Application form revision 1/1/2017Drug registration Department
Infant Formula Application
Step 1: (Application TYPE)
Active Ingredient Type: ……………………………………..
Submission type:
Marketing Authorization Holder (MAH)
Country: ………………………………………………………..
Name of MAH: ………………………………………………….
Office Address: ……………………………………………………...
4.1. General Information
Product Information In Jordan
Proposed Trade Name in Jordan:……………………………
Net Weight or Volume:………………………………….
Dosage Forms:……………………………………..
Type of Container (Primary Packaging):…………………………….
Secondary Packaging: ………………………………….
Shelf Life:………………………………………..
Administration Device:………………………………………..
Package Size: ……………………………………………………………….
Product Information In Country of Origin (COO)Copy Jordan Information
Trade Name in Country of Origin: ……………………………………
Net Weight or Volume in Country ofOrigin: ………………………………
Country of Origin Dosage Form: …………………………………….
Type of Container in Country of Origin (Primary Packaging): ………………………
Secondary Packaging: ………………………………
Shelf Life: …………………………………
Country of Origin Administration Device: ……………………………..
Package Size: ……………………………………………………………………
4.2. Packaging Information
Shelf Life In Nearby Arab Countries: ………………………………………………………….
Shelf Life after First Opening Container: …………………………………………….
Important Preparation Instructions: ………………………………….
Storage Conditions: ………………………………….
Storage Conditions after First Opening: …………………………………….
Proposed Changes in Physical and Chemical Characteristics Of The Product During Storage Transport And Distribution At 20, 30, 40 C: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Instructions for Transport and Storage: ………………………………………..
4.3. Other Information
Invoicer: …………………………….
Suggested Price for the formula: …………………………….
Shipment Country: ……………………………….
Certificate of Free Sales (FSC)
- Do you have an FSC for the Same Formula in COO?
If Yes;
Country of FSC: ………………………….., FSC Number: ……………………………
If No;
- Do You Have A Similar Formula Sold in COO?
If Yes;
Specify the Country That Sold The similar Formula: …………………………….
Certificate NO:……………………………………
If No;
- Do you have FSC from a reference country?
If Yes;
Country of Certificate: ……………………………. ,Certificate Number:………………………………….
If No;
Reason: ………………………………
Quality Control Measures: ………………………………………………………………………..
Country of Origin List of Compositions
Top of Form
Ingredient Name:………………………………………
Ingredient Sub Name: …………………………….
Ingredient Source: …………………………………….
Manufacturer Name: ………………………………
Manufacturer Country of origin: ………………………………………..
Ingredient shelf life: …………………………………
Type of Container of Ingredient: ……………………………………
Exported To Jordan List of Compositions
Top of Form
Ingredient Name: ………………………………………
Ingredient Sub Name: …………………………….
Ingredient Source: …………………………………….
Manufacturer Name: ………………………………
Manufacturer Country of origin: ………………………………………..
Ingredient shelf: …………………………………
Type of Container of Ingredient:……………………………………
Formulas Differences & Reasons
- In case of any differences between the two formulas indicate the difference and specify the reason? ......
Add New Average Composition
Country of Origin List of Average Compositions
Name of Nutrients:………………………
Nutrient Sub Type Name: ………………………
Percentage per 100 GM:…………………………
Percentage per 100 Kcal:…………………………….
Exported To Jordan List of Average Compositions
Name of Nutrients:………………………
Nutrient Sub Type Name:………………………
Percentage per 100 GM: …………………………
Percentage per 100 Kcal: …………………………….
Recommended age for using the product: ………………………….
Dietary Use / Management Of: ………………………………..
Warnings / Contra Indications (Cases When It Should Not Be Used): …………………………………
Experimental and Nutritional Studies: ………………………………………
Status ofthe Application in Other Regulatory Agencies / Other Information: …………………………………….
- Is this product under-license?
If Yes;
Name of licensor: ………………………….
Finished Product Manufacturing Sites:
Add new finished product manufacturer:
Manufacturing site type: ………………………………….
Country: ………………………………
Name of manufacturer: ……………………………
Production line: …………………………………..
Plant Address: ……………………………………