Study Title
A Study of the HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN)
Sponsored by:
Division of AIDS (DAIDS), United States (US) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
US National Institutes of Health (NIH)
(Other agencies if applicable)
Co-Sponsored by:
If applicable
IND #: XXXXXX (if applicable)
Protocol Chair:
Location (City, State (if applicable), Country)
Protocol Co-Chair:
Location (City, State (if applicable), Country)
DAIDS Protocol #: XXXXX
Version Date: Day Month Year
Study Title
1.1.Background and Prior Research
2.0study objectives and design
2.1.Primary Objective(s)
2.2.Secondary Objectives
2.3.Exploratory Objectives
2.4.Study Design
3.0study population
3.1.Inclusion Criteria
3.2.Exclusion Criteria
3.3.Recruitment Process
3.4.Co-Enrollment Guidelines
3.5.Participant Retention
3.6.Participant Withdrawal
4.0study treatment/product/intervention
4.1.Treatment/Product/Intervention Formulation/Content
4.2.Treatment/Product/Intervention Regimen(s)
4.3.Treatment/Product/Intervention Administration
4.4.Treatment/Product/Intervention Supply and Accountability
4.5.Adherence Assessment
4.6.Toxicity Management
4.7.HIV Seroconversion
4.8.Concomitant Medications
5.0study procedures
5.1.Screening Visit
5.2.Enrollment Visit
5.3.Week 4
5.4.Week 8
5.5.Final Visit/Exit
5.6.Procedures for Participants with Suspected or Confirmed HIV Infection
5.8.Interim Contacts and Visits
5.9.Criteria for Early Termination of Study Participation
6.0safety monitoring and adverse event reporting
6.1.Safety Monitoring
6.2.Clinical Data Review
6.3.Adverse Event Definition and Reporting
6.4.Expedited Adverse Event (EAE) Reporting
6.4.1.Reporting to DAIDS
6.4.2.Reporting Requirements for this Study
6.4.3.Grading Severity of EAEs
6.4.4.EAE Reporting Period
6.5.Social Impact Reporting
7.0statistical considerations
7.1.Review of Study Design
7.2.1.Primary Endpoints
7.2.2.Secondary Endpoints
7.3.Accrual, Follow-up, and Sample Size
7.4.Random Assignment/Study Arm Assignment
7.6.Data Analysis
7.6.1.Primary Analyses
7.6.2.Secondary Analyses
8.0human subjects considerations
8.1.Ethical Review
8.2.Informed Consent
8.7.Communicable Disease Reporting Requirements
8.8.Study Discontinuation
9.0laboratory specimens and biohazard contaimnemt
9.1.Local Laboratory Specimens
9.2.Laboratory Center Specimens
9.3.Quality Control and Quality Assurance Procedures
9.3.1.QC for HIV Diagnostic Testing
9.3.2.QC for HIV RNA Monitoring
9.3.3.QC for CD4 Cell Count Determination
9.4.Specimen Storage and Possible Future Research Testing
9.5.Biohazard Containment
10.0administrative procedures
10.1.Protocol Registration
10.2.Study Activation
10.3.Study Coordination
10.4.Study Monitoring
10.5.Protocol Compliance
10.6.Investigator’s Records
10.7.Use of Information and Publications
12.0SAMPLE appendices
12.1.Appendix I: Schedule of Study Visits and Procedures
12.2.Appendix II: Sample Informed Consent Forms
Study Title
AEAdverse Event
AIDSAcquired immunodeficiency syndrome
ARTAntiretroviral therapy
CABCommunity Advisory Board
CBCComplete blood count
CDCCenters for Disease Control and Prevention
CFRCode of Federal Regulations
CIConfidence intervals
CLIAClinical Laboratory Improvement Act of 1988
CmaxMaximum plasma concentration that a drug achieves after dosing
CMCClinical Management Committee
CPQAClinical Pharmacology Quality Assurance
CRFCase Report Form
CRMClinical Research Manager
CRPMC(DAIDS) Clinical Research Products Management Center
CRSClinical Research Site
CTChlamydia trachomatis
CTAClinical trials agreement
DAERSDAIDS Adverse Experience Reporting System
DAIDSDivision of AIDS
DHHSUS Department ofHealth and Human Services
DNADeoxyribonucleic Acid
DOTDirectly Observed Therapy
DSMBData and Safety Monitoring Board
EAEExpedited Adverse Event
ECEthics Committee
EQAExternal Quality Assurance
FDA(United States) Food and Drug Administration
FTC/TDFEmtricitabine (FTC) and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF); Truvada®
GCNeisseria gonorrhoeae
GCPGood Clinical Practices
GLPGood Laboratory Practices
HIVHuman Immunodeficiency Virus
HPTNHIV Prevention Trials Network
IBInvestigator Brochure
IATAInternational Air Transport Association
ICFInformed consent form
INDInvestigational New Drug
INR International normalized ratio
IoRInvestigator of Record
IQA(DAIDS) Immunology Quality Assurance
IQRInterquartile range
IRBInstitutional Review Board
ISInjection site
