155 4th Street SE, Huron, SD
October 31 November 1, 2015
Pastor – Steven Brandsrud
If you would like to receive the weekly news from American Lutheran via e-mail,
please e-mail us at . Visit the ALC Website
Worship Scripture Readings
Pentecost 24 November 7 & 8
1st Reading 1 Kings 17:8-16
Psalm Psalm 146
2nd Reading Hebrews 9:24-28
Gospel Mark 12:38-44
Pentecost 25 November 14 & 15
1st Reading Daniel 12:1-3
Psalm Psalm 16
2nd Reading Hebrews 10:11-25
Gospel Mark 13:1-8
Welcome into God’s Family Through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism
“Hendrix Pinophy Ehlke” son of Cody & Courtney Ehlke.
Hendrix’s Sponsors are Tera Thomsen and Ashley Herges
Men! Women! Teens! Come Join the ALC Choir! Be part of the fun!
Your Voice is Needed! Let’s make a joyful noise! Come to the Music Room (top floor of the elevator addition) next Sunday, November 15 at 10:50 am for choir practice.
No choir practice on Sunday, November 8.
Painting is progressing. Still need help to paint the ALC Fellowship Hall and Kitchen before installation of the new floor! If you have signed up to paint or would be available to help, please visit with Pastor Steve for instructions on what still needs to be done and come work whenever it fits your schedule.
Coffee Bar, November 2015
As a way to thank everyone for sharing their time and talents for the Fall Festival, the American Lutheran Church Women will sponsor Coffee Bar on Sunday, Novmeber 15. Come join us!
Worship News
Sympathy is Expressed to the family and friends of Dennis Peterson, who died on Saturday, October 31 in Huron.
The Altar Flowers this weekend are a gift from Shirley Knutson in celebration of her 80th Birthday on Saturday, November 7. Cards may be sent to Shirley at 863 Pheasant Lane, Huron. Happy Birthday Shirley!
The Radio Broadcast of the 9:30 am Sunday Worship Service over KIJV 1340 AM and 95.3 FM Radio is given by Ken Schade in loving memory of wife, mother and grandmother,
Margaret Schade
November 29, December 6, 24 and 25 are open for furnishing Altar Flowers. Please contact the church office.
Sadly, we have received word, Gloria Erickson (wife of former ALC Pastor, Erling Erickson 1956-1973) died Saturday, October 31, 2015 in St. Paul, Minnesota. Cards may be sent to their daughter Elizabeth Noren, 38445 Reed Avenue, Taylors Falls, Minnesota 55084.
The family requests memorials be directed to ELCA World Hunger.
ALC Christian Learning Center Preschool News
November Bible Verse: Oh, give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good. Psalm 106:1
November Prayer: Come Lord Jesus, Be our guest, let these gifts to us be blessed. Amen
November Learning Experiences at CLC – Bible Stories, Letters Ff, Gg & Hh, Rectangle Shape, Number 4, Hat Day, Color Brown, Bringing Food & Paper Products for the needy.
November is “Children’s Book Month” we encourage reading DAILY to your children.
CLC will serve the Coffee and Conversation time after worship on Sunday, November 8.
Thank you to Steward Friedrichsen for painting the parking space lines for the church.
The CLC Annual Caring & Sharing Tree will be in the Narthex during the month of November. You are invited to take handprints from the tree, purchase the item (s) needed by the CLC and return them to the classroom or the church office.
CLC Fall fundraiser featuring South Dakota Popcorn Products began October 6. Please see posters around the church and in the Narthex for a complete list of products available for purchase from CLC students, in the class room or the church office.
The ALC Confirmation Students are once again collecting pocket change during the worship services as an extra offering to support missions. Change collected in the “Change for Mission” cans now through December 2015 will go to the Salvation Army & Family Violence Centers.
Help is needed delivering “Meals on Wheels” the week of November 9-13, 2015. If you are able to help, please call Sue Gubbrud 350-2486. Your help is appreciated!
2015 ALC Fall Festival Financial Report
Total Income: $4,411.00 Expenses -$222.93 Net Profit: $4188.07
This yeat we were blessed with many donations of supplies and food including the pork loins, Krumkake, Goro, Jams & Jellies. One of our members also applied for and received a $250 Thrivent Action Team Grant for the festival. Because of this, the expenses were minimal. A full detailed report is on the table in the Narthex. Thanks to all who assisted with this event.
From the Pastor
The Wednesday Night Adult Study sessions continue at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 in the Fellowship Hall. We will be looking at“Perfection, Holiness and Pentecostalism“ in the study on The History of Christian Theology. The study on Daily Life in the Ancient World will focus on“Being a Rich Roman“. All are welcome.
Attention Quilters
There will be quilting on Tuesday, November 10. Anyone wanting to help is encouraged to come and stay however long you can. There are all kinds of quilting jobs to do! You do not need to be an expert, just come join the fellowship and fun.
Tuesday Noontime Bible Study
Tuesday Noontime Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, November 10 at 12:05 pm in the ALC Fellowship Hall. The Bible Study is “All the Places To Go” by John Ortberg “God has placed before you an open door. What will you do?” Lunch will be a freewill offering.
Have you considered going on a short-term mission trip? The annual Mexico Mission trip is set for February 12 – 21, 2016. The group will be working on the border in Laredo, Texas and Nuevo Laredo, Mexico this year. The projects are still to be determined but there will be many different opportunities to serve including teaching VBS, building projects, delivering Bibles and donated items, etc. The group will stay in a dormitory at the Mission Headquarters in Laredo, Texas each night. You can choose to stay on the Texas side of the border and work or travel into Mexico daily, whichever you’re more comfortable with. Everyone is welcome and no special abilities are needed. The cost is $400 and includes all meals and accommondations with the exception of fast food meals on the way there and back traveling on the bus. For more information contact Kim Rieger 352-1436 or Eunice Alexander 352-7794.
We are now collecting Coborn’s Receipts for August, September & October, 2015. Please have your recepts to the church office by Monday, November 9. Be careful not to cut the date off at the bottom of the receipt when removing the fuel reward coupon. Thank you for your support!.
The Coffee Bar Sign-Up Sheet for November & December 2015 is on the counter in the Fellowship Hall. Please help us continue coffee bar after worship by signing up to provide treats, set-up and clean up for any of the remaining Sundays. Thank You!
For Sale – Small Computer Desk
If Interested, please contact Joyce Borah 352-8514 ext. 2.