When people think of Tanya it is often in connection with the murder of her sister Nicole Brown Simpson. Tanya will always speak on domestic violence, but she wants people to know what really happened to her as a result of her sister’s murder.

What people do not know is that she suffered a mental breakdown ten years after that experience, and spent many months in an in-patient and out-patient program.

Her presentation is inspired by her new book: Finding Peace Amid The Chaos: My Escape From Depression and Suicide. Tanya shares her personal experiences and professional education, to help others develop effective coping skills necessary to manage stress, anxiety, depression and healing after loss. In her book, she offers hope for healing after adversity and a variety of challenging life experiences no matter how great or small. Tanya’s goal is to have people “Face Their Stuff” as it arises, so what happened to her does not happen to you.

Tanya has created Tanya’s Tools for Changewhich will motivate you to find peace amid life’s daily chaos. These tools and tips were inspired by Tanya’s personal life experiences and her journey as a psych patient. Tanya’s Tools for Change is a guide for her life coaching practice, workshops and soon-to-be a book for a reference guide.

Additionally, Tanya speaks to and life coaches families, business and other professionals about the importance of self-care and Caregiver Wellness. Self Care is essential for overall emotional wellbeing. Tanya was able to tap into her Tools For Change while caring for her dad, Louis Brown who suffered from Alzheimer’s.

Tanya holds a Bachelors and Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology andis a certified life coach who guides her clients to find peace amid personal and professional chaos, after loss and through caretaking.

She has been seen as an Exclusive Featured story in PEOPLE Magazine (USA and Australia), The Katie Couric Show, Dr. Drew, Larry King Live, The Early Show, The Insider, Inside Edition. Additionally, she has appeared on other national media outlets to speak on the epidemic of mental health concerns and domestic violence in our communities.

Tanya is available for: Keynotes, Lunch-n-Learns, Workshops, Conferences, Tele-classes and Coaching