Name: ______Cell Phone #______

Office Running For:______

Current 2nd Period Class: ______Teacher:______Room #:______

Current 3rd Period Class:______Teacher:______Room #:______

Current Grade Level: (circle one) 9 10 11

Current GPA From 2nd Trimester:______GPA Verified by Mrs. Wright (records):______

Platform Statement/Resume: Attach a short resume/bio outlining your qualifications, achievements, etc. It should contain a platform statement outlining your reasons for running for student government. This platform statement will be available for all students at SLOHS to view.


Campaign Regulations:

1. No handing out food or drink as part of campaigning.

2. No campaigning within 100 feet of the polls.

3. You must clean up all posters and campaign materials after the polls close.

4. Use only blue painters tape on doors and windows.

5. No negative campaigning against opponents.

6. Campaign materials must be school appropriate, if you have a question if it is appropriate ask Mr. Johnson before hanging it up.

7. Do not remove or alter any other candidate’s signs or campaign materials. If anyone from your campaign is involved in this, you may be disqualified from running for office.

*If elected:

I agree to attend the ASB Retreat late summer. Dates still to be determined.

Full participation in ASB activities as required by my position.

Enrollment in third period leadership class all 3 trimesters.


I have verified that the above student will be able to enroll in the ASB/Leadership class for all three trimesters for the 2014-2015 academic year.


Signature of your counselor date

I have read and agree to abide by all the rules and requirements regarding the ASB elections/leadership class


Student Signature date

I have read and support the rules and requirements affecting my son/daughters candidacy for ASB office.


Parent Signature date

San Luis Obispo High School ASB Elections

Petition for Candidacy for Executive Council


CLASS OF: (CIRCLE ONE) 2015 2016 2017




We, the undersigned, support the above named candidate for nomination to the ASB office checked above.

Print Name Signature

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

6. ______

7. ______

8. ______

9. ______

10. ______

11. ______

12. ______

13. ______

14. ______

15. ______

16. ______

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18. ______

19. ______

20. ______

San Luis Obispo High School

Associated Student Body Executive Application for Candidacy

Letter of Reference

Student Name:______Grade:______

I am applying for the position of: (Check One)

______Associated Student Body President ______Associated Student Body Vice President

______Associated Student Body Secretary ______Associated Student Body Treasurer

The above named student is running for office in the SLOHS Student Government. Please write a brief letter of recommendation stating why you feel this student could effectively serve the student body.

Submitted By:______


Relationship to applicant:______


To: San Luis Obispo High School Students

From: San Luis Obispo High School ASB

Elections for next years ASB officers will be taking place soon. We are looking for energetic, creative and hard working students who would like to be part of San Luis Obispo High School Leadership Class. Criteria for these positions are located below along with a timeline of events and deadlines. Job descriptions are attached to this packet. No applications will be accepted after the deadlines. Commissioner applications and interviews will be held after the ASB elections.


Elected ASB Offices: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer

Election Timeline

April 2 Pick up ASB election packets in Activities office and complete packet.

Turn in the completed packet to Mr. Johnson or put in his box


PACKET, THE SOONER YOU CAN BEGIN TO CAMPAIGN. Check with Mr. Johnson to be sure you qualify to run for ASB office.


April 9 First day of “Official Campaigning.” Election packet must be completed, turned in, and approved prior to campaigning.

April 15 LAST DAY to turn in ASB Executive Council Packets, (election contract, petition to nominate and letter of recommendation) due by 3: 30 PM in the ASB office or to Mr. Johnson.

April 14 Hall of Candidates during Lunch. This is an opportunity for you to set up a table with the accompaniment of, at the most, one other person to help you at your table. This is an opportunity to voters to ask you questions.

April 15 Film bio/speech for online voting, Room 11, 3:30 PM.

April 21, 22, 23 Voting online. Voting will be able to be done on smartphone or computer. Computer voting will be available somewhere on campus for anyone who does not have internet capability. There will be no paper ballots.

April 24 Meet in room 11, at 7:45 AM for election results prior to TNN announcement.


MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the San Luis Obispo High School Associated Student Body shall be to create a fun, safe learning environment that encourages success; to ensure all students are equally represented, involved and heard; be a liaison between students, staff and the community; establish unity and trust between students, staff, and the ASB; thus encouraging school spirit and pride.

It shall be the duty of the Executive Council (ASB President, ASB Vice President, ASB Secretary, ASB Treasurer) to uphold the values set forth in the San Luis Obispo High School’s ASB Mission Statement and fulfill all the duties of the Executive Council and the individual offices held.

It shall be the duty and power of the Executive Council to oversee the ASB Cabinet. The role of the Cabinet is to:

1.  Be the legislative body of the Associated Student Body, when the Student Senate is not in session.

2.  Propose and pass legislation that is considered important to the Student Body, when the student Senate is not in session.

3.  Establish the annual student body dues, also known as an ASB endorsement

4.  Spend ASB monies.

5.  Represent student’s opinions and concerns, and act as liaison between the ASB and the students they represent.

1. The ASB President shall have the following duties:

§  Preside over all meetings of the Executive Council.

§  Call special meetings of the Executive Council.

§  Plan and prepare an agenda for the ASB Cabinet meetings.

§  Appoint all committee members and chairpersons.

§  Serve as ex-officio member of all committees.

§  Represent the student council at all school meetings where this representation is appropriate, or authorize someone to attend in his/her place.

§  Preside at all student body assemblies or authorize someone to attend in his/her place.

§  Vote in ASB Cabinet meetings only in cases where his/her vote would affect the result.

2. The ASB Vice-President shall have the following duties:

§  Serve as the ASB president if the president becomes unable to fulfill his or her duties either temporarily or permanently.

§  Serve as chairperson of the Elections Committee and supervise all student body elections, unless he/she is running for office the following year, in that case the ASB president shall select the elections chairperson.

§  Preside over all Student Congress meetings as the speaker/leader of the Student Senate.

§  Plan and prepare an agenda for the Student Congress Meetings.

3.  The ASB Treasurer shall have the following duties:

§  Maintain complete and accurate records of all ASB receipts and disbursements to date.

§  Present all purchase orders, pre-approvals and check requests at the ASB weekly meeting.

§  Prepare monthly reports for the student council on the ASB bank balances and receipts and disbursements to date.

§  Serve as a chairperson of the Finance Committee with the assistance of the student body bookkeeper, a district business staff member and ASB advisor.

§  Act as a co-chair of any SLOHS ASB fundraising committee.

§  Keep accurate profit and loss statements of all ASB functions and assist classes and clubs in keeping accurate records.

§  Supervise the preparation of the annual budget.

§  Deposit all money raised by any ASB fundraisers.

4. The ASB Secretary shall have the following duties:

§  Maintain accurate minutes of each ASB Executive Council meeting, ASB Cabinet meeting and Student Congress Meetings.

§  Complete the minutes in the prescribed format by the next meeting of the ASB for distribution and for the reading and approval by the ASB Cabinet and Student Congress.

§  Carry out all necessary correspondence for the ASB.

§  Record and distribute an agenda for each ASB Cabinet and Student Senate meeting.

§  Keep files of all ASB literature (forms, flyers, handouts).

§  Serves as the ASB president if the president and vice-president are unable to fulfill his/her duties temporarily.