
Conference Programme

Thematic session subjects:

1. / Modelling for plant design and processes simulation purposes
2. / Optimisation in drinking water distribution systems
(invited session)
3. / Control of water quality in water distribution systems
4. / Smart monitoring and control of wastewater treatment systems I
5. / Smart monitoring and control of wastewater treatment systems II
6. / Communication systems
7. / Model calibration
8. / Applications
9. / Novel measurement techniques
10. / Technology, modelling, automation

Panel discussion subjects:

1. / Role of Information Technology
2. / Interdisciplinary Projects – Past and Future
3. / Future of the Conference


Tuesday, 18.06.2002 / Wednesday, 19.06.2002 / Thursday, 20.06.2002 / Friday, 21.06.2002
800-830 / Breakfast / Breakfast / Breakfast
830-900 / (Centre restaurant) / (Centre restaurant) / (Centre restaurant)
900-930 / Conference Opening (room A) / Plenary Session 2 / Plenary session 4
930-1000 / Plenary session 1 / (room A) / (room A)
1000-1030 / (room A) / Break (coffee, tea) / Break (coffee, tea)
1030-1100 / Break (coffee, tea) / Thematic Session 5 / Thematic Session 6 / Thematic Session 9 / Thematic Session 10
1100-1130 / Thematic Session 1 / Thematic Session 2 / Subject 7 / Subject 4 / Subject 5 / Subject 8
1130-1200 / Subject 10 / Subject 6 / Room B / Room A / (room A) / (room B)
1200-1230 / (room A) / (room B) / Break
1230-1300 / Break / Break / Panel Discussion 3
1300-1330 / - lunch / - lunch / Conference Closing
1330-1400 / (Centre restaurant) / (Centre restaurant) / (room A)
1400-1430 / Thematic Session 3 / Thematic Session 4 / Plenary session 3
1430-1500 / Subject 9 / Subject 1 / (room A)
1500-1530 / (room A) / (room B) / Break (coffee, tea)
1530-1600 / Break (coffee, tea) / Thematic Session 7 / Thematic Session 8
1600-1630 / Panel / Subject 2 / Subject 3
1630-1700 / Discussion 1 / (room A) / (room B)
1700-1730 / Arrival, / (room A) / Break
1730-1800 / registration, / Free time / Panel
1800-1830 / accommodation / Discussion 2
1830-1900 / (Conference Office, / Tour / (room A)
1900-1930 / Centre reception desk) / to the Gdańsk Old Town / Free
1930-2000 / time
2000-2030 / Conference / Dinner
2030-2100 / dinner / in
2100-2130 / Reception / at the Gdańsk Old Town / the open air


Wednesday, June 19, 2002

Conference Opening: Wednesday, June 19, 2002
900 - 930, roomA

Chairman: Mietek A. BRDYS, The University of Birmingham, Gdańsk University of Technology

Panellists: Jan GODLEWSKI, Gdańsk University of Technology, Vice Rector for Science

Bogdan ZADROGA, Gdańsk University of Technology, Dean of Hydro and Environmental engineering Faculty

Opening Addresses: Representatives of the authorities of University, Faculties and delegates of technologists and control engineers

Plenary Session 1: Wednesday, June 19, 2002
930 - 1030, room A

Chairman: Zdzisław Kowalczuk, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

Satellite ocean observation and automatic image interpretation


University of Almeria, Spain


University of Las Palmas, Spain

Thematic Session 1: Wednesday, June 19, 2002
1100 - 1240, roomA
Subject 10: Technology, modelling, automation

Chairpersons: Piotr Kowalik,Gdańsk University of Technology. Poland

Eveline I.P. Volcke, BIOMATH, Ghent University, Belgium

1.Modelling the SHARON process in view of coupling with ANAMMOX


BIOMATH, Ghent University, Belgium


Halotec Delft B.V., The Netherlands


Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

2.Technology of the thermal utilisation of sewage sludge in a city of medium size


Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

3.Optimised control of dissolved oxygen for activated sludge processes – Kartuzy case study

Wiktor CHOTKOWSKI(1), Robert PIOTROWSKI(1), Kamil KONARCZAK(1), MietekA.BRDYS(1)(2), Kazimierz DUZINKIEWICZ(1)

(1) Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland,

(2) The University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

4.Efficiency of biological phosphorus removal in the municipal WWTPs with the VFAs generation systems


Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

5.Experiences in greenhouse automation for hydroponic crop in Mediterranean greenhouses


Universidad de Almería. Almería, Spain

Thematic Session 2: Wednesday, June 19, 2002
1100 - 1200, room B
Subject 6:Communication systems

Chairpersons: Manuel Cantón, University of Almeria, Spain

Jumar Urlich, ifak E.V., Germany

1.Realization of the monitoring of water distribution systems – an important condition for a correct supervision of its functioning


Municipal Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Enterprise in the capital city of Warsaw, Poland

2.Process data of wastewater treatment plants via VAP mobile phone

Urlich JUMAR, Jens ALEX, Inglof SEICK

ifak E.V., Germany

3.TP-COMMANDER – an integrated information system for management and decision support in water companies


Techno – Progress Ltd., Poland


Electrotechnical Institute, Warsaw, Poland

Thematic Session 3: Wednesday, June 19, 2002
1400 - 1520, room A
Subject 9:Novel measurement techniques

Chairpersons: Franciszek Milkiewicz,Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

Wiktor Chotkowski, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

1.Effect of facilities for pressure elevation on hydraulics of water distribution system


Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

2.Flow measuring system with Palmer – Bowlus flume

Kazimierz BURZYŃSKI, Elżbieta WOŁOSZYN, Piotr ZIMA

Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

3.Indirect determination of nitrogen removal from wastewater in biological treatment plants


Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

Stanisław CYTAWA

Sewer and Drinking Water Company „Swarzewo” Ltd., Poland

4.Application of Redox potential measurement for control of alternate denitrification process in activated sludge chambers


Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

Thematic Session 4: Wednesday, June 19, 2002
1400 - 1540, room B
Subject 1:Modelling for plant design and processes simulation purposes

Chairpersons: Romuald Szymkiewicz, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

Eveline I.P. Volcke, BIOMATH, Ghent University, Belgium

1.Modelling and simulation of filtration process for designing and exploitation control of multilayer rapid filter


Silesian University of Technology, Poland

2.Finite volume method for water hammer simulation


Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

3.Investigation of the waterhammer suppression in a pumping system by means of an air chamber


Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN), Gdańsk, Poland

4.Diagnosis of the water distribution systems



5.Application of ASM2d for modelling phosphorus removal along trunk sewer based on Swarzewo WWTP data

Ryszard TARNOWSKI(1), Wiktor CHOTKOWSKI(1), Mietek A. BRDYS(1)(2), KazimierzDUZINKIEWICZ(1),

(1) Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland,

(2) The University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

Stanisław CYTAWA,

Sewer and Drinking Water Company „Swarzewo”, Poland

Panel Discussion 1:Wednesday, June 19, 2002
1600 - 1730, room A
Subject1:Role of Information Technology

Chairpersons: Andrzej URBANIAK, Poznań University of Technology, Poland

Sławczo DENCZEW, Municipal Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Enterprise in the capital city of Warsaw, Poland

Panellists: Eugeniusz SROCZAN, Poznań University of Technology, Poland

About Polish Academy of Science (PAN)

The Polish Academy of Sciences is both a corporation of outstanding scholars and a research center comprised of 81 scientific units employing over 9,000 people.

