Test Plan ver 3.0Revision 5-18-12P12412

P12412 UV Water Treatment System Safety Mechanism:

Test Plan & Test Results

Table of Contents:

  1. MSD I: Preliminary Test Plan…………………………….……….…….……..2
  2. Design Specifications………...………………………………..……….…..2
  3. Template………………………………………………………….………….3
  4. Test Equipment………………………………………………….……….….3
  5. Acknowledgements ………………...………………………….…………...4
  6. References……………………………………………………….………….4
  1. MSD II: Weeks 1-4 Test Detail Organization…………...…...….…….……..5
  2. Test Stand Construction……………………………………….…….……..5
  3. Test Procedure Timeline………………………………………….….…….8
  4. Test Plan Directions Written Out…………………………………………..9
  5. Test Result Data Sheet Template..………………….……………….…..23
  1. MSD II: Weeks 2-10 Testing and Design Verification………..….………..24
  2. Test Electrical Components ……………………………………………....24
  3. Testing……………………………………….………………………………24
  4. Analyzing Results…………………………………………………………..25
  5. Test Plan Modification and Re-Test……………………………………....25
  6. Analysis and Design Summary…………………………………………...25

3.6 Conclusion and Final Design Report Ready for Final Test Report ...….26

  1. MSD I: Preliminary Test Plan

Each of the engineering specifications determined for this project are correlated to a particular area of importance to this project. A series of tests, each connected to an independent specification, must be performed to ensure that the safety system successfully covers all of the engineering specifications. Along with all the engineering specifications there are also secondary/peripheral tests that must be performed to test the system, these are described later in the miscellaneous test section.

1.1Design Specifications:

ES # / Engineering Specifications / Nominal Spec Value / Marginal Spec Value / Spec Units
1 / Limits contaminated water flow entering storage tank / 0 / <200 / mL/tank
2 / Allows flow rate of 5L/min / 5 / 1 / L/min
3 / Solenoid Voltage / 24 / 2 / VDC
4 / Operating Voltage / 5 / .2 / VDC
5 / Time for operator reset / <5 / <10 / min
6 / Materials/Labor cost to customer / <100 / <150 / $/unit
7 / Total cost for expected year of life / <10 / <20 / $
8 / Frequency of consumable/replacement parts / 0 / <5 / ~/yr/kiosk
9 / Largest hole diam. in electrical housing / <2 / <5 / mm
10 / Weight / <5 / <10 / kg
11 / Photo diode output for failure trigger / VDC
12 / Water leaked on floor per hour / 0 / <0.5 / L
13 / Sense power loss / y / y / Bi
14 / Time between failure occurrence and flow cut-off / <4 / <6 / sec
15 / Audible warning decibels / 95 / 10 / dB
16 / Visual warning gets operator attention from distance / >8 / >4 / m
17 / Warn operator duration / >150 / >60 / min
18 / Delay for rapid power on-off / 3 / 1 / secs
19 / Withstands spray for 1 minute / >1 / >0.5 / min


Test Result Template

Date Started: ______Date Ended: ______

Tested By: ______Signature: ______

Number of Test Iterations: ______

Engr Spec # / Specification / Spec Units / Nominal Value / Pass/Fail / Comments
ES 1
ES 2
ES 3

1.3Test Equipment

Test Equipment List Template

Engineering Spec: ______

Tested By: ______Signature: ______

Date Started: ______Date Ended: ______

Equip. # / Equipment Description / # of Units / Comments


Client:Fermin Reyegadas

Foundation:Fundacion Cantaro Azul

MSD Guide:Sarah Brownell

MSD Team:Matt Switzer

Phil Floroff

Evan Hall

Tyler Josselyn


Valve Information:

UV information


  1. MSD II: Week 1-4 Test Detail Organization:

2.1Test Stand Construction

The test stand design must be a simplified version of the kiosk design. The major components are the upper reservoir, valve assembly, UV chambers, lower reservoir and control system. The test must be able to maintain an approximate volumetric flow rate of 5 liters per minute while being able to simulate various real world conditions. The upper reservoir must be at a height that will yield enough head to counter act any effects from pressure loss across the valves, friction in the pipes, and effects from the UV chambers.

The test stand will also be equipped with residential wiring. This will give the technicians control over the electrical inputs to the system. A dimmer switch will be installed between the plug-in and outlets for more control. The dimmer switch will allow brown outs to be simulated. Also a master power switch will be installed on the very back of the test rig, behind any water flow, for safety.

