Weekly Plans: to be prepared subject-wise/class-wise by each teacher

Name:Dr. Shalinder KaurSubject: Botany (A+B)Class: B.Sc.II

Sr. No. / Week
(Start date) / Topics to be covered during the week / Books and page no. to be referred / Is content read and uploaded?
1 / 22/7/2013 / General characters, classification, and Economic importance of gymnosperms / Diversity of seeds and their systematic; P-3-16 / Yes
2 / 29/7/2013 / Fossil gymnosperms: Lygnopteris, Williamsonia / -do-
P; 17-36 / Yes
3 / 5/8/2013 / Structure, reproduction, and life cycle of Cycas / -do-
P; 54-90 / Yes
4 / 12/8//13 / Structure, reproduction, and life cycle of Cycas (CONT....), Structure, reproduction, and life cycle of Pinus / -do-
P; 91-124 / Yes
5 / 19/8/13 / Structure, reproduction, and life cycle of Pinus (CONT....), Structure, reproduction, and life cycle of Ephedra / -do-
P; 125-133 / Yes
6 / 26/8/13 / Structure, reproduction, and life cycle of Ephedra (CONT....) / -do-
P; 136-143 / Yes
7 / 2/9/13 / Diversity in plants - Annuals, biennials and perennials, Leaf – origin and development, diversity, modification / Structure, development and reproduction in flowering plants by HN Srivastva;
P; 1-7, 143-161 / Yes
8 / 9/9/13 / Structural modifications for storage, respiration and reproduction in roots / -do-
P; 62-87 / Yes
9 / 16/9/13 / Anomalous stem structure in Boerhaavia, Nyctanthes, Mirabilis, Draceana / -do-
P; 108-122 / Yes
10 / 23/9/13 / Tissue system, root and shoot meristem; simple and complex tissues / -do-
P; 8-53 / Yes
11 / 30/9/13 / Anatomy of dicot stem and root; Anatomy of monocot stem and root / -do-
P;62-142 / Yes
12 / 7/10/13 / Various methods of vegetative reproduction; General characters of Angiosperms; Plant nomenclature & ICBN / -do; P: 248-256;
Diversity of seeds and their systematic; P; 153-162 / Yes
13 / 21/10/13 / Plant taxonomy / Diversity of seeds and their systematic; P; 153-162 / Yes
14 / 28/10/13 / Plant taxonomy (cont..), ICBN / -do-
P; 153-162 / Yes
15 / 4/11/13 / Systems of classifications; Terminology pertaining to floral description; Criteria for primitive nature of flower / -do-
P; 163-182 / Yes
16 / 11/11/13 / Description of Family – Liliaceae, Orchidaceae, Gramineae, / -do-
P; 266, 282-287 / Yes
17 / 18/11/13 / Rutaceae, Malvaceae, / -do-
P; 183-189 / Yes
18 / 25/11/13 / Rannunculaceae, Compositae / -do-
P; 190-201 / Ready, to be uploaded
19 / 2/12/13 / Cucurbitaceae, Umbellifereae / -do-
P; 205-208 / Ready, to be uploaded
20 / 9/12/13 / Compositae, Asclepiadaceae, / -do-
P; 210-215 / Ready, to be uploaded
21 / 16/12/13 / Solanaceae, Labiatae, Chenopodiaceae / -do-
P; 261-265 / Ready, to be uploaded
22 / 23/12/13 / Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae, / -do-
P; 183-228 / Ready, to be uploaded
23 / 13/01/14 / Structure and functions of a flower / Structure, development and reproduction in flowering plants by HN Srivastva;
P; 162-190 / Ready, to be uploaded
24 / 20/1/14 / Sporogenesis and gametogenesis / -do-
P; 191-213 / Yes
25 / 27/1/14 / Sporogenesis and gametogenesis (cont..) / -do-
P; 191-213 / Ready, to be uploaded
26 / 3/2/14 / Double fertilization, Different types of ovules / -do-
P; 224-233 / Ready, to be uploaded
27 / 10/2/14 / Different types of endosperms and embryo sacs / -do-
P; 191-213 / In the process
28 / 17/2/14 / Different types of endosperms and embryo sacs (cont..) / -do-
P; 191-213 / In the process
29 / 24/2/14 / Fruit and seed development and maturation / -do-;
P-234-247 / In the process
30 / 3/3/14 / Pollination, Significance of seeds, ecological adaptations / -do-
P; 215-223 / In the process