The research conducted by the Academy is primarily concentrated in the statutory range of the activities of PAN institutes. A wide array of research projects is carried out simultaneously, i.e., projects financed through PAN's own means - grants, as well as target projects, commissioned projects, and commissioned target projects. This area is financed by the State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN). A small portion of the research projects is financed by the Foundation for Polish Science, industrial firms, the health services, state agencies, and agencies of local government. PAN scientific units together carried out 1,283 research projects in Poland. PAN scientific units steadily receive foreign sources of financing through participation in topics and projects organized by international programs. These usually entail large undertakings, e.g., complexes of research projects within the 5th Framework Program of the EU, PHARE-SCI-Tech, programs financed by NATO, grants from the Maria-Skłodowska-Curie Fund II, the British Council, UNESCO projects, COST, INCO-COPERNICUS, projects of the Polish-German Cooperation Fund, HASYLAB, and many others.

Thursday, June 20, 2002

Plenary Session 2:Thursday, June 20, 2002
900 - 1000, roomA

Chairman: Marios Polycarpou, University of Cincinnati, USA;

Univerersity of Cyprus, Cyprus

Simulation, control and optimization problems in distribution networks – survey of our results


Institute of Technical Cybernetics, Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland

Thematic Session 5:Thursday, June 20, 2002
1030 - 1110, room B
Subject 7: Model calibration

Chairpersons: Jacek Makinia, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

Jerzy Nowaczyk, SAUR Neptun Gdańsk, Poland

1.Impact of measurement errors on optimal calibration of water distribution models

Zheng Y. Wu, Thomas M. WALSKI, Robert MANKOWSKI, Gregg HERRIN,


Haestad Methods, Inc., USA

2.Comparing predictive abilities of ASM1 and ASM3 at a full-scale WWTP

R. Caroline KY,

Hydromantis, Inc., Canada


Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland


EnviroSim Associates Ltd., Canada

Thematic session 6: Thursday, June 20, 2002
1030 – 1210, room A
Subject 4:Smart monitoring and control of wastewater treatment systems I

Chairpersons: Eckard Arnold, Fraunhofer Application Center for Systems Technology, Germany

Zbigniew Nahorski, Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

1.Balance-based adaptive control of a denitrifying biofilter


Technical University of Silesia, Poland

2.Application of model - predicive control for long-trem operation of a municipal wastewater treatment plant

Eckhard ARNOLD,Steffen DIETZE,

Fraunhofer Application Center for Systems Technology Ilmenau, Germany


Technische Universität Ilmenau

3.On-line control of a wastewater plant using mathematical models and neural networks


Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences


Agriculture Academy in Wrocław


Technical University of Wrocław

4.Robust recursive on-lineestimation of variables and parameters in grey-box models of biological reactor in acivated sludge wastewater treatment plants

Tomasz. RUTKOWSKI(1), Michał GROCHOWSKI(1), Mietek A. BRDYS(1)(2), JacekMĄKINIA(1), Kazimierz DUZINKIEWICZ(1)

(1) Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

(2) The University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

5.Model predictive medium control layer for integrated sewer - wastewater treatment plant systems

Mietek A. BRDYS(1)(2), Kamil KONARCZAK(1)

(1) Gdańsk University Technology, Poland

(2) The University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

Plenary Session 3:Thursday, June 20, 2002
1400 - 1500, roomA

Chairman: Reza KATEBI, University of Strathclyde, Scotland

Hierarchical control of integrated quality and quantity in drinking water distribution systems: methodologies, structures and algorithms

Mietek A. BRDYS(1)(2), Kazimierz DUZINKIEWICZ(1), Tao CHANG(2)

(1) Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

(2) The University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Marios POLYCARPOU(3)(4),Zhong WANG(3), Jim UBER(3),Marco PROPATO(3)

(3)University of Cincinnati, USA

(4)University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Thematic Session 7:Thursday, June 20, 2002
1530 - 1650, room A
Subject 2: Optimisation in drinking water distribution systems (invited session)

Chairpersons: James Uber, University of Cincinnati, USA

Ryszard Klempous, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland

1.The metaheuristic approach to the water distribution network design problem


Wrocław University of Technology, Poland

2.Optimal control in the water supply network with polluted medium


Wrocław University of Technology, Poland

3.Determination of energy losses and allocation in water distribution network


Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland

4.Distribution in water supply system with limited consumption outflows


Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland

Thematic Session 8:Thursday, June 20, 2002
1530 - 1630, room B
Subject 3:Control of water quality in water distribution systems

