project (hours dated or completed prior to religion teacher signature will NOT be counted).

Christian Service is a course that is worth 2.5 credits each semester, with a total of 5 credits per year and 20 credits of Christian Service in order to graduate. The Christian Service course will be monitored and graded by the assigned religion teacher during the corresponding semester.

The first semester Christian Service course hours must be served in the grade-level specific area assigned. The second semester Christian Service course hours have the option of serving the other grade-level areas but it is strongly recommended to continue serving the student’s grade-level specific area.

9th Grade/FRESHMAN YEAR: 10 Total Hours per semester. First semester hours are to be served working directly with a parish, synagogue, mosque, temple, or other religious community. The second semester hours can be served in any grade-level focus area.

Participating in parish outreach programs i.e. poor, elderly, AIDS / Participating in sports teams, dances, or other social outings
Organizing a blood or food drive for their church / Working at carnivals, such as Fall Festival and similar fund raising events
Teaching CCD or religion courses to children / Donating food/blood
Commitment to scheduled liturgical ministry i.e. altar serving, lecturing, choir (not to include training or practice hours) / Performing office/clerical work at a parish
Working for a relative or friend

I. Christian Service Reflection Questionnaire and Essay 5% detailing information about the location and nature of the project is due to the religion teacher prior to beginning any project. The Christian Service Hour Questionnaire and Essay is approved by the religion teacher and then the student will receive the Christian Service Hour Log Sheet to begin his/her approved Christian Service. The Log Sheet must be signed by the religion teacher prior to beginning any project. Parent and Supervisor Signatures and dates must be acquired after religion teacher approval and signature, but before turning in the Log Sheet for credit.

II. Christian Service Hours 85%-Completed Christian Service Hours are monitored by the following:

9th grade / FALL 2015 C.S. Due Dates / SPRING 2016 C.S. Due Dates
2.5 hours by quarter progress report deadline / September 19 / February 13
5 hours by quarter end deadline / October 17 / March 13
7.5 hours by quarter progress report deadline / November 21 / April 17
10 hours by semester end deadline / December 5 / May 15

III. Christian Service Reflection Essay and Presentation 10%Students must complete a reflection paper only after completing pre-approved Christian Service hours. Reflection Essay may not be submitted unless all Christian Service Hours are submitted and approved. First semester reflection essay will explore what the student has learned about the population of the people they have served. The second semester reflection essay will explore what it is like to serve these people with a particular focus on their supervisors and people that serve these communities on a regular basis.

Students are not permitted to serve more than three organizations per year to meet their minimum requirement. Each student must find a possible placement opportunity with a reputable agency (supervisors must be official representatives of the agency), complete the upper portion of two Service Hour forms entirely, and have these two forms pre-approved by their religion teacher before the first progress report in order to be on track for the semester. Mrs. Rice and religion teachers reserve the right to disapprove any project as they see fit. No financial compensation may be received for any service provided. These hours must be completed by semester during non-school hours within the specified areas broken down above. Students may not apply extra hours from one year to the next.

Students who receive an F grade in Christian Service will be required to make up deficient credits through summer coursework in order to return to SMCHS for the next school year and in order to meet graduation requirements.


Student/Parent Contract

I have read the Freshman Religion syllabus and course guidelines that has been given to my son/daughter. I understand the expectations outlined in the syllabus. As a student, I will follow the Classroom Rules and respect my fellow classmates at all times. I will come to class prepared and follow directions.

Due: August 21, 2015

Print Student Name Student Signature Date

Print Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Home Phone :______

Work Phone: ______

Parent E-Mail Address:______