The test rig will also be constructed with modular aspects in mind. This is for ease of setup, tear down, and transportation. The major modules that will be assembled are the upper reservoir with piping assembly, upper reservoir tower, irrigation valve assembly, UV chamber tower, lower reservoir, and the base. For ease of assembly all electrical connections will consist of a plug and outlet assembly, all piping systems will consist of quick disconnects, and the structural components will have only a few bolts.

2.1.1 Test Stand: Preliminary Design

Figure 1: Preliminary Test Stand Design

Electrical System Follows the Flow of Electricity

-EE 1: Plug in: Power supply

-EE 2: Safety ON / OFF switch, cuts power to the system

-EE 3: Dimmer switch: Failure simulation

-EE 4: Interface for the Ballast

-EE 5: Ballast

-EE 6: Failure sense circuit and PV diode

-EE 7: Interface to mechanical system

Mechanical System Follows the Flow of Water

-ME 1: Simulated Dirty Water Reservoir

-ME 2: Manual flow shot-off valve (Ball Valve)

-ME 3: Flow prevention mechanism

-ME 4: UV chamber: Water sterilizing system

-ME 5: UV chamber drain

-ME 6: Simulated Clean Water Reservoir

2.1.2 Test Stand: Actual Construction

Figure 2: Actual Test Stand Construction

The actual construction was very similar to the preliminary design. The end test rig, when fully assembled, stands approximately 2.5 m long, 1.25 m wide, and 2.5 m high. Two 6 gallon tanks were used as the upper reservoir and were connected by piping. The water will then descend approximately 1.6 m were it will split for each of the chamber assemblies, see Figure 3 and 4. Since the two chambers are not the same dimensions the piping and mounting structures are costume to each side, but as equal as possible. The water ascends approximately 0.4 meters prior to entering each chamber. It is then allowed to flow freely to the exit were it empties in to orange 5 gallon buckets, which are used as the lower reservoir.

In the preliminary design two switches were described, master power switch and a dimmer switch. In the actual design, these switches were combined into a single dimmer switch that also has a push button on/off feature. This is connected to the outlets that can power the UV chambers and control board. The ballasts for each chamber were relatively small and could be mounted right with each chamber. The ballast also came equipped with their own local switch which gives the technician more control over the independence of each chamber assembly.

Many features were added to aid in the setup and tear down of the test stand. The upper reservoir tower and the UV chamber tower both have four legs that come in contact with the base, and at each of these points there is a single ¼ in bolt. At the base of each upper reservoir tank and before and after the valve assembly there are piping quick disconnects which allow them to be separated from the rest of the structure. The electrical connections consist of two types of connections. First the power supplies connect through standard plug and out let connections. The solenoids and photo-diodes are connected through crimped disconnects. All these features allow for the test stand to be assembled and disassembled in approximately 15 minutes.

2.2Test Procedure Timeline

First round of testing will consist of testing all the electrical components and make sure they fall with in desired limits, see Section 3.1 Test Electrical Components. Second round of test will consist of running water through the test rig to make sure there are no leaks in the pluming circuit and test ES 2 “Allow Flow Rate of 5 L/min.” This will set the benchmark that the system can supply the required flow rate prior to the addition of system modifications. As the electrical board is being assembled the holes can be drilled in the electrical housing, ES 9 “Largest Hole Diam. In Electrical Housing,” can be created. After this the ES 19 “Withstands spray for a minute” on the electrical housing can be tested. As the test rig is being assembled all of the safety system parts can be weighed, ES 10 “Weight,” to determine if any part is out of spec.

Once the test rig and the PCB are built the rest of the test can be performed. The water should then be allowed to naturally and the technician should monitor any points of leakage, ES 12 “Water leaked on floor per hour.” Electrical analysis will be performed to test ES 3, ES 4, ES 11 and ES 13. With the water system flowing naturally a simulated power outage will allow the technician to test ES 5, ES14, ES 15, ES 16, ES 17, and ES 18. The technician should monitor the water exit and test ES 1 “Limits Contaminated Water Flow Entering Storage Tank.”

All of these specification tests fall in the realm of electro-mechanical aspects of the physical system. Once the system has been finalized and the technicians deem the system to be ready for use; analysis of ES 6, ES 7 and ES 8 can be done. These test analysis the materials/labor costs and if there are any consumable parts over the life time of the safety mechanism.

Through the entire time of testing the chamber exit should be constantly monitored to make sure there are no leaks through the valves. Also periodically or if there are any changes to the physical system, ES 2 “Allows Flow Rate of 5 L/min” should be performed to make sure system performs consistently.

If any of the tests catastrophically fail then the technicians should determine if the failure is acceptable. If the failure is deem acceptable then the test plan should be altered or a detailed explanation should be added to the test result explaining why, even though it fails the engineering specification it is still an acceptable pass. If the test failure is unacceptable then the test rig should be improved to accurately test the engineering specification, and the test should repeated followed by a reanalysis of the results.