Chairpersons: Marios Polycarpou, University of Cincinnati, USA; University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Kazimierz Duzinkiewicz, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

1.Control of booster disinfection systems: optimal location of actuators and sensors

Marco PROPATO(1), James G. UBER(1), Marios POLYCARPOU(1)(2)

(1) University of Cincinnati, USA

(1)(2) University of Cyprus, Cyprus

2.Migration of the PAH type pollution in water distribution network

Agnieszka PAWLAK

Wrocław University of Technology, Poland

3.Optimising model predictive controller for hierarchical control of integrated quality and quantity in drinking water distribution systems

Dariusz TRAWICKI(1), Kazimierz DUZINKIEWICZ(1), Mietek A.BRDYS(1)(2)

(1) Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

(2) The University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

Panel Discussion 2:Thursday, June 20, 2002
1730 -1900, roomA
Subject2: Interdisciplinary Projects – Past and Future

Chairpersons: Mietek A. BRDYS - The University of Birmingham, UK; Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

Piotr KOWALIK- Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

Panellists: Eckhard Arnold - Fraunhofer Application Center for Systems Technology Germany

Manuel CANTÓN - University of Almeria, Spain

Mieczyslaw GRUNDKIEWICZ - Wastewater Treatment, Kartuzy, Poland

Sławczo DENCZEW, Municipal Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Enterprise in the capital city of Warsaw, Poland

Panellists (cont.): Jan GODLEWSKI, Gdańsk University of Technology , Vice Rector for Science

Reza KATEBI, University of Strathclyde, Scotland

James UBER -University of Cincinnati, USA

About IFAC

The INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL, founded in September 1957, is a multinational federation of National Member Organizations (NMOs), each one representing the engineering and scientific societies concerned with automatic control in its own country.

The purpose of the Federation is to promote the science and technology of control in the broadest sense in all systems, whether, for example, engineering, physical, biological, social or economic, in both theory and application. IFAC is also concerned with the impact of control technology on society.

The primary objective of the Federation is to serve all those concerned with the theory and application of automatic control and systems engineering, wherever situated. To further this aim, it maintains working relationships with other organizations, national or international, especially with other non-governmental professional federations.

IFAC provides a framework for collaboration between those working in automatic control and systems engineering, irrespective of race, creed or colour, or of geographic location, and promotes free exchange of ideas and experts within its professional fields.

The Federation does not become involved in any kind of political activity, nor does it take a position in any such issue.

IFAC pursues its purpose by organizing technical meetings, by publications, and by any other means consistent with its constitution and which will enhance the interchange and circulation of information on automatic control activities.

International World Congresses are held every three years. Between congresses, IFAC sponsors many symposia, conferences and workshops covering particular aspects of automatic control.

IFAC activities are for everyone interested in control engineering research, development and education. About fifty National Member Organizations are involved in promoting and developing the area of control by organizing technical meetings and by publishing control literature - including Preprints, Postprints, and Proceedings of IFAC meetings, the IFAC Journals Automatica, Control Engineering Practice, Annuals Review in Control, Journal of Process Control and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, and a number of Affilated Journals.

Friday, June 21, 2002

Plenary Session 4: Friday, June 21, 2002
900 - 1000, room A

Chairman: James Uber,University of Cincinnati, USA

Design of control structure for integrated wastewater treatment plant - sewer systems

Mietek A.BRDYS(1)(2), Michał GROCHOWSKI(1), Kazimierz DUZINKIEWICZ(1), WiktorCHOTKOWSKI(1), Yazeng LIU(1)

(1) Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

(2) The University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Thematic Session 9: Friday, June 21, 2002, 1030 - 1150,
room A
Subject5:Smart monitoring and control of wastewater treatment systems II

