Name Period

Grammar Test Review

(Capitalization, Commas, Subject Verb Agreement, & Pronoun Antecedent Agreement)


Directions: Read the following altered paragraph and look for corrections that should be made in the lines references in the questions.

(1)Imagine this situation: a biker hits a pothole and flies from her bike, landing on the sidewalk. (2) Although she is alive she is greatly injured. (3) Who would help her and who would stand on the sidelines? (4) A research team has investigated these questions, and their answers are quite interesting. (5) First, witnesses who feel positive or fortunate is more likely to help than those experiencing more negative emotions. (6) Also, witnesses who are feeling guilty about something may be more likely to help, perhaps to make up for the act that prompted their guilt. (8) My personal experience suggest that these observations are true.

  1. What change should be made to sentence # 2?
  2. Change she to her
  3. Add a comma after alive
  4. Change is to are
  5. No change should be made
  1. What change should be made to sentence # 3?
  2. Add a comma after her
  3. Change sidelines to side lines
  4. Change help to helps
  5. No change should be made
  1. What change should be made to sentence # 5?
  2. Delete the comma after First
  3. Change feel to feels
  4. Change is to are
  5. No change should be made
  1. What change should be made to sentence # 6?
  2. Capitalize witnesses
  3. Change are to is
  4. Delete the comma before perhaps
  5. No change should be made
  1. What change should be made to sentence # 8?
  2. Change suggest to suggests
  3. Change these to those
  4. Change are to is
  5. No change should be made

II. Choose the correctly written sentence in each of the sentence sets below.

  1. A. Each of the students should bring their textbook to the study session.

B. Both Christine and George brings their children with them to the meeting.

C. Everyone wanted to share his or her observations.

D. When people are interrogated relentlessly, they tends to grow weary.

  1. A. You can select whole, skim or 2 percent milk.

B. Shirley brought apples, peaches, cherries, and grapes.

C. Larry brought along the ants, and bees.

D. Charlotte came prepared with paper plates napkins forks and knives.

  1. A. The comedian Steven Wright once asked, “If a word in the dictionary were

misspelled, how would we know?”

B. Halt! Police! the officer yelled as the suspect fled the scene.

C. “Don’t forget,” Bill’s father said “to take your lunch.”

D. During the fire Rona yelled “Where are the exits?”

  1. A. Both of the banks in our town has their own restrooms.

B. All of the candy losts its flavor.

C. Each of the boys wants their own birthday cake.

D. Don and Thomas love their mothers.

  1. A. Neither Steve nor Gary wanted to present their own ideas.

B. Neither John nor Bob was willing to admit that he had cheated on the test.

C. Neither Mary nor Susan said they would be there.

D. Neither girl will wear their black pants.

  1. A. Have you read John Irving’s novel The world according to garp?

B. Jess’s favorite movie is “Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion.”

C. Dancing with the Stars is one of the most popular television shows.

D. Today, the “Leeville Gazette” published a troubling story.

  1. A. Grandma and the children watches movies together.

B. Jonathan and Sarah are in love.

C. Roy, janice, and Tanya cook delicious food for every neighborhood picnic.

D. The parents or the child fill out the form.

  1. A. Margo and Brian are learning Chinese, Japanese, and korean.

B. Margo and Brian is learning Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

C. Margo and Brian are learning chinese, japanese and korean.

D. Margo and Brian are learning Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

  1. A. Mathematics has always been Charlotte’s best subject.

B. Mathematics have always been Charlotte’s best subject.

  1. A. The number of mosquitos have decreased this month.

B. The number of mosquitos has decreased this month.