ITTIntention to treat
IUDIntrauterine device
LC(HPTN) Laboratory Center
LDMSLaboratory Data Management System
LLLocal laboratory
LOCLeadership and Operations Center
NIAID(United States) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
NIH(United States) National Institutes of Health
PROProtocol Registration Office
pSMILEPatient Safety Monitoring and International Laboratory Evaluation
RERegulatory entity
RNARibonucleic acid
ROCRegulatory Operations Center
RSCRegulatory Support Center
SAESerious Adverse Event
SDMC(HPTN) Statistical and Data Management Center
SMCStudy Monitoring Committee
SUSARSuspected, Unexpected Serious Adverse Reaction
STISexually transmitted infection
SOPStandard Operating Procedures
SSPStudy Specific Procedures
UK NEQASUnited Kingdom National External Quality Assessment Service
USUnited States
VQA(DAIDS) Virology Quality Assurance
Study Title
Chair:Name, Degree(s)
Title, Affiliation
Address 1
Address 2
City, State Zip (If applicable), Country
Phone: xxxxxxxxxxx, Ext. xxxxx
Fax: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Email: / Co-Chair:
Name, Degree(s)
Title, Affiliation
Address 1
Address 2
City, State Zip (If applicable), Country
Phone: xxxxxxxxxxx, Ext. xxxxx
Fax: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Rest of Team (Alphabetically)
Study Title
(Must meet the Objectives listed in Section 2)
Study Population:
Study Size:
Treatment Regiment:
Study Duration:
Primary Objective(s): / (Must match Section 2.1)
Secondary Objectives: / (Must match Section 2.2)
Exploratory Objective: / (Must match Section 2.3)
Study Sites:
Study Title
HPTN 0xx:
Full Name
A Study of the HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN)
Sponsored by:
Division of AIDS, US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
US National Institutes of Health
Support Provided by:
Add any other partners
I, the Investigator of Record (IoR) will conduct the study in accordance with the provisions of this protocol and all applicable protocol-related documents. I agree to conduct this study in compliance with United States (US) Health and Human Service regulations (45 CFR 46); applicable U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulations; standards of the International Conference on Harmonization Guideline for Good Clinical Practice (E6); Institutional Review Board/Ethics Committee determinations; all applicable in-country, state, and local laws and regulations; and other applicable requirements (e.g., US National Institutes of Health, Division of AIDS) and institutional policies.
I agree to maintain all study documentation for a minimum of three years after submission of the site’s final Financial Status Report to the Division of AIDS (DAIDS), unless otherwise specified by DAIDS or the HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) Leadership and Operations Center (LOC). Publication of the results of this study will be governed by HPTN policies. Any presentation, abstract, or manuscript will be submitted to the HPTN Manuscript Review Committee (MRC) and the Division of AIDS (DAIDS) for review prior to submission. Publication of the results of this study will be governed by HPTN policies. Any presentation, abstract, or manuscript will be submitted to the HPTN Manuscript Review Committee (MRC), and DAIDS for review prior to submission.
I have read and understand the information in the Investigator's Brochure(s) (IB), including the potential risks and side effects of the products under investigation, and will ensure that all associates, colleagues, and employees assisting in the conduct of the study are informed about the obligations incurred by their contribution to the study.
I have read and understand the information in this protocol and will ensure that all associates, colleagues, and employees assisting in the conduct of the study are informed about the obligations incurred by their contribution to the study.
Name of Investigator of Record (print name)
Signature of Investigator of Record Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
1.1.Background and Prior Research
[Describe pertinent background information (e.g., the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in the target study population) and the results of relevant prior studies of the study treatment/product/intervention. Use additional subsection headings to organize all relevant available information.]