2.3Test Plan Directions Written Out

2.3.1 ES 1: Limits Contaminated Water Flow Entering Storage Tank

Tested By: ______Signature: ______

Date Started: ______Date Ended: ______

Equip. # / Equipment Description / # of Units / Comments
1 / Power Switch / 1 / To trigger safety system
2 / Graduated Cylinder / 1 / Leakage measurement


  1. Fill upper reservoir with clean water, (no foreign particulates that will impede system flow)
  2. Turn all manual valves to open position, (handle parallel to pipe flow)
  3. Trigger safety mechanism through simulated power outage, (turn OFF power switch)
  4. Check that solenoids deactivate through audible and touch senses, (if power is supplied to solenoids they exert a slight buzzing sound and minor vibrations)
  5. Monitor the outlets water flow into lower reservoir, (each chamber has an independent outlet port)
  6. Measure any flow from the outlets in milliliters per minute
  7. Based on amount of water that exits the system in 30 minute period, estimate amount of time before 1 clean water tank would fill with 200mL of contaminated water.
  8. Repeat test 5 to 10 times

2.3.2 ES 2: Allow Flow Rate of 5L/min

Tested By: ______Signature: ______

Date Started: ______Date Ended: ______

Equip. # / Equipment Description / # of Units / Comments
1 / 5 Gallon Bucket / 1 / Lower reservoir
2 / 1 L Bottle / 1 / Volume measurement
3 / Duct Tape/Marker / 1 / Volume measurement identifier
4 / Stop Watch / 1 / Timer


  1. Fill a 1 L bottle with water and empty in a 5 gallon bucket
  2. Mark the bucket using a marker or duct tape.
  3. Repeat this process until the 5 L mark is made or until bucket is full
  4. Fill upper reservoir with clean water, (no foreign particulates that will impede system flow)
  5. Turn all manual valves to open position, (handle parallel to pipe flow)
  6. Activate solenoids, (so valve is open)
  7. Allow water flow through the system to empty into a the 5 gallon bucket, with liter marks, located at the outlet of the system
  8. Time the flow to fill 5 L, (Using a stop watch, should take 60 seconds)
  9. Repeat test 5 to 10 times

2.3.3 ES 3: Solenoid Voltage of 24v

Tested By: ______Signature: ______

Date Started: ______Date Ended: ______

Equip. # / Equipment Description / # of Units / Comments
1 / Power Supply / 1 / Controls power supplied to solenoid
2 / Solenoids / 2 / Objects to be tested


  1. Remove solenoids from irrigation valves, (be careful not to lose the spring or piston)
  2. Connect the solenoid to a power source
  3. Set power source to supply 24v
  4. Make sure solenoid holds piston at this voltage through visual inspection, (if enough power is supplied to solenoid it will retract the piston)
  5. Lower voltage until the piston is released, (once the force of the spring is greater than the magnet the piston will be ejected), this will determine the lower limit voltage of the solenoid operating parameters, (value will be shown on the power supply)
  6. Repeat test 5 to 10 times for each solenoid

2.3.4 ES 4: Sense Circuit Operating Voltage

Tested By: ______Signature: ______

Date Started: ______Date Ended: ______

Equip. # / Equipment Description / # of Units / Comments
1 / 110Vac source / 1 / Input power
2 / Multimeter / 1 / System monitoring


  1. Connect system power supply to 110Vac source
  2. Measure voltage output from LDO with multimeter
  3. Verify 5v at output connection
  4. Repeat test 5 to 10 times at each output point

2.3.5 ES 5: Time for Operator Reset

Tested By: ______Signature: ______

Date Started: ______Date Ended: ______

Equip. # / Equipment Description / # of Units / Comments
1 / Power Switch / 1 / Regulate power to the system
2 / Stop Watch / 1 / Timer
3 / People / 5-10 / Test group


  1. Fill upper reservoir with clean water, (no foreign particulates that will impede system flow)
  2. Turn all manual valves to open position, (handle parallel to pipe flow)
  3. Activate solenoids, (so valve is open)
  4. Allow system to operate with normal water flow
  5. Trigger safety mechanism through simulated power outage, (turn OFF power switch)
  6. Measure the amount of time, (using a stop watch), it takes for a person to reset the system, (Initial time is at initial human contact to final time at water exiting the system again)
  7. Reset electrical system
  8. Reset mechanical system
  9. Activate power supply, (turn ON power switch)
  10. Repeat steps 4-6 three times with 5 to 10 people.

2.3.6 ES 6: Material and Labor Cost to Customer

Tested By: ______Signature: ______

Date Started: ______Date Ended: ______

Equip. # / Equipment Description / # of Units / Comments
1 / Bill of Materials / 1 / Materials cost


  1. Sum material cost using the Bill of Materials
  2. Estimate labor cost by approximating time for assembly
  3. Add labor and material cost to get overall cost

2.3.7 ES 7: Total Cost of Expected Year of Life

Tested By: ______Signature: ______

Date Started: ______Date Ended: ______

Equip. # / Equipment Description / # of Units / Comments
1 / Bill of Materials / 1 / Materials cost
2 / Notes from all other tests / 1 / Through system testing, determine system weaknesses


  1. Perform all other tests
  2. Determine if there are any weak or fallible parts in system, make notes
  3. Determine if the weak or fallible parts can be replaced with more robust parts
  4. Any part that cannot be replaced will be considered a replaceable part, (can last a year or more before it failure expectation)
  5. Determine if there are any consumable parts, (needs replacement in less than a year)
  6. Sum the total cost of consumable parts and replacement parts

2.3.8 ES 8: Frequency of Consumable/Replacement Parts

Tested By: ______Signature: ______

Date Started: ______Date Ended: ______

Equip. # / Equipment Description / # of Units / Comments
1 / Notes from all other tests / 1 / Through system testing, determine system weaknesses


  1. Perform all other tests
  2. Determine if there are any weak or fallible parts in system, make notes
  3. Determine if the weak or fallible parts can be replaced with more robust parts
  4. Any part that cannot be replaced will be considered a replaceable part, (can last a year or more before it failure expectation)
  5. Determine if there are any consumable parts, (needs replacement in less than a year)
  6. Determine the expected rate at which these parts will fail

2.3.9 ES 9: Largest Hole Diameter in Electrical Housing

Tested By: ______Signature: ______

Date Started: ______Date Ended: ______

Equip. # / Equipment Description / # of Units / Comments
1 / Electrical Housing / 2 / Structure that holds electrical components
2 / Drill and Drill Bits / 1 / Creates Holes
3 / Electrical Assembly / 1 / Determines the necessary hole locations
4 / Micrometer / 1 / Measure hole diameters


  1. Determine necessary hole locations in electrical housing using the electrical assembly
  2. Electrical board mounts
  3. LED mounts
  4. Speaker mounts
  5. Create all necessary holes, using a drill,
  6. Note all minimal drill bit sizes that are necessary and sufficient to hold all components
  7. Assemble electrical housing to make sure all necessary holes have been created
  8. Through visual inspection see if there are any excessive gaps in housing
  9. Disassemble electrical housing
  10. Measure all hole diameters in electrical housing, (Use micrometer)
  11. Compare results to the minimal drill bit size used to make each hole, (they should be the same)
  12. Determine if all gaps in housing are within engineering specifications, (some gaps are to be expected and should be sealed using cocking or Teflon tape)

2.3.10 ES 10: Weight of Safety Mechanism

Tested By: ______Signature: ______

Date Started: ______Date Ended: ______

Equip. # / Equipment Description / # of Units / Comments
1 / Safety Mechanism Components / 1 / Objects to be tested
2 / Scale / 1 / Weight determiner


  1. Remove all safety mechanism components from the system, (if they are already in use in the system)
  2. Using a scale determine the weight of all the components
  3. Use the measured weight to determine the mass of all the components
  4. Determine if all the components are less than 5 kg

2.3.11 ES 11: Photodiode Output for Failure Trigger

Tested By: ______Signature: ______

Date Started: ______Date Ended: ______

Equip. # / Equipment Description / # of Units / Comments
1 / UV Chamber / 2 / UVC supply
2 / Oscilloscope / 1 / System monitoring
3 / Multimeter / 1 / System monitoring
4 / Photodiodes/Op Amps / 2 / Energy conversion units
5 / Dimmer Switch / 1 / Output current control


  1. Insert the photodiode in the UV chamber
  2. Seal the UV chamber
  3. Connect UV chamber with bulb to the dimmer switch, (through proper outlet)
  4. Activate the system, (plug in the outlet)
  5. Stimulate the system by having the dimmer switch on max output current
  6. Measure output of photodiode/op amp with oscilloscope
  7. Measure voltage across UV bulb with second multimeter
  8. Retard dimmer switch output current
  9. Make sure failure circuit trips solenoid at proper UV output, and correlates with proper voltage output from op amp (1.68V)
  10. Repeat this test for both photodiodes/op amps, 5 to 10 times

2.3.12 ES 12: Water Leaked on Floor per hour