The NCADE welcomes all students, faculty, and staff to this new semester! We are excited to provide you with writing, research, methodology, and APA style support! We want you to know us, as we continue to support and get to know you!
Meet the Associate Vice President, Academic and Dissertation Excellence, Dr. Belinda McFeeters
Welcome to The National Center for Academic & Dissertation Excellence (NCADE)! The NCADE provides support to students and faculty to improve the quality of academic writing, dissertation and thesis research, post defense publication, as well as faculty research, with an overall goal to advance academic performance and scholarship at TCSPP. All general NCADE services are available virtually, thereby keeping with TCSPP’s guiding principle of consistent, high-quality support for students no matter their program, location, or modality.
/ Name: Belinda McFeeters, Ph.D.Title: Associate Vice President, Academic and Dissertation Excellence
Welcome Note: Welcome to the Fall semester! The NCADE team looks forward to supporting your writing and research needs throughout your entire academic journey. Write us or stop by! Here’s to a successful academic year!
Academic Success Programs
Academic Success Programs (ASP) provide comprehensive support with academic and
professional writing for all TCSPP students, prior to the beginning of their work on a
dissertation, thesis, or advanced research project. ASP include the following:
- Writing Assessment Process (WAP), designed to assess the new students’ ability to
communicate in a formal academic and professional language
- Academic Writing Seminar (AWS), a seven-week online course designed to assist newstudents in honing their academic and professional writing skills
- Graduate Student Success Program (GSSP) –our academic resource hub hosted in Canvas. All new students are automatically enrolled in this program, which covers timemanagement; study skills (critical reading, critical thinking, note-taking, and contentmapping); writing and presenting skills (outlining, drafting, revising, editing, andproofreading); ESOL resources and tips; learning style and self-evaluation skills; andbasic concepts in statistics
- Individual writing support provided by writing tutors, peer writing coaches, and a writing specialist
- Time management & learning style consultations
- Specialized writing tutorials for speakers of English as a second or foreign language
ASP Staff
/ Name: Katia Mitova, Ph.D.Title: Director, Academic Success Programs
Welcome Note: Clear and concise, objective and persuasive writing is an academic goal that cannot be achieved overnight. It requires practice. Our team will guide you through the process.
/ Name: Ericka Sanders, M.A.
Title: Manager, Academic Success Programs
Welcome Note: Welcome, all new and returning students! If you have any questions regarding the writing assessment, please contact me.
Meet the NCADE Dissertation Writing Experts!
Dissertation Writing Experts(DWEs) are doctoral levelprofessionals who serve as consultants to doctoral students and faculty, to provide wraparound assistance in the areas of APA writing(grammar, clarity,and mechanicsof style) andAPA citation and formatting, as well as editorial guidancewith preparing IRB applications for submission.
/ Name: Latrice A. Alagbala, Ph.D.Title: Online DWE (living in Chicago, IL)
Welcome Note: Welcome to the start of a new semester on your educational journey! As you prepare for classes and progress through the semester, remember to make time for self-reflection and relaxation as these will aid in combatting stress and enhance personal growth. You are also encouraged to utilize available resources, such as professors, peers, and various departments, including NCADE to assist on this journey. Cheers to a productive and engaging semester!
/ Name: Alecia Eubanks, Ph.D.
Title: Washington, D.C. Campus DWE
Welcome Note: As a DWE, it is my goal to encourage you throughout your dissertation journey, in any way that I can. Have a year that makes you smile and be proud!!!
/ Name: Janet Gillett, Psy.D.
Title: Chicago Campus DWE
Welcome Note: Just like a journey starts with one step, a dissertation/thesis/paper starts with one page. Don’t forget to use the teams you have access to (library, NCADE, mentors, committee members)!
/ Name: Stephen Mack, Ed.D.
Title: Online DWE (living near Chicago, IL)
Welcome Note: Welcome to The Chicago School of Professional Psychology! I am excited to partner with you as you pursue your doctoral work. Throughout your process, I will be there to support you, guide you, and mentor you, helping you to navigate the challenges and rewards of dissertation writing.
/ Name: Jamie Patterson, Ed.D.
Title: Online DWE (living near Minneapolis, MN)
Welcome Note: With almost a decade behind me of working with graduate students, I still find the kind of work that we do at NCADE incredibly interesting and I learn something new every day. I work from a small office in Minneapolis, usually with my 12-year-old rescue dog at my feet. When I’m not reading dissertations, I read as much fiction as I can. Welcome to the new semester! I’m looking forward to getting to know you and your writing.
/ Name: Kevin Schwandt, Ph.D.
Title: Online DWE (living in Minneapolis, MN)
Welcome Note: High quality writing shows both respect for readers and pride in a scholar’s research and reasoning. I enjoy working with writers to present their hard work with clarity, concision, and adherence to academic style.
Meet the NCADE Methodology Experts
Methodology Experts (MEs) are doctoral level professionals who serve as consultants to dissertating students and faculty, to provide methodological support for the dissertation and other research, including a review of the methodological component of the IRB application.
/ Name: Philip Adu, Ph.D.Title:Methodology Expert (living near Jacksonville, FL)
Welcome Note: I see methodology as:
- a bridge that connects what is already known and what needs to be known about a phenomenon;
- a tool that aids researchers to systematically address problems identified and to answer questions generated;
- and a fuel that moves a study to a specified research destination.
/ Name: Kuba Glazek, Ph.D.
Title: Methodology Expert (Los Angeles Campus)
Welcome Note: The process of going from an idea or observation to a meaningful, actionable conclusion can be daunting, as the answer to each question about conducting rigorous research often generates more questions than answers! Many doctoral student researchers get “stuck” at different points along this journey, but NCADE methodological support is only an email away. Using our expertise, we can assist with study planning and data analysis issues, big and small. Email us to discuss your questions and let’s get scientific!