Weekly Plans: to be prepared subject-wise/class-wise by each teacher

Name:Dr. Shalinder Kaur Subject: BOTANY (A+B) Class:B.Sc. III

Sr. No. / Week
(Start date) / Topics to be covered during the week / Books and page no. to be referred / Is content read and uploaded?
1 / 22/7/2013 / Solutions and colloids / Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology by H.N. Srivastva; P-3-15 / Yes
2 / 29/7/2013 / Plant water relationships: Imbibitions, Diffusion, Osmosis, Plasmolysis and deplasmolysis, water potential, Pressure potential, Ascent of sap / -do-
P-16-54 / Yes
3 / 5/8/2013 / Plant water relationships: mechanism and importance of Transpiration, Opening and closing of stomata / -do-
P: 55-69 / Yes
4 / 12/8//13 / Mineral nutrition: nutrients, their uptake and mechanism / -do-
P: 70-109 / Yes
5 / 19/8/13 / Ecology – scope and relationship with other sciences, Crop production, High yielding varieties and cultural practices of Wheat, Maize, Potato, Mango / Ecology and utilization of plants by B.B. Arora; P-3-11; 189-221 / Yes
6 / 26/8/13 / Crop production, High yielding varieties and cultural practices of Grapes, Lemon, Sugarcane / -do-;
P-189-221 / Yes
7 / 2/9/13 / Crop production, High yielding varieties and cultural practices of Cotton, Groundnut, Mustard / -do-;
P-222-246 / Yes
8 / 9/9/13 / Genetically modified plants, Energy flow, Water cycle / -do-;
P-141-148 / Yes
9 / 16/9/13 / N2 metabolism, fixation, assimilation / Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology by H.N. Srivastva; P-217-232 / Yes
10 / 23/9/13 / Lipids – structure, Functions, Fatty acid biosynthesis, oxidation of fats / -do-; P-233-242 / Yes
11 / 30/9/13 / Proteins – classification, structure, synthesis; Enzymes: properties, classification, Mechanism of action of enzymes / -do-; P-110-131 / Yes
12 / 7/10/13 / Population and Community ecology, / Ecology and utilization of plants by B.B. Arora;
P-82-101 / Yes
13 / 21/10/13 / Population and Community ecology (Cont..) / -do- / Yes
14 / 28/10/13 / Water pollution and its control, Air pollution and its control / -do-
P: 161-185 / Yes
15 / 4/11/13 / Soil pollution and its control, Natural resources, conservation / do-
P: 161-185, / Ready, to be uploaded
16 / 11/11/13 / Photosynthesis Photosynthetic pigments, spectra, photosystems, photophosphorylation, Calvin cycle, / Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology by H.N. Srivastva; P-122-140 / Ready, to be uploaded
17 / 18/11/13 / C4 pathway, CAM plants, Photorespiration, Factors affecting photosynthesis; Transport of organic substances, Source sink relationship, / -do-
P: 141-178 / Ready, to be uploaded
18 / 25/11/13 / Climatic factors affecting growth and distribution of plants / Ecology and utilization of plants by B.B. Arora;
P-12-23 / Ready, to be uploaded
19 / 2/12/13 / Edaphic factors affecting growth and distribution of plants, Topographic factors affecting growth and distribution of plants, Biotic factors affecting growth and distribution of plants / -do-
P-34-58 / Yes
20 / 9/12/13 / Ecosystem: Trophic levels, food chains, pyramids, C, N, S Cycles, / -do-
P; 121-148 / Yes
21 / 16/12/13 / Aerobic and anaerobic respiration, Glycolysis and Krebs cycle, ETC, PPP / Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology by H.N. Srivastva; P-180-216 / Yes
22 / 23/12/13 / Biotechnology / -do
P-II/ 1-56 / Ready, to be uploaded
23 / 13/01/14 / Biotechnology (Cont..) / -do
P-II/ 1-56 / Ready, to be uploaded
24 / 20/1/14 / Growth & development, growth, seed dormancy, germination / Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology by H.N. Srivastva; P-243-249 / Ready, to be uploaded
25 / 27/1/14 / Plant movements / -do-;
P-310-324 / Ready, to be uploaded
26 / 3/2/14 / Physiology of flowering, senescence, Fruit ripening / -do-;
P-297-309 / Ready, to be uploaded
27 / 10/2/14 / Discovery, biosynthesis, and mechanism of action of Plant hormones / -do-;
250-276 / Ready, to be uploaded
28 / 17/2/14 / Plant hormones (Cont...); Photomorphogenesis, phytochromes, cryptochromes: discovery, role and mechanism of action / -do-;
277-296 / Ready, to be uploaded
29 / 24/2/14 / Forestry / Ecology by P.D. Sharma; 178-217 / Ready, to be uploaded
30 / 3/3/14 / Botanical names, family, part used and economic importance of food plants, timbers, fibres, spices and condiments and pulp plants / Ecology and utilization of plants by B.B. Arora;
P; 189-290 / Ready, to be uploaded

