R e p o r t

Project number : CA1- SD- 03- 12

Základní škola Odry, Komenského ulice 6, 742 35, Odry

We started a project called G.R.Y.B.B. – Rings for education in September 2003. Which means Olympic rings – rings for education. Letters G.R.Y.B.B. symbolize the colours of each olympic ring- green, red, yellow, black and blue. The whole project is in spirit of sport and it should be finishing during the year of the winter olympic games in Torino 2006. That is why the main coordinator is an Italian school from the small town of Oulx, which is not far away from Torino. Other partners are a French school from Embrun, a Dutch school from Hoorm, a Hungarian school from Koszeg, and a Spanish school from the small island Menorca.

The whole project is related to sport. Each olympic ring has its own meaning. This year we are paying attention to the blue ring which is connected to health and healthy nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, and for example with taking steroids and drugs, and nutrition for sportsmen as well. The second year is dedicated to the yellow and black rings. The yellow ring is connected with sports science and sports culture and using new technologies as well. The black ring is about intercultural education and languages when we understand sports as a cultural event. People of various cultures meet each other during these events. The last year of the project pertains to the green and red rings. The green ring symbolizes the connection between sports and the environment and the red ring is about sport and culture. In all partner schools the rings symbolize not only theories but also practices, excercises, and competitions.

The project work began during the first partner‘s meeting in Italy in October of 2003. First, all partners presented their own schools. Second, the partners presented sports activities from their own schools. The Italian students introduced their school very interestingly. We discussed activities for the next three years and we thought about future possible project products. The atmosphere during the discussion was very pleasant. All schools are interested in project work and are willing to work very hard together. The main task was to write a report about the theme „My School“ and „Sports in Our School“ in their native language and in the English language, too.

The next meeting, already with students, took place in the Hungarian town of Koszegu.We could see the high levels of all presentations in the Koszeg gymnasium. The presentations pertained to health nutrition and healthy lifestyles. During this meeting we discussed other project tasks. We made a questionaire about health and a healthy lifestyle which we later gave to 50 students in all partner schools. Furthermore we decided to calculate the Body Mass Index of the students.

The last partner‘s meeting took place in May on the Spanish island of Menorca, also with students. We flew with two students who had won a school project competition. These students were Livie Pastorkova, with her work called „Miracle, and Jakub Cernoch with his project called „All the People“. Both of them represented not only our school but also the Czech Republic. Their presentation was among the best and was awarded with big applause in the hall of the host school. Almost all delegations were interested in obtaining a copy of our student‘s projects to present them in their own schools. The main coordinator from Italy presented the results of the questionaires and the Body Mass Index results from all schools. We prepared materials for the next meeting which will také place in Odry in October of 2004. We also prepared a competition for the best project logo, best project photo, and a short video clip about the theme „European Union and Predjudice“.

The parnter‘s meetings were well organized. The host countries did a good job. We did not only work but also spent time getting to know the local culture, customs, and traditions. We tasted the local food and familiarized ourselves with the the life of the host countries. In closing, I would like to emphasize the good cooperation with the other schools and I wish that the cooperation will be continued in the second and third years of the project. In my opinion these kinds of activities and the entire project „Comenius“ helps us to get much needed European self-confidence into our young people. It‘s a pity that we can‘t be part of more such similar activities.

First year products: - G.R.Y.B.B. calendar / attachment

-  Brochure of „Our School“ and „Sports in Our School“ / currently being published, and we will send it to NA later

-  Results of the questionaire and BMI index results / currently being published, and we will send it to NA later

-  Project web pages


Expected products for the second year:

-  competition for the best project logo, best project photo, and best video clip of the theme “European Union and Prejudice”