
of the

St. Clair/Monroe County Fire Chiefs Association

December 2, 2010

Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Saunders

Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the September 2010 meeting as presented. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s report - The chief’s checking account balance is $7606.31. Motion was made and seconded to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion passed.

Dan Bauer with the Office of the State Fire Marshal presented Chief Dean Juenger with a certificate for his years of service.

President Saunders presented Chief Dean Juenger and Chief Bob Belba with Distinguished Service Awards for their years of service to the chiefs association.

The meeting was recessed for dinner at 7:12pm.

The meeting was reconviened at 7:40pm

President Saunders introduced John Lovingood with Illinois American Water Company. Mr. Lovingood is in need of letters from area fire departments served by Illinois American concerning the use of backflow preventers and double check valves and in particular, that chemical additives or non-potable water are not used during fire suppression operations.

President Saunders then introduced Tony Heap with MississippiValleyRegionalBloodCenter. MississippiValleyBloodCenter has merged with CentralIllinoisRegionalBloodCenter. MississippiValleyRegionalBloodCenter is looking to set up blood drives throughout the area. The blood center would do all of the work, and would ask the fire department to provide the space to host the blood drive and help in promoting the drive.

President Saunders introduced Bob Allen from FairmontCity, Joe Zinck from Mascoutah, and Rick Ramirez from SCSESA who have taken over as chiefs of their departments or soon will.

EMA – Randy Lay applied for a grant for $600,000 to assist with tornado sirens throughout the county being upgraded for narrowbanding or to help repair non-functional sirens. EMA is also looking at the Code Red reverse call system and will be contacting municipalities throughout the county to see if there are interested in partnering with the county.

911 – Chuck Kofron advised that the flash drives should be ready by the next meeting that will be provided to the area departments as a backup to the online map system that is scheduled to be online on December 6th. Discussions are being held on how get training to the fire departments on how the drives and the programs work.

Work with CAD system issues continues. New testing of the system began December 1st with the CAD vendor trying to solve the issues and it is hoped that the issues will be resolved by the end of the year.

Re-programming of the 800 mhz radio for rebanding continues by geographic areas.

County mapping will soon be available to all PSAP’s

911 hosted an open house last month that was well attended

Oblique imagery and Pictometry is being looked at for the PSAP’s to be able to send to field units.

SWIC – Firefighter classes will begin in January. Flyers have been sent out. The location of the fire officer class may change

OSFM – Dan Bauer – The prevention beurea will be starting on schools soon. Fuel tanks are also being looked at. The OSFM website has changed and has additional materials available and made it easier to navigate. The OSFM will also provide length of service awards for members who have attained 20 years of service or more.

SCSESA - Chief Ramirez highlighted the services of SCSESA.

STARRS – Greg Render – The 8.3 million budget was approved by Missouri. The next meeting will be next Thursday.

Resource Manual – The manual is online and everything seems to be working as was hoped. Maintenance of the manual will now be an ongoing issue. Departments should send in changes in equipment to be updated in the manual.

A subcommittee is working with CENCOM to redefine procedures for dispatching. One of the issues that came up is the testing of department pagers on a weekly basis. A quick poll was made about issue. Further information will be obtained before taking this issue to the

New Business:

President Saunders turned the meeting over Dean Juenger. Dean Juenger opened the floor for nominations for officers for 2010. The nominations committee presented a slate of:

President – Brent Saunders

Vice President – Lee Smith

Secretary/Treasurer – Tom Elliff

Director – Dave Owens

Director – Aaron Hoock

Director – Lynden Prange

No additional persons were nominated. Motion was made and seconded to close nominations. Motion passed.

Motion was made and seconded to elect the slate as presented by acclimation. Motion passed.

Dues – Motion was made and seconded to make the dues for 2011 $50.00. Motion passed.

The executive board will be preparing a budget for the association for 2011.

Motion made and seconded to adjourn at 8:29. Motion passed.



MABAS Division 32

December 2, 2010

The December meeting of MABAS Division 32 was called to order at 8:30 pm by President Saunders.

Chief Saunders thanked St. Libory for hosting the meeting.

Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the September 2010 meeting. Motion passed.

Treasurers Report – Checking account balance is $3436.25. Motion made and seconded to approve. Motion passed. Financial information is now also available in a secure page on the website.

GPS units issued to the division will be distributed at the end of the meeting. The data cards for engine house locations are still being worked on and will be distributed at a later date.

VHF Radio Serial numbers need to be verified. A few departments still need to verify their information.

New Business:

UTV – MABAS has arranged for training on the UTV’s and Signal Hill and Smithton sent members to Connecticut for training on the units. Our members will be hosting a train-the –trainer class for other MABAS departments in the southern part of the state.

Motion was made and seconded to make the dues for 2011 $100.00. Motion passed.

Staff Assistant Visit follow up – Larry Jamrozek met with the executive board on Tuesday to review the progress made since the June Staff assistant visit.

Paperwork has been received from St. Clair County for the county to join MABAS Division 32 on behalf of St. Clair County Special Emergency Services. Motion was made and seconded to accept the application. Motion passed.

New Business:

Randy Lay brought the issue of the porta count that is housed at SCSESA. Maintenance of the unit has become an issue with the cost of calibration of the unit. SCSESA has asked for the division to pay for the maintenance of the unit, or create a cost structure for usage. The executive board has replied to SCSESA that per Division policy, the host department is responsible for maintenance fees. Discussion about the issue was held. Motion was made to form a task force made up of one person from the executive board, one person from from SCSESA and three additional volunteers. Dwayne Carpenter, Rick Ramirez, Don Sutter, Roger Lourwood, and Sharon Davis were appointed to the committee. In addition, a survey will be available for departments to respond with their thoughts to specific questions.

The executive board will be preparing a budget for 2011.

The division needs to appoint a Fire Intelligence Liason Officer and a backup person that will be responsible for future intelligence information. Mike Schutzenhofer and Bob Blackwell were nominated to serve as the FILO and Asst. Filo. Motion passed.

Motion made and seconded to adjourn at 9:00pm. Motion passed.