Registration Form

1st2ndUN Global Compact Academic Conference on

Bridging the Gap: Sustainable Environment: Part 2

The WhartonSchool of Business, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA

4:00 pm September 16thto 4:00 pm September 18th

Deadline for advance registration: 15th August 2004

Key Contacts: Wharton: oktem*#[email protected]: ????@????.eduyildiz

Personal Information
Name (Last, First) / Title / Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs./Ms/Miss
City / State
Zip/Post Code / Country
Tel (Day/ Evening)
Fax / Email
Will you be bringing a partner/spouse? / Yes/No
Please Indicate Special Needs
Dietary Requirements
Payment Information
Total Fees
Payment Method / MasterCard/Visa/Amex/Discover/Diners Club
Card No
Exp Date
Cardholder’s name
Authorized Signature
Billing Address
( if different from above)
City / State
Zip/Postal Code / Country
Registration Fees
Online/Advance /  / On SiteRegular / 
Professional / $300 / $350
Presenters% / $150 / $150
Reduced Fee^ / $100 / $150
Student / $150 / $150
Guests* / $100 / No of Guests / $100 / No of Guests

% Valid for ONE presenter per paper

^Reduced Fee is valid only for attendees from developing countries

*Guests are entitled to participate in the welcome reception and two conference dinners
Registration Information

On-line –@

Deadlines– Discounts for advanced payments are available untilup till30th April 2004. Thereafter on-site rates apply.

On-site Registration Hours: @ Hotel on 16 September:4:00pm – 6:00pm

Changes/Cancellations: Changes/Cancellations must be in writing by fax, email or post. All cancellations for registration for the conference must be received by 16August 2004. There will be a $30 cancellation fee. No refunds will be given for cancellations after 16August 2004.

Registration confirmation: Confirmation notice will be emailed to you indicating registration fees. Registration will not be confirmed until payment is received.

  • Full payment must accompany registration. Purchase orders will not be accepted.
  • Please complete separate registration forms for each participant except for spouse/partner/guest.

Other Information.

Campus map of The Wharton School of Business

Directions from PhiladelphiaInternationalAirport

List of recommended hotels:

Inn at Penn;Sansom Common; 3600 Sansom Street; Philadelphia, PA. 19104
Tel: +1-215-222-0200 Fax: +1 215-222-4600 Email:

SheratonUniversity City; 36th and Chestnut Streets; Philadelphia; Pennsylvania19104
Tel+1215 387-8000; Fax+1 215 387-7920

Penn Tower HotelCivic Center Boulevard at 34th Street; Philadelphia, PA19104-4385
Tel +1 215.387.8333 ; Fax: +1 215.386.8306

Please ask for the Global Compact Conference rate, quoting reference UN-???.

Please let us know you travel plans.