AdvancED Parent Survey Q & A
Q - In the section Purpose and Direction what is meant by our school’s purpose statement?
A – The purpose statement is our mission statement. It can be found on our web page and locations throughout the school. Our Mission Statement/Belief Statement is:
New Smyrna Beach Faculty and Staff, working in partnership with home and community, enable students to learn, achieve and reach their potential.
Q – In the section Governance and Leadership what does “governing body” refer to in questions 4 & 5?
A – Governing Body refers to our School Board located in Deland.
Q – In the section Governance and Leadership what does “stakeholders” refer to in question 9?
A – Stakeholders are all members involved in the school. Examples include: Teachers, parents, students, business partners, volunteers, mentors, etc.
Q- In the section Teaching and Assessing for Learning what is an “adult advocate.”
A – An adult advocate is anyone that is there to support your child and help them be successful. Examples include: Guidance Counselors, Campus Advisors, Teachers, Mentors, Administrators, etc.
Q – In the section Teaching and Assessing for Learning what does question 22 refer to involving technology
A – Computer labs, BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology) classrooms, LTC (Learning Technology Classrooms-IPADs) computers in the classrooms, white boards in the media center, etc.
Q – In the section Resources and Support Systems what does it mean in question 27 when it refers to information resources to support learning?
A – BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology) classrooms, LTC (Learning Technology Classrooms-IPADs) computers in the classrooms, white boards in the media center, EBooks, etc. It would also include guidance counselors and career days as well.
Q–In the section Resources and Support Systems question 29 refers to activities for students to participate in that interest them. What does that mean?
A- Clubs, sports, dance teams, musical programs, elective classes, etc….
Q- In the section Using Results for Continuous Improvement question 33 talks about monitoring of school goals and achievement. How is that done?
A – School Improvement Plan (monitored by the state and district) AdvancED Accreditation Process, School Accountability System (School Grades), PLC Meetings, SAC (School Advisory Council), Faculty and Staff Meetings, Team Leader Meetings, VSET (Teacher evaluation system), VSEL (Administration evaluation system) etc….