60 Things Students Can Create To Demonstrate What They Know

10/06/2015,Terry Heick,0 Comments



60 Things Students Can Create To Demonstrate What They Know

byRyan Schaaf, Notre Dame of Maryland University

When I was a high school student, I had the privilege of having a wonderful English teacher. She was kind, often helped her students, and created a wonderful classroom environment that was rare in my high school experience. To this day, I regard her as a great educator; one of the very best. Due to her help, I improved my writing abilities to the point I moved ahead to an Honors course the very next year.

As I now reflect upon her and my learning experiences fondly, I had only one criticism – I did the same type of work day in and day out. Although repetition is a tried and true method for learning, performing the same academic exercises over and over again really left a great deal to be desired. I wanted to express myself in new and different ways. After all, variety is the spice of life.

Nowadays, many educators use the same methods over and over again in their lessons for students to express themselves and demonstrate their new knowledge. Today’s students want to express themselves in a variety of different ways. They want their academic work to be relevant, engaging and fun.

Below is a diverse listadapted from resources found at fortheteachers.orgof potential student products or activities learners can use to demonstrate their mastery of lesson content. The list also offers several digital tools for students to consider using in a technology-enriched learning environment.

60 Things Students Can Create To Demonstrate What They Know

1.  Audio Recording (tryVocaroo)

2.  Acceptance Speech

3.  Advertisement

4.  Avatar (tryVoki)

5.  Blog (tryEdublogs)

6.  Book Jacket

7.  Brochure

8.  Bulletin Board

9.  Cartoon

10.  Class Book

11.  Collage (digital and non-digital)

12.  Comedy

13.  Comic Strip (tryBitStrip)

14.  Commercial

15.  Dance

16.  Debate

17.  Demonstration

18.  Discussion (tryVoicethread)

19.  Diorama

20.  Drawing

21.  Experiment

22.  Flow Chart

23.  Games (digital and non-digital)

24.  Google EarthTour

25.  Graph

26.  Graphic Organizer

27.  Infomerical

28.  Interview

29.  Photo

30.  Portfolio (tryEvernote)

31.  Puppet Show

32.  Learning Log

33.  Literature Circle

34.  Magazine

35.  Maps

36.  Mind Map (trybubbl.us)

37.  Mural

38.  Music

39.  News Report (tryFodey)

40.  Poetry

41.  Reenactment

42.  Role Play

43.  Scavenger Hunt (tryQR codes)

44.  Scrapbook

45.  Sculpture

46.  Show & Tell

47.  Simulation (digital and non-digital)

48.  Slideshow

49.  Socratic Discussion

50.  Song

51.  Story Map

52.  Speech

53.  Tag Cloud (tryWordle)

54.  Theatrical Play

55.  Timeline (tryTimegrinder)

56.  Video

57.  Webpage (tryWeebly)

58.  Word Splash

59.  Word Wall

60.  Wiki (tryWikispaces)

60 Things Students Can Create To Demonstrate Understanding