
Unit Plan Narrative



Division or Area to Which You Report:

Author(s) of this Unit Plan:


NOTE If an item does not apply to your unit, you need not answer it. It you are doing program review, attach the paperwork from your program review materials and DO NOT answer items 1 through 6 below.

5. Written Plan for the unit:


a. If you have started any Program Review processes, briefly describe your progress at

this point in time.

We have completed the second step in the Program Review Process Timeline. We have submitted the “Rock Proposal” arid the completed “Basic Data Response” questionnaire. See attached Program Review documents.

b. Describe the progress your unit has made in developing Learning Outcomes and assessing them.

Our program has been doing learning outcomes for over 6 years as a requirement set by our accrediting agency. The accrediting agency refers to learning outcomes as “program competencies.” The program competencies are based on the mission, values and goals of the program (see attached Program Competencies). Many of the expectations set forth in these competencies mirror the expectations delineated in the college-wide learning outcomes. For each competency, we must delineate the level at which it is taught, measurable objectives, methods to teach the objectives and measures of evaluating student’s success in achieving or mastering the competency.

The faculty of the DH Program meets yearly. Each instructor completes a worksheet for their courses that identifies the student Learning goals based on the expected outcomes for the course, when each Learning goal is taught, methods used to teach it, and identification of the measures used to evaluate students’ s success in achieving each learning goal. As a group, we evaluate each course to ensure that we. as a facility, are teaching to the levels that we have set. We determine which student learning goals may he overlapping with other courses as well as the sequencing of the learning goals throughout the program.

As part of this process, we also discuss teaching methodologies that hove enhanced our courses. Developing critical thinking skills is an important component of our program, so we also focus on ways to increase the students’ opportunities to practice critical thinking and to apply critical thinking skills to their coursework and to their clinical practice environment.

c. What are your costs/ETES or other cost measures, based on the most current Strategic Cost Management reports? Obtain the most recent copy of this report from your Dean/Supervisor.

The data collected by KH indicated that the dental hygiene program costs the college

$447,417. The figures given for the study done by KH utilized data from Fall 2003 and Spring 2004. Due to factors outside of our program’s control, and/or changes that had not yet been implemented, this figure was inflated a rid has been reduced through inflated in the program.

Factors that led to the inflation of our deficit:

• Substitute fees -In Spring of 2004, our program director was on sick leave from April through the end of the Spring semester. This involved paying for substitutes for 11 hours each week (adding approximately $2000 tu our dollai figure for salaries).

Lack of an inventory control system-Due to lack of a clinical assistant, the program had no inventory control system for supplies. This system was implemented in Fall of 2004. The supply figure in the KH report was s31,583. (According to the figures provided for that year from our program review data, the actual figure for that year should have been $25,680).

• Lack of collection of WSCH for student rotations to clinical facilities as well as collecting for additional hours spent in clinic doing screenings. We were not collecting WSCH for hours that the students were required to spend doing rotations to outside clinical facilities and to provide dental screenings here on campus.

d. What are your suggestions to save money in your unit?

Program changes implemented to reduce our deficit:

• Implementation of an inventory control system-With the implementation of our inventory control program our actual supply budget for 2004-2005 was $23,364-a cost savings of $8,219 from the KH Figure. For 2005-06, we have budgeted only $20,500 as we have been able to reduce costs even further by working with different vendors.

• Implementation of a billing and collections system-Our administrative assistant, with assistance from our clinical assistant, has instituted a hilling and collection system. This billing and collection system has lead to a significant increase in the revenue that we receive from providing dental hygiene care. KH reported our revenues from services to be 515,000. In the past year. with 5 less students than we currently have, we collected $21,497.75 ($6,497.75 more than projected). For the Fall semester to date, as of 11/29 we have already collected $9262 (surpassing our 2004 figure for fall by almost $2000). We have projected that we will collect a minimum of $25,000 for 2005-06.

e. What are your suggestions to acquire new, more and/or extra money for your limit in this item, include only monies you are planning to obtain from outside of the general fund


• Development/Implementation of DH 500 courses-We now have zero unit DH 500 courses that capture the hours that the students spend doing rotations and screenings. For Spring of 2005, 2077 additional hours of student attendance was collected-an increase of 3.95 FTES

• “institutionalized DH Orientation—DH program has required students to attend three orientation sessions. The first orientation is for the new students in the fall with the other two orientations being for the second year students with one in fall and one in the spring. Beginning Fall 2005, we have added three 0.5 unit orientation courses.

• Development/Implementation of DH Lab course- “Students have been seeking additional contact hours for various DH courses. To increase student success and to meet the needs of the students, we have added two 1.0 unit lab classes and two 0.5 unit lab classes. All but one of the labs is being taught by adjunct faculty to minimize FTFE.

• Accept an additional 6 students per year starting Fall of 2006-This will lead to an 11.7 increase in FTES for 2006-2007. For the school year 2007-2008, due to the program having two classes at 24 each, there would be an additional increase in FTES. As was stated above, the additional students would not lead to an increase in faculty loads.

• Develop a Continuing Education Program-Currently, all dental hygienists coming into California are required to take a course to be certified in “Expanded Functions (local anesthetic delivery, nitrous…).” There are only two programs in the State for these hygienists, one in Sacramento and one in Los Angeles. The courses cost $3,000 dollars for a weekend. We would like to begin to offer the courses at Chabot. We would he able to accommodate only 14 students per course due to our clinical facility having only 14 chairs. Revenue generated from the course would he approximately 532,000 (with approximate faculty costs, supply costs, mailings subtracted from the gross revenue). Additional courses could be added. Sacramento City College, the only northern California location for these courses nets approximately 552,000/ year through offering continuing education courses.

Expansion of the clinical facility-In order to accommodate the additional students, expand our numbers for the CE courses and to potentially lease the clinical facility to outside entities, we need to update our existing equipment and expand our clinical facility. The addition of 4 more chairs, for a total of I8, would accommodate 24 students without having to depend on outside rotations to meet the required hours of clinical experience for our students. We as a program are committed to going tu the dental community to solicit funds for new chairs, sterilization equipment...). Diablo Valley College just opened a new clinical facility last February. The cost per dental unit was approximately $10,000 with an additional $16,000 spent to update their radiology equipment. If the college is willing to commit to our program, we are willing to go to the dental community and suppliers and solicit funds to offset the costs of new equipment and additional chairs. Structural costs to expand should come from bono money.

6. What is your budget request for 2006-07?

Deans/Supervisors, please attach a copy of the entire budget packet for the unit (copy

the whole packet, just as you submitted to Bob Curry’s office). Label this Attachment D..

7. Complete one of the attached Equipment Request forms for each different type of equipment you are requesting for your unit. Attach these requests to this

plan. Label this Attachment F

8.  complete the attached 5640 Equipment to be Placed on Maintenance contracts chart. Label this Attachment E.

9.  If this format does not ask for data you think is important to state in a unit

Chabot-Las Positas Community College District

Equipment Request

Measure B Bond Program

_X__Chabot College ___Las Positas College ____District Office

Account Code: ______

To be provided by the District Office

Division/Unit: Dental Hygiene

Brief Title of Request (Project Name): CLINIC EXPANSION

Building/Location: 2200

Request Amount (include unit cost, total cost, tax, and shipping):

$180,000 – 18 dental operatories @$10,000/operatory

Description of the specific equipment or materials requested:

Dental chairs plus mobile cabinets

What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? How does the request relate specifically to the Educational Master Plan?

Dental hygiene is the fastest growing health care profession in California. Each year the dental hygiene program at Chabot College receives approximately 189 applicants/year. Currently, we are only able to accept 18 students due to our limited clinical facility. In the educational master plan as it relates to dental hygiene, it has been recommended that the program be expanded to meet the growing demand for dental hygienists. The addition of four additional operatories would allow for an additional six students/year.

Also inherent in the education master plan is the need for our college to provide services to the community. The DH Clinic on this campus is one of less that 1% of all dental offices and facilities that accepts Medi-Cal/Denti-Cal as well as uninsured patients. With expansion of the clinic, we would be able to provide more low-cost dental hygiene services to more individuals in the community.

Development of community partnerships has also been the focus of much of the work as it relates to the educational master plan. Expansion of the clinic with replacement of the old equipment, would allow them to lease or rent the facility when not in use by the program to enable them to see patients for much needed low-cost dental care.

Why is this equipment necessary?

_____Immediate health, safety, or security issues

___x__Increases enrollment

_____Prevents further deterioration of facilities

___x__Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities

_____Shows cost advantage due to rising prices

___x__Provides visibility for the Bond Program

_____Is easily executed, in terms of time and money

Describe how the above criteria are satisfied:

§  As was stated above , the addition of four dental units would allow the program to accept an additional six students/year.

§  Replacement of the old equipment reduces the overall costs of the program by cutting the amount of money spent maintaining and repairing old equipment.

§  Expansion and renovation of the clinic would allow us to increase our services to the community and to potentially expand our services to provide dental care as well as dental hygiene care by forming partnerships with other dental clinics and dental schools.

What is the consequence of not funding the equipment?

To increase the number of students I the program without a dental facility to accommodate the additional does place our program’s accreditation at risk. Accreditation requires that the program has a clinical facility that will allow for the students to have the required number of hours providing direct patient care. Without an adequate number of chairs, the program will have to find outside rotation sites to accommodate the additional students or hire additional faculty to add clinical sessions. Outside rotations to other clinical facilities are an option; however, we are severally limited by the lack of clinical facilities in Alameda County that can accommodate 4-6 students.

What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment?

The program has committed to seeking additional funding from the dental community and the statewide dental association. In order to obtain funds from either of these entities, however, we will need a commitment from the college to make the structural changes needed to expand the clinic.

How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment?

Do students use this equipment? ___x__yes _____no

Is this equipment a replacement? ___x__yes _____no

Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.):

Will training be required? _____yes ___x__no

At whose cost?

What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? $1,500

Are there potential utility costs/savings? No cost saving, however, there would be increase revenues generated due to the additional students (increase in WSH/FTES and fees collected for services provided by these students) as well as the potential for leasing or renting the facility to outside entities for the provision of dental care.

Required signatures:

Signature Date Extension

Requested by: ______

Dean: ______

Vice President: ______

Director of Facilities: ______

Vice Chancellor: ______

Endorsed by the Board of Trustees:


Item #:

Chabot-Las Positas Community College District

Equipment Request

Measure B Bond Program

__x_Chabot College ___Las Positas College ____District Office

Account Code: ______

To be provided by the District Office

Division/Unit: Dental Hygiene

Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Compressor for the Dental Hygiene Clinic

Building/Location: 2200

Request Amount (include unit cost, total cost, tax, and shipping): $12,037.40