Procedure Name: Lower Extremity Vein Mapping
Updated: 12/9/15
To access the availability of vessels prior to creation of a permanent dialysis access in a chronic renal failure (CRF) patient who has no suitable arm veins to use as a conduit for an arteriovenous fistula.
To identify an adequate vein, preoperatively, in a patient with peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) who is deemed a candidate for lower extremity bypass graft.
To determine preoperatively, in a patient undergoing a coronary artery bypass if there is a suitable vein to be used as a conduit.
General Description:
Vein mapping of the lower extremity is performed to evaluate the superficial veins to determine if they can be used for the creation of an arteriovenous dialysis access, lower extremity bypass graft, or coronary artery bypass graft.
Patient Preparation:
There is no preparation for this exam.
Imaging Sequence:
1. Image patient data demographics page.
Right Leg
2. Transverse image of the right thigh greater saphenous vein junction with anterior to posterior and width measurement.
3. Transverse image of the right thigh greater saphenous vein high, mid and low (by the knee) with anterior to posterior and width measurement.
4. One long image of the right thigh greater saphenous vein with color and Doppler to check patency.
5. Transverse image of the right lower leg greater saphenous vein high, mid and low (by ankle) with anterior to posterior and width measurement.
6. Long image of the right lower leg greater saphenous vein with color and Doppler.
Left Leg
7. Transverse image of the left thigh greater saphenous vein junction with anterior to posterior and width measurement.
8. Transverse image of the left thigh greater saphenous vein high, mid and low (by the knee) with anterior to posterior and width measurement.
9. One long image of the left thigh greater saphenous vein with color and Doppler to check patency.
10. Transverse image of the left lower leg greater saphenous vein high, mid and low (by the ankle) with anterior to posterior and width measurement.
11. Long image of the left lower leg greater saphenous vein with color and Doppler.