1.2.1.[Describe the rationale for the study overall and its relevance to the HPTN research agenda. If applicable, describe the rationale for the study treatment/product/intervention dose regimen and the rationale for the control condition. If applicable, describe the applicability of the intervention to the study population post-study.]More information
1.2.2.More information
2.0study objectives and design
2.1.Primary Objective(s)
The primary objectives of this study are to:
[Be sure to state the objectives in terms of measurable outcomes.]
2.2.Secondary Objectives
The secondary objectives of this study are to:
[Be sure to state the objectives in terms of measurable outcomes.]
2.3.Exploratory Objectives
The exploratory objectives of this study are to:
2.4.Study Design
[Provide a 1-2 page description of the study design. Reference the design figure and Appendices as applicable. Be sure to address the following: phase of study; single- or multi-center; participating study sites; study treatment arms; randomization scheme, blinding procedures; schedule of study visits and procedures, and a summary of the major endpoint(s). For primary endpoints ascertained via a laboratory testing algorithm (i.e., HIV antibody testing), specify the testing algorithm in an appendix. HIV antibody testing algorithms that have been approved for use in adult HPTN studies by the HPTN Network Lab are appended to this document (and are available as PowerPoint files on FHI/HPT shared drives). If a Protocol Team would like to specify an alternative HIV testing algorithm, prior approval of the alternative algorithm should be sought from the Network Lab.]
3.0study population
### [type of participants (e.g., HIV-uninfected injection drug users)] will be included in this study. Participants will be selected for the study according to the criteria in Section 3.1 and 3.2 [and the guidelines in Section 3.4]. They will be recruited, screened, and enrolled as described in Section 3.3 [and assigned to a study treatment/product/intervention group as described in Section 7.4]. Issues related to participant retention and withdrawal from the study are described in Sections 3.5 and 3.6, respectively.
3.1.Inclusion Criteria
[Type of persons (e.g., men, women, adults, adolescents)] who meet all of the following criteria are eligible for inclusion in this study:
3.2.Exclusion Criteria
[Type of persons (e.g., men, women, adults, adolescents)] who meet any of the following criteria will be excluded from this study:
3.3.Recruitment Process
[Describe the strategy/process by which participants will be recruited, screened, and enrolled in the study.]
3.4.Co-Enrollment Guidelines
[Describe applicable allowances/restrictions on enrollment in other research studies, if any.]
3.5.Participant Retention
[Tailor as needed:]
Once a participant enrolls in this study, the study site will make every effort to retain him/her for [xx] months of follow-up in order to minimize possible bias associated with loss-to-follow-up. [Optimally, participant retention procedures will be established such that loss rates do not exceed the incidence rate of the primary study outcome.] Study site staff are responsible for developing and implementing local standard operating procedures to target this goal. Components of such procedures include:
[Thorough explanation of the study visit schedule and procedural requirements during the informed consent process and re-emphasis at each study visit.
Thorough explanation of the importance of all [number] study treatment groups to the overall success of the study.
Collection of detailed locator information at the study Screening Visit, and active review and updating of this information at each subsequent visit.
Use of mapping techniques to establish the location of participant residences and other locator venues.
Use of appropriate and timely visit reminder mechanisms.
Immediate and multifaceted follow-up on missed visits.
Mobilization of trained outreach workers or “tracers” to complete in-person contact with participants at their homes and/or other community locations.
Regular communication with the study community at large to increase awareness about HIV/AIDS and explain the purpose of HIV prevention research and the importance of completing research study visits.]
3.6.Participant Withdrawal
[Be careful in this section not to confuse discontinuation of treatment/product/ intervention with withdrawal from the study. The protocol should make clear that participants who discontinue treatment shall be maintained in follow-up as originally scheduled whenever possible.]
Regardless of the participant retention methods just described, participants may voluntarily withdraw from the study for any reason at any time. The Investigator also may withdraw participants from the study in order to protect their safety and/or if they are unwilling or unable to comply with required study procedures after consultation with the Protocol Chair, DAIDS Medical Officer, SDMC Protocol Statistician, and Leadership and Operations Center (LOC) Clinical Research Manager (CRM). [If applicable, describe any study-specific withdrawal and/or replacement criteria here.]
Participants also may be withdrawn if the study sponsor, government or regulatory authorities, or site Institutional Review Boards/Ethics Committees (IRBs/ECs) terminate the study prior to its planned end date.