Chairpersons: Yazeng Liu, The University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

Jerzy Mikosz, Cracow University of Technology, Poland

1.Principle component analysis for sensor validation in wastewater treatment systems

Matthew John WADE, Reza KATEBI

University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland

2.Intelligent objects’ systems in environmental engineering

Eugeniusz M. SROCZAN, Andrzej URBANIAK

Poznań University of Technology, Poland

3.On line risk assessment for control: methodology, algorithms and applications to wastewater systems

Mietek A. BRDYS(1)(2), Michał GROCHOWSKI(1), Kazimierz. DUZINKIEWICZ(1),

(1) Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

Yazeng LIU(2)

(2) The University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

4.Fast on-line state estimation of SBR for monitoring and data driven control purposes

Stanisław CYTAWA(1),

(1)Sewer and Drinking Water Company „Swarzewo”, Poland

Adam BOROWA(2), Mietek A BRDYS(2)(3), Kazimierz DUZINKIEWICZ(2), WiktorCHOTKOWSKI(2)

(2) Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

(3) The University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

Thematic Session 10: Friday, June 21, 2002
1030 - 1150, room B

Chairpersons:EckhardArnold, Fraunhofer Application Center for Systems Technology, Germany

Krystyna Wojciechowska, Silesian University of Technology, Poland

Andrzej Kwidziński, Drinking Water and Sewer Enterprise in Katuzy, Poland

1.Controlling of water flow distribution through filters in a treatment station

Remigiusz OLESIŃSKI, Andrzej RUDA

Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

2.Adjusting the large WWTP’s design for EU standards: a case study


Cracow University of Technology, Poland

3.Optimised Control of dissolved oxygen for activated sludge processes under limited pressure measurements – Tczew case

Wiktor CHOTKOWSKI(1), Robert PIOTROWSKI(1), Kamil KONARCZAK(1), MietekA.BRDYS(1)(2), Kazimierz DUZINKIEWICZ(1)

(1) Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

(2) The University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

4.Classification diameters of water-supply pipelines at use neural networks


Technical University of Bialystok, Poland

Panel Discussion 3
and Conference summary:Friday, June 21, 2002
1230- 1400, room A
Subject 3: Future of the Conference

Chairpersons: Mietek A. BRDYS(1)(2)

Piotr KOWALIK(1)

(1) Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

(2) The University of Birmingham – United Kingdom

About ASCE

Founded in 1852, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) represents 125,000 members of the civil engineering profession worldwide, and is America's oldest national engineering society. ASCE's vision is to position engineers as global leaders building a better quality of life. The Society is now celebrating its 150th anniversary.

ASCE’s mission is to provide essential value to our members, their careers, our partners and the public by developing leadership, advancing technology, advocating lifelong learning, and promoting the profession.

The Society's federal priority issues for 2002 are: clean water, infrastructure financing, math and science education, national energy policy, natural hazards impact reduction, procurement of professional services, and smart growth.

ASCE is the world's largest publisher of civil engineering information - producing more than 50,000 pages each year. The Society publishes the monthly magazine Civil Engineering, a monthly newspaper ASCE News, 29 technical and professional journals (available in print, CD-ROM and on the Internet), and a variety of books including acquired titles, conference proceedings, committee reports, manuals of practice, standards and monographs.

Informing civil engineers about new innovations in civil engineering, the Society holds 15-20 technical conferences annually, with an average total attendance of 10,000. The Society also offers more than 250 continuing education seminars and computer workshops each year, a variety of self-study and distance learning programs, and customized in-company training. ASCE offers Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and/or Professional Development Hours (PDHs) for conferences, seminars and workshops, and most self-study/distance learning programs to help professional engineers meet mandatory continuing professional competency requirements.


About Intelligent Decision Support and Control Group,

co-organizer of TiASWIK’02 Conference

Intelligent Decision Support and Control System Group operates at Gdansk University of Technology and it was set up in 1999. The Group is involved in teaching at GUT providing courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students that include: