Dear Parent or Guardian of (INSERT NAME HERE),

You are receiving this notification because your child has not met state and/or HISD promotion standards. Please read below for the explanation of which promotion standards your child failed to meet and the district’s recommendation for summer school and/or accelerated instruction requirements determined by the Grade Placement Committee.

Your child in grade level TYPE IN GRADE LEVEL HERE

Grade Level / State and HISD Promotion Standards
1 and 2 / Did not meet passing standard on the High Frequency Word Test.
Did not meet the State and/or local requirement of an overall yearly average of 70 or above in TYPE IN SUBJECT(S) HERE
Did not meet the attendance requirement (unexcused absences cannot exceed 10% of class meetings)
3 - 8 / Did not meet passing standard on the STAAR / STAAR A Reading Assessment.
Did not meet the State and/or local requirement of overall yearly average of 70 or above in TYPE IN SUBJECT(S) HERE.
Did not meet the attendance requirement (unexcused absences cannot exceed 10% of class meetings)

For students in grades 5and 8,the results of your child’s second administration of STAAR/STAAR A Reading assessment – taken on May 12, 2015 - are attached. Under Texas law, as set forth in the Student Success Initiative grade advancement requirements, a student in grade 5 or 8 must meet the passing standard on this assessment and must participate in required additional instruction if he or she fails to meet the passing standard in order to be promoted to the next grade. If your child did not meet the passing standard on the reading assessment and/or the district’s passing standards a grade placement committee meeting will take place at the school to determine the accelerated instruction your child must complete. .

The district adheres to specific standards for promotion for grades 1-8. Due to your child not meeting the state and/or district promotion standards, a grade placement committee will meet to determinewhether he or she is required to attend summer school (see attached invitation to the grade placement committee meeting). For students in grades 5 and 8 the third and final administration of STAAR/STAAR A Reading assessment for the 2014-2015 school year will take place on June 23, 2015. Parents may request to waive the student’s right to take the third administration. (Please contact the school for waiver request form).The summer school schedule for (INSERT CAMPUS NAME HERE) is the following:

Campus Name & Address: / TYPE IN INFORMATION
Contact Name & Phone #: / TYPE IN INFORMATION

Working together, we can help ensure your child’s success. We look forward to seeing your child at summer school and you at the grade placement committee meeting. If you have any additional questions, please contact the school office.


Principal’s Name

Campus Name