3rd Grade homework Contract

Homework Contract Directions
Reading—Read for 20 minutes and complete reading log
Math-Complete Math Homework nightly, if none then study flashcards
Spelling-Choose one of the activities and complete.


Directions: / Listed below is spelling homework choices. You must complete one activity a day. Circle the one you choose.
Basic Word Sort / Sort your words under the correct headers like we did at school. As you are sorting you should be reading the word and saying it aloud. When you have completed sorting your words. You need to write down your sort.
Speed Sort / The same as basic sort, but you need to complete it as fast as you can. Then in this box you need to write how long it took you to sort your words correctly. Time:______
Blind Sort / Lay down a word from each of the category (header) then have someone else read the other words aloud. You must tell them what header your words belong too without seeing it.
Word Hunt / Look for words in books or around your house that fit under your headers. The words must be different than your actual spelling words.
Writing Sort / This is like a practice spelling test. Have a family member call out the words and you must put under the correct headers.
Sentences / Choose 8 words to write in complete sentences or into a story.
Write Title in Box / Prompt / Parent Signature
Monday / Create 3 questions about your text
Tuesday / Summarize your story. You at least 4 sentences
Wednesday / Locate at least one phrase or sentence in the story that you did not understand. Infer what it means. Be sure to write the sentence from the text.
Thursday / What events in your book could not happen in real life?