The Global Citizens’ Initiative
Leadership Course Evaluation
Fall 2015
This document highlights the responses made by participants in TGCI’s 2015 Global Citizen Leadership to a course evaluation survey.
Course Content and Delivery
- Please share your overall thoughts on the main topics of the course sessions contributing to your understanding and knowledge of global development challenges. The main topics are: Global Citizenship, Human Rights, Gender Equity, Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection, Poverty Reduction and Income Inequality, Good Governance, Global Peace and Justice.
- The main topics presented in the course were designed to invoke and awaken the human spirit in becoming aware of his role as an individual belonging into a globalized world. The design and subject content of the course provided thought provoking information that strikes the heart and the soul. It made me want to do something about the global conditions affecting the disadvantaged population in other countries.
- All the topics are very topical and multidisciplinary. It had broadened my horizon to areas/institutions/projects like World Justice Project, UNFCCC and the Country Global Citizenship Report Card Project, etc. which hitherto I have no knowledge of. Again, modules on environmental sustainability was (climate change) was very timely in the modules.
- The main topics selected are very relevant and complement each other they are also highlights of global concerns.
- Please share your thoughts on how the various course materials (the portfolio, the resources on the course site, those emailed to you) contributed (or not) to your knowledge on the module topics.
- The various reading materials, videos, website links provided a great source of informative materials to learn about the global condition, situation, and events occurring world-wide in real time and event mode. The online go-to meeting provided the dynamic and realistic interaction in learning the course modules.
- GCI methodology and support to the learning process was very perfect and efficient despite technology challenges in some countries
- Please share your thoughts on the Monday online sessions, specifically on how the lecture and discussion portions of the session contributed (or not) to your growth in understanding and knowledge on the weekly topics.
- There is a tremendous amount of experience, technical expertise, and scholarly work imparted in the Monday online discussions that is relevant and in line with the course study materials.
- Unfortunately for me, my busy work schedules did not allow partake in all the sessions.
- Interaction with international participant with various and differences views and ideas has opened my mind toward thinking globally. Also lectures master content and where consultative which also contributed a lot
- Please share your thoughts on the weekly mentoring sessions, specifically on how they contributed (or not) to your deeper understanding and awareness on the weekly topics.
- The mentoring sessions provided a face to face guidance and discussions on the modules being studied. It brings to life the many learning and interactive perspective of being in a classroom session.
- In fact, it was the time I get to share my opinions and experiences! It was very participatory, informative, educative and interactive. It was a kind of peer review session, where my paper for the week is perused for constructive criticisms by my respected and experienced colleagues – Ron and Suzanne.
- Thought content were intense and timing trick, mentorship sessions provide platform to share ideas and support each other in regard to the content and reflections
- Please share your thoughts on the weekly module assignments, specifically on how they contributed (or not) to your deeper understanding and awareness on the weekly topics.
- The weekly course study materials provided in-depth coverage of the many important topics relevant to our lives. It provided relevant, specific, measurable, and timely information on the current status and condition of our world today. The presence of the website and the use of technological online program application provided by most universities and online study program.
- The assignment awakens me to issues hitherto I was ignorant about; it enforced me to read a lot on multidisciplinary global issues bedeviling planet earth.
- The assignments were great and challenging, it requires one to do extra search of information to build one’s hypotheses or support your argument. The assignment was key and fundamental supplement to the course content. Also helped to be more practical
Course Technology
- Pleas share your experience with registering for the course.
- My experience with the course registering was simple, painless and straightforward.
- It was very easy and user friendly
- Registration was quite simple
- Please share your experience with using the online course site (submitting assignments, accessing course information, etc.).
- The use of the online website software application program provided an easy and convenient way to access course materials and submitting homework documentation.
- It was user friendly
- The online course sign were helpful and assisted updating participant during course. It also helped for reference
- Please share your experience with the Monday online course session on GoTo Meeting.
- The online go to meeting session was great although it is beset with some technological difficulties at times.
- It was easy as well.
- The GoTo meeting technology was great and easier to use however shortcomings were in network and manipulation. Some struggles to access, maneuver etc. ( Sound, Video, Share content etc)
- Please share your experience with the technical aspect of connecting with your mentor (Rob, Ash, Anna, or Michelle) and the participants in your mentoring group during the weekly mentoring sessions.
- I had a great session experience with my mentor Mr. Ron and peer Mr. Hamad. The connection and experience sharing connects the varying country and population condition and brings perspective when you compare your home country with another country with a live person living and reporting from it.
- Mentors supported alote, they were flexible and understandable and very knowledgeable about the course
- Please share your feedback on the amount and frequency of emails that you received from Ron Israel or Michelle Vital regarding the course and course materials.
- There was an extensive email communication from all parties involved. There was a constant flow of class session reminders.
- It was very informative and timely
- Very good both in numbers, importance, frequency and timing
Course Feedback
- How did you learn about the course?
- I learned about the course thru my internet search online.
- I learnt about the course from the Peace and Development Network (PDNW)
- Recommendation from former employer
- Please share what your expectations were for this course. Did the course meet, exceed, or fall short of your expectations? Why or why not?
- The course more than met my expectations. It made me yearn to do more research and support however I can.
- My general expectation was to gain a universal and multidisciplinary knowledge as a global citizen. As such, that expectation was met.
- When I registered the expectation was to get leadership skills, the course has exceeded my expectation not as a organization leader by a global leader
- Would you be willing to promote this course with others? Why or why not?
- I would be willing to promote TGCI. There seems to be a great lack of awareness and mis-information in the population about the state of our world today. There is a great need to propagate the knowledge about global citizenship in the hope of global peace for humanity.
- Yes…I am already promoting this course to my colleagues.
- The course is fundamental for development both at local and international level
- Please share any feedback you have for course improvement or change (course format, course content, course delivery, course assignments, technology, other).
- I think there should be some topics/modules on International Humanitarian Law.
- No change but time could be extended
Evaluation Questions (and responses) from Final Course Portfolio
- Briefly describe the similarities and differences that you found in the leadership skills needed to address the issues presented in the different course modules.
- In my opinion there is no differences.
Global citizenship can be explained by these 3 words.
Empathy - Knowledge - Action
With this logic leadership skills needed for all the modules are the same.
- I don’t follow. I anticipate global citizens believe their contributions collectively can make positive change to our future. A world view is not static, it unfolds as more knowledge and options are made available. The leadership for the six themes requires vision, ability to communicate and inspire that vision, guided values and strategies; knowledge, authenticity, problem solving ability, empathy, strong analysis in presenting new influences that nurture co-operation, diversity, results and respect of global rights for all species, not just humanity.
If we had another planet as a backup, we could let the experiment run its course.
- Certain strengths are required to lead on all of the six issues - persistence, self-confidence, belief in activism. Perhaps also they could all benefit from a sophisticated systems view of the world and our role in it.
Module 1: power of observation about one’s life and the world and some power of introspection.
Module 2 : willingness to confront data. Values based on a humanistic perspective, not an authoritarian or god-given set of principles.
Module 3: strong stomach to confront abuse and exploitation of women. Imagination about what has and can be achieved through investment in women’s and girls’ lives.
Module 4: courage to be out in front like Jim Hansen –like a scout or pioneer, which can be lonely. . Capacity to grasp the big picture, and courage to take in its existential, nightmare dimension. Imagination to grasp how human consciousness and behavior interact with systems in the whole biosphere. Also perhaps this module uniquely requires tenacious adherence to scientific data.
In watching the reporting on the Paris Climate meeting, I note the strong diplomatic role played by the French government. Also in following the career of Christiana Figueres I note her grit and persistence.
Module 5 Working to alleviate poverty requires compassion – an ability to take in the very stark figures about poverty, hunger, illness and inhuman living conditions for billions of people worldwide and respond. It also requires an enlightened understanding of the concept of human development which has evolved greatly - the SDGs are an example of the latest thinking about how multifaceted it is. Last, to actually implement development projects requires great resourcefulness and practical sense of how to get things done, say in agriculture or small and medium businesses.
Module 6: Governance: leaders need a value system that puts integrity and commitment to serve humanity ahead of self-serving appetite for power, status and material reward. This might almost be an evolutionary leap ahead that is required of human nature. Consciousness of the rule of law and importance of accountability is important. Also ability to connect the local and the global.
Module 7 In dealing with the most elusive and paradoxical issue in this nexus – that of weapons of mass destruction=a leader has to have a very clear head in the face of the theoretical conundrums and absurdities contained in nuclear policy discussions, particularly nuclear deterrence. Perhaps I mean a clear moral and legal head.
As in Module 4, a leader has to be able to grasp this existential threat emotionally and intellectually and share it with others.
- Were you comfortable addressing the range of different topics presented in this course?
- Yes, I was. I can feel all the participants are open minded and respect each other. Even there are some topics that I haven't dealt with in depth it was okay enough to do the assignments but I was not that confident speaking because of not enough knowledge and language barrier.
- Yes, I felt capable to work with these themes. Human rights, gender-equity, poverty, sustainability, governance, and peace impact us on a daily basis whether local or global given our ability to access information around the world.
- Yes. although I was more familiar with some of them. I was glad of the chance to break new ground.
- Describe what you liked and didn’t like in the course format.
- Ron and Michelle are the great supporter, inspirer and mentor.
Michelle, my mentor always gave me a good feedback which makes me happy, motivated and think harder. So I can tell it is nice to have a individual mentor.
It is also nice to invite some practitioners on policy for this course.
I was in the different time zone so it was hard for me to schedule Monday online session and skype call. I feel sorry that I didn't participate actively. I hope there will be more Korean or Asian participants then I can communicate more easily but it is still good to have a cultural exchanges.
- I liked the curriculum; some modules provided stronger content than others. I thought the pairing up with another participant was useful, some guidelines could be established to make those discussions more effective. I liked the opportunity to reflect on each module with a written assignment, I question last minute revisions of content and questions being sent out the week of. I think the weekly online chat overviews were helpful, some more interactive tools; PPT key points of Ron’s conversations could be useful to feel more involved and help retain information. A course using Moodle I took this spring used this approach.
- I liked:
--The whole purpose and conception of the course.
--Wealth of information in the lectures and written materials.
--The flexibility of the reading and writing requirements - from overview to depth.
-- Assignments that gave a chance to reflect.
--The richness of knowledge coming from many countries, especially my own discussion partner, Jalil.
I was disappointed that we didn’t get to hear from many of the participants. This may have been a result of technical difficulties in communication, but we could have posted our writing online. I never figured out how to do that or get Michelle to do it.