PTR Glossary

Transactions – Brief description and effective usage

Hire–Set up a new employee with a job for the first time

Rehire– Hire back a terminated employee or reuse an inactive employee job record of an active employee

Hire Additional Job – Hire an employee who has an active job to another job

Job Data transactions

Promote – advance or elevate to a higher grade or position within the same salary administration plan

Reassignment – Voluntary or involuntary decrease in salary grade within the same salary administration plan

Transfer – Change an assignment without a grade change or a change in salary administration plan

Pay Rate Change – Change pay alone or in conjunction with a promotion or reassignment or transfer

Place on Short Work Break – Stop pay prior to end of appointment period. Limited to Faculty and Graduates

Return from Short Work Break – Establish new appointment period. Limited to Faculty and Graduates

Termination– When the employee/employer relationship ends for one or multiple jobs.

Retirement – Retire an eligible employee. Routed to OHR Benefits for eligibility confirmation

StdHrs/FT PT/Reg Temp – Change to select Job attributes: standard hrs, work status, employment type

Pay Data transactions

Additional Pay – Provide a salary commensurate to additional responsibilities and short-term functions or for individuals appointed to distinguished positions, as well as for performance meriting financial recognition

Additional Pay Cancellation – Stop an additional pay prior to end date or goal amount being reached

CPO/VPO/CTP Check – Department wishes to pay comp time accrued in previous periods or voluntary or involuntary termination of employee or job change that results in compensatory time/vacation pay out

Leave Accrual Adjustments – Changes to incorrect leave accrual balances

Report Overpayment – Employee paid more than contracted amount or past the employment end date and requires correction

Request Manual Check – Request funds owed for HRY or STU with reported time immediately rather than waiting until the normal pay period

Transactions: combinations

TRANSACTION / SPLASH Page / SPLASH Page2 / SPLASH Page: auto selected / MAIN Page / MAIN Page: date dependent
Hire / Additional Pay / Retro
Rehire / Additional Pay / Retro
Hire Additional Job / Additional Pay / Retro
Promotion / Pay Rate Change / Additional Pay / Retro/OP
Reassignment / Pay Rate Change / Additional Pay / Retro/OP
Transfer / Pay Rate Change / Additional Pay / Retro/OP
Pay Rate Change / Promotion/Reassignment/Transfer / Additional Pay / Retro/OP
Place on Short Work Break / Additional Pay Cancel / OP
Return from Short Work Break / Additional Pay / Retro
Termination / Additional Pay Cancel / CPO/VPO/CTP Check / OP
Retirement / Additional Pay Cancel / CPO/VPO/CTP Check / OP
StdHrs/FT PT/Reg Temp / Additional Pay / Retro/OP
Additional Pay / Promotion/Reassignment/Transfer / Pay Rate Change / Retro
Additional Pay Cancel / Place on SWB/ Termination/Retire / OP

Hire: Additional Pay[main page]; Retro(date)

Rehire: Additional Pay [main page];Retro(date)

Hire Additional Job: Additional Pay [main page];Retro(date)

Promotion: Pay Change + Add’l Pay[splash];Job[main page];CTP/CPO(HRYSAL);Retro(date)and/or Overpay(date)

Reassignment: Pay Change + Additional Pay[splash];Job[main page];Retro(date) and/or Overpayment(date)

Transfer: Pay Change + Add’l Pay[splash];Job[main page];VPO(StaffFAC);Retro(date) and/or Overpay(date)

Pay Rate Change: Promotion/Reassignment/Transfer + Additional Pay [splash]

Place on Short Work Break: Additional Pay Cancel[splash];Overpayment(date)

Return from Short Work Break: Additional Pay[splash];Job Attributes Change[main page];Retro(date)

Termination: Additional Pay Cancel +VPO/CPO/CTP(balance: auto);Overpayment(date)

Retirement: Additional Pay Cancel +VPO/CPO/CTP(balance: auto);Overpayment(date)

Job Attributes Change: Additional Pay [splash];VPO(FTE);Retroand/or Overpayment(date)

Additional Pay: Job Attributes Change[splash];Retro(date)

Additional Pay Cancel: Overpayment(date)

Acronyms/Additional Pay Codes – Description

Paygroup / Description / Earns Code
A12 / Academic 12 Month / A12
ACD / Academic 9 Month / ACD
FSW / Faculty Summer/Winter / SUM
GRD / Graduate Student Employee / GRD
HRY / Hourly Employee / HRY
SAL / Salary Employee / REG
STU / Student Employee / STH
Additional Pay - Most Common
Earns Code / Description / Most used for
ICS / Intra University Consulting / Faculty
HNR / Honorarium / Faculty
ISP / Instruction Supplement / Faculty
ADS / Administrative Supplement / Faculty/Staff
AWP / Award/Prize / Faculty/Staff
SUP / Supplemental Pay / Faculty/Staff
STI / Stipend / Faculty/Student
BNN / Bonus Nondiscretionary / Staff
BNS / Bonus - Discretionary / Staff
TEC / Technical Subsidy / Staff
TFB / Taxable Fringe Benefit / Staff
UNI / Uniform allowance / Staff
CMS / Commission Earnings / Staff/Student
SDM / Same Day Meal / Staff/Student