Weekly Plans: to be prepared subject-wise/class-wise by each teacher

Name:Ms. Geetanjali Sharma Subject: BOTANY (A+B) Class: B.Sc. I

Sr. No. / Week
(Start date) / Topics to be covered during the week / Books and page no. to be referred / Is content read and uploaded?
1 / 22/7/2013 / Algae-General characters, classification and Economic importance / Diversity of microbes and cryptogams by H.N. Srivastva; p-I/1-67, I/177 / yes
2 / 29/7/2013 / Vegetative structure, reproductive structure and life cycle of Volvox and Oedogonium / -do-
p-92-97; 105-114 / yes
3 / 5/8/2013 / Vegetative structure, reproductive structure and life cycle of Vaucheria, Ectocarpus / do-
P- 123-130; 140-146 / yes
4 / 12/8//13 / Cell structure and organelle / Cell Biology and Genetics by H.N. Srivastva; P-18-63 / yes
5 / 19/8/13 / Vegetative structure, reproductive structure and life cycle of Batrachospermum, Cystopus / Diversity of microbes and cryptogams by H.N. Srivastva; p-157-166; II/24-32 / yes
6 / 26/8/13 / Fungi-General characters, classification and Economic importance, Cell cycle / -do
P 3-12, 147 / yes
7 / 2/9/13 / Cell division – mitosis, Meiosis I & II / Cell Biology and Genetics by H.N. Srivastva; P-78-96 / yes
8 / 9/9/13 / Extranuclear inheritance, Structure of chromosomes, / -do-
P-64-77; 206-213 / yes
9 / 16/9/13 / Vegetative structure, reproductive structure and life cycle of Rhizopus, Saccharomyces / Diversity of microbes and cryptogams by H.N. Srivastva; p-II/45-52; II/66-73 / yes
10 / 23/9/13 / Vegetative structure, reproductive structure and life cycle of Peziza / -do-
P-II/96-98 / yes
11 / 30/9/13 / Vegetative structure, reproductive structure and life cycle of Ustilago / -do-
P-II/109-117 / yes
12 / 7/10/13 / Molecular structure and replication of DNA, / Cell Biology and Genetics by H.N. Srivastva; P-150-177 / yes
13 / 21/10/13 / Loose smut of wheat; Puccinia – black rust of wheat / Diversity of microbes and cryptogams by H.N. Srivastva; p-II/118-126; / In the process
14 / 28/10/13 / Introduction to genetics, laws of Mendal / Cell Biology and Genetics by H.N. Srivastva; P-99-126 / In the process
15 / 4/11/13 / Vegetative structure, reproductive structure and life cycle of Agaricus / Diversity of microbes and cryptogams by H.N. Srivastva; p-II/128-136 / In the process
16 / 11/11/13 / Colletotrichum – stem rust of sugarcane, Chromosome mapping, Gene interactions, epistasis / -do-; P-141-142
Cell Biology and Genetics by H.N. Srivastva; P-127-140 / In the process
17 / 18/11/13 / Bryophyta – general characters, vegetative structure, and life cycle of Marchantia / Diversity of microbes and cryptogams by H.N. Srivastva; p-III/1-9; 21-35 / In the process
18 / 25/11/13 / Complementary genes, polygenic inheritance, Duplicate genes, Multiple alleles, Pleiotropic genes, Supplementary genes, Sex linked inheritance, Haemiphilia and color blindness / Cell Biology and Genetics by H.N. Srivastva; P-140-149 / In the process
19 / 2/12/13 / vegetative structure, and life cycle of Anthoceros / Diversity of microbes and cryptogams by H.N. Srivastva; p-III/38-54 / To be done
20 / 9/12/13 / Vegetative structure, reproductive structure and life cycle of Funaria / -do-
P-62-70 / To be done
21 / 16/12/13 / Chromosomal alterations, variations in chromosome number / Cell Biology and Genetics by H.N. Srivastva; P-214-233 / Yes
22 / 23/12/13 / Gene hypothesis, genetic code, protein synthesis / -do-
P-178-205 / To be done
23 / 13/01/14 / Regulation of gene expression, / -do-
P-178-205 / To be done
24 / 20/1/14 / Mutations / -do-
P-178-205 / Yes
25 / 27/1/14 / Lichens, general account, classification and economic importance / Diversity of microbes and cryptogams by H.N. Srivastva; p-II/177-192 / To be done
26 / 3/2/14 / Pteridophytes-General characters, classification and Economic importance / -do-
P-III/99-107, 244 / To be done
27 / 10/2/14 / Vegetative structure, reproductive structure and life cycle of Rhynia, / -do-
P-116-120 / To be done
28 / 17/2/14 / Vegetative structure, reproductive structure and life cycle of Selaginella / -do-
P-155-173 / To be done
29 / 24/2/14 / Vegetative structure, reproductive structure and life cycle of Equisetum / -do-
P-175-192 / To be done
30 / 3/3/14 / Vegetative structure, reproductive structure and life cycle of Pteris / -do-
P-205-220 / To be done