SEATS Project Sheet

Context and General Instructions


The purpose of the project sheets is to provide a consistent, easily accessed and useable format to enable SEATS to effectively and efficiently carry out its promotion and lobbying functions. The project sheets will also be used by SEATS to consider and accept projects for inclusion in its strategic project list.

The intention is to use the information on a number of different levels ranging from general political lobbying and media releases, to detailed project submissions to Government Agencies and funding bodies. Information will therefore be selected, as required, to fit the particular circumstances.

The project sheets will be posted on the SEATS website, and will therefore be available for general public access.

Title sheet

The purpose of the title sheet is to provide a single page overview of the project. In completing the first sheet please keep information and comments as succinct as possible. In many cases subsequent parts of the project template allow for more detailed information to be provided.

The title sheet provides for setting the scene for the project (why do it),fit with government and regional policy, a project description, benefits of the project, estimated cost, linkages (ports, markets etc), existing conditions and issues, future volumes, potential partnerships and the current project status.

Economic analysis

This section provides the key underlying reasons for the project need. Whilst traffic volumes safety and other engineering considerations are important the underlying economic and social benefits are the main reasons for providing the justification for a project. Councils are in a strong position to provide this information and wherever possible should provide data on economic benefits in terms of dollars and or volume of goods, products or services. In seeking external funding reference needs to be made on whether the benefits are of export, national, state, regional or local significance.

The economic impact section provides for information on the sectors benefited, the economic significance of these sectors, impact on cities and regions, accessibility improvements and stakeholder contributions where relevant.

Option analysis

Funding agencies, in particular Infrastructure Australia, are requiring justification of the proposed option. Option analysis should address the options considered and must address the ‘do-nothing’ option to ensure that the consequences of doing nothing are documented and able to be readily communicated.


This section covers flora and fauna, climate change, amenity issues, and site issues. The purpose of this section is to ensure that these issues have or are being addressed with particular focus on the impact this may have on project timeframes and costs.

Social and Cultural

This section covers native title, heritage listing, and social connectivity. This section provides an opportunity to check that these issues have been covered. Heritage and native title (for crown land) can have significant impact on project timelines if impacted. Social connectivity provides for enhancing the project benefits to include access improvements to services such as health, education, employment, and retail.


This section provides for the identification of statutory and project risks to be identified and signed off.

Benefit Cost Analysis

This section sets out the main benefit cost parameters. In carrying out a benefit cost analysis reference should be made to the asset owner or lead agency requirements and any funding body requirements. In many instances a preliminary analysis only may be possible as not all project information may be available.

Project Map and Photos

A project map showing the location of the project and linkages to surrounding economic nodes should be attached.In addition photographs of the project which highlight particular issues that need to be addressed should be included.