Every reasonable effort will be made to complete a final evaluation (as described in Section 5.x) of participants who terminate from the study prior to [planned termination time period, e.g., Day 21, Month 24], and study staff will record the reason(s) for all withdrawals from the study in participants’ study records.
4.0study treatment/product/intervention
[Tailor this section as needed to reflect the specific study treatment/product/intervention. Eliminate this section for observational studies.]
4.1.Treatment/Product/Intervention Formulation/Content
4.2.Treatment/Product/Intervention Regimen(s)
4.3.Treatment/Product/Intervention Administration
4.4.Treatment/Product/Intervention Supply and Accountability
[If applicable:] The site pharmacist must maintain complete records of all study drugs/products received from the NIAID Clinical Research Products Management Center (CRPMC) [and/or the drug/product manufacturer] and subsequently dispensed to study participants. All [used/unused/both] supplies must be returned to the NIAID Clinical Research Products Management Center after the study is completed or terminated.
4.5.Adherence Assessment
[If applicable, describe how adherence to the study treatment/product/intervention will be assessed/measured. State study-specific definitions of adherence and describe replacement “rules,” if any.]
4.6.Toxicity Management
[If applicable, describe how treatment/product/intervention regimen(s) will be modified in response to observed side effects/AEs. State criteria for withdrawal from treatment.]
4.7.HIV Seroconversion
[If applicable, describe how often participants will be followed after HIV seroconversion is confirmed, what assessments will be performed, and whether product use will continue.]
4.8.Concomitant Medications
[This section is not likely applicable for behavioral studies.]
[Note whether any concomitant medications are exclusionary for the study. For example, “Enrolled study participants may continue use of all concomitant medications — except those listed under criteria for exclusion or treatment discontinuation — during this study.” Or “Use of the following concomitant medications is not be permitted by enrolled study participants: …”]
All concomitant medications [taken or received by participants within the X weeks prior to study enrollment] will be reported on applicable study case report forms (CRFs). In addition to prescribed and over-the-counter medications [tailor as needed: vitamins, herbal remedies, and other traditional preparations will be recorded. Alcohol and recreational or street drug use will be recorded in clinical progress notes if needed for interpretation/documentation of observed participant health status.] Medications used for the treatment of AEs that occur during study participation also will be recorded on applicable study CRFs.
5.0study procedures
An overview of the study visit and procedures schedule is presented in Appendix I. Presented below is additional information on visit-specific study procedures. Detailed instructions to guide and standardize all study procedures across sites will be provided in the study-specific procedures manual.
5.1.Screening Visit
Text and Bullets
5.2.Enrollment Visit
Text and Bullets
5.3.Week 4
Text and Bullets
5.4.Week 8
Text and Bullets
5.5.Final Visit/Exit
Text and Bullets
5.6.Procedures for Participants with Suspected or Confirmed HIV Infection
The Clinical Management Committee (CMC) must be notified of any reactive or positive HIV test result identified at Enrollment or follow-up. Individuals who have one or more reactive or positive HIV tests at Screening or Enrollment are not eligible to participate in this study. Furthermore, at the Screening and Enrollment (at Enrollment, prior to randomization), individuals with any signs or symptoms consistent with acute (pre-seroconversion) HIV infection will not be enrolled. Signs and symptoms consistent with acute HIV infection will be included in the SSP Manual. Participants who have any reactive or positive HIV test result during follow-up visits will be referred for care. These participants will have further testing to confirm infection, as described in the SSP Manual. [Samples from participants with confirmed HIV infection may be sent to a local laboratory for resistance testing to assist with clinical management; results from resistance testing performed in local laboratories will not be reported to the HPTN Statistical and Data Management Center (SDMC)]. The participant will not receive additional doses of study drug if they have a reactive or positive HIV test, even if further testing indicates that they do not have HIV infection.
[Modify as needed]
Because this is an investigational agent, receipt of study product by female study participants of reproductive potential requires use of an effective method of contraception, including an IUD, hormonal contraception, or sterilization. All participants should also use male or female condoms for prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). As needed, study staff will provide contraceptive counseling to enrolled participants throughout the duration of study participation and will facilitate access to contraceptive services through direct service delivery and/or active referrals to local service providers. Study staff also will provide participants with male and/or female condoms and lubricant and counseling on use of condoms.