Scripps Ranch High School Biology 1-2
Syllabus and Course Requirements 2012-1013
Instructor:Mrs. P. Fowler
Room: 553Phone: 858-621-9020 x4553E-mail: (best way to contact me)
Website: - go to staff directories, then teaching staff, then click on Patty Fowler. This website contains the weekly agenda, homework, helpful links, and links to Parent Connect and Student Connect. Please spend a few minutes to become familiar with this site.
Text:Required:BSCS Biology, A Human Approach
Course Description and Goals: Biology is a yearlong course designed to instruct students on the study of life. Students will investigate ecology, genetics, evolution, cell biology, and living systems Ultimately they will be able to appreciate the roles of science, technology, and society, and perceive science as an ongoing human enterprise. Additionally, the school year will conclude with the district mandated sex education curriculum, ‘Drawing the Line’. Upon completion of the course all students will be able to understand the required biology standards set by the State of California.
Course Requirements:Responsible conduct is critical to all students’ success. Students are to be in their seat and ready to work when the bell rings. Instructions are to be followed the first time they are given. All students will respect each other so as not to disrupt the learning of others. We have rules and procedures in this class for many reasons. Most importantly, these policies help us get the most out of the time we have together and learn in a fun and safe environment. Therefore, if you choose not to follow a classroom rule or procedure you can expect the following consequences: First offense: Verbal warning Second offense: 15-minute detention at lunch, lowered citizenship, and a phone call home Third offense: Referral to the office. A parent conference may also be scheduled. All students are responsible for defining assigned vocabulary, homework, in-class lessons, and studying for quizzes and tests. Each assignment will be given one grade even if it covers many days of work. All assignments will be listed on the classroom board and my website for the upcoming week.
Any students struggling to understand, having difficulties keeping up, questioning their ability to succeed in the class, and/or simply absent, should see me immediately.
School wide Policies:For errors in scheduling and in inappropriate level placement please refer to the school website: Students/Counseling Center/Course Catalog for more detailed information. Please refer to the 2011-2012 student handbook found on the school website regarding the your right to free education (page ii), dress regulations (page 21), cellular phones, pagers and other electronic signaling devices (page 17), tardy policy (page 7), and the academic honesty policy (page 28).
Tutoring and Make-up:Every day at lunch and after school on Tuesday or Thursday until 3:15pm, or by appointment. I am almost always in my classroom, but feel free to ask in advance if you want to be certain I will be available to assist you.
Academic Evaluation: Grades will be keep current and are accessible via Parent Connect and Student Connect. If you do not have a password please contact the school. Students may expect nightly homework, vocabulary quizzes and major exams every two to four weeks covering several chapters, multi-day lessons with written in-class assignments weekly, and a cumulative midterm and final. Grades will be based on your performance on lessons, laboratory work and homework (approximately 60%) and quizzes, tests, and the final exam (approximately 40%). Approximate point values are as follows: each lesson-20 points, vocabulary packet for the unit-45 points, vocabulary quizzes-40 points, unit tests-100 points, cumulative mid-term and final-250 points. GRADES:A=100%-90% B=89.9%-80% C=79.9%-70% D=69.9%-60% F=59.9% and below.
Typed Work:ALL work MUST be handwritten or it will not be accepted unless specifically instructed by the teacher.
Late Work: Late work will not be accepted.
Citizenship: The following is a general guideline for citizenship grades:
E= Courteous, cooperative, dependable, respectful, follows class and school rules, always prepared for class, honest, volunteers to participate in class activities and discussions, helpful, completes all work on time or early, never tardy, excellent attendance, and is conscientious about making up absentee work.
G= Courteous, cooperative, respectful, follows class and school rules, usually prepared for class, honest, participates in class activities when asked, completes all work on time, usually punctual, regular attendance, and makes up absentee work.
S= Unintentionally disrespectful, accepts suggestions, cooperative, usually follows class and school rules, sometimes unprepared for class, participates in class activities when asked, honest, sometimes inattentive, completes most work on time, usually punctual, regular attendance, and needs reminders to make up absentee work.
N= Discourteous and uncooperative at times, socializes during class time, often unprepared for class, does not follow class and school rules, honest, avoids participation, missing some work, tardy and frequently absent, and does not make up absentee work.
U= Discourteous, uncooperative, disrespectful, unprepared for class, does not follow class rules or school rules, dishonest, disruptive, tardy and frequently absent, and does not make up absentee work.
Absences:Students are expected to make up missed work due to absences. All assignments will be listed on the classroom board and my website for the upcoming week. Any work missed due to truancy will receive a zero and cannot be made up. The student is responsible for contacting the teacher the day they return to school to obtain missed work due to an excused absence. If an excused absence causes you to miss class on the day work is collected, the work will be collected the day you return to class, and it is the students’ responsibility to turn it in. Assignments are difficult to make up and you must schedule time to make up any work you missed on the first day you return to class. At that time the teacher and the student will arrange time, within one week of the absence, to make up the work. In the case of long excused absences, one week or more, please see me for make-up work on the first day you return to class to make special arrangements.Failure on the students’ part to contact the teacher on the day they return to class from an excused absence will result in a zero grade for all missed work. All work not turned in immediately, or work not made up within the allotted time, will becomea zero.
Class Policies:No food or drinks can be consumed in class with the exception of water in a clear plastic container. Safety is a primary concern. Misconduct during labs will result in a zero for that lab. Continued misbehavior will result in suspension from all labs with no opportunity to make up the lost points. Purses and backpacks will be closed and left under the desks. Also, copying someone else’s work, from any source, will result in a score of zero on the entire assignment for both the student whose work was copied and the student who copied the work. The only work in this class that is permitted to be identical, in thoughts or words, is group or class laboratory data. Copying, from any source, is not a way to make up work when you have been absent or fill in blanks you either do not understand or have not completed. If you do not understand something ask questions in class or come in for help. Truancies are not acceptable. The first truancy will result in no higher than an ‘N’ in citizenship for that six weeks. The second truancy will result in no higher than an ‘N’ in citizenship for the semester. Additionally, punctuality is a trait worthy of development in every student; please refer to the SRHS tardy policy, as it will be strictly enforced.
Student’s failing at the six week grading periods are recommended to discuss their progress with their counselor, parents/guardians, and their teacher.
Please cut here, retain the above for your records, and return the completed portion below to your teacher by September 7, 2012
I have read the syllabus, student handbook, and visited Mrs. Fowler’s website so that I am familiar with everything stated above. I understand, and agree to adhere to what is stated above and to support my child’s success in Biology 1-2.
Parent/Guardian Name (printed)Parent/Guardian SignatureDate
Best daytime phone number AND e-mail for contacting a Parent/Guardian (please write clearly)
I have read the syllabus, student handbook, and visited Mrs. Fowler’s website so that I am familiar with everything stated above. I have read, understand, and agree to adhere to what is stated above and to succeed in Biology 1-2.
Students’ Name (printed)Students’ SignatureDate Period