Proposal: The power of social media in the workplace


The use of social media in the workplace is increasing rapidly for developing public relations and promoting the awareness about their products and services in the marketplace (Lee, 2014). In this context, the present report will analyse mad examine the topic of ‘The power of social media in the workplace’. In this context, the report will emphasize on developing an answer to the following research question:

‘What is the need of adopting the use of social media in the workplace and its influence on the business performance?

The answer to the above research question will be presented through analyzing and examining the different types of information related to the research topic. The major sources of information that will be used to answer the research questions will be secondary sources such as academic journals, books, online websites and professional articles.

Need of Using Social Media in the Workplace

The people around the world are largely adopting the use of social media channels such as facebook, twitter, you tube and many others for interacting with others. As such, the business organizations are increasingly emphasizing on the usage of social media channels for interacting with their customers and promoting awareness about their brand. The main reason for the increasing popularity of such channels in the workplace is that they allow the business organizations to reach to large number of customers within a short span of time (Leftheriotis and Giannakos, 2014). As such, the present section of the report will demonstrate the increasing need of using social media in the workplace for improving their productivity and the profitability.

Pros and Cons of UsingSocial Media in the Workplace

The use of socialmedia in the workplace provides various benefits to the businesses such as improved productivity, recruitment of talented workforce, maintaining public relationsand various others. On the other hand, it has several drawbacks also such as its misuse by employees can often cause various problems for the business organization (Doscuza, 2017). In this context, the present section of the report will address the pros and cons related to use of social media in the workplace.

Impact of Social Media on Business Performance

The socialmedia improves the performance of the business organizationthrough several ways (Lee, 2014). As such, this section of the report will discuss the various ways through which social media increases the performance of a business organization.


The business organizations are recommended to utilize the use of social media for improving their businessperformance. However, there are several things that need to be considered by them for using the social media to overcome from its various drawbacks (Mangan, and Gillies, 2017). This section of the report will provide recommendations to the business organizations regarding the ways to be adopted for effective use of social media in the workplace.


At last, the report will provide a brief about the various topics covered in the report. It will summarize the overall findings developed from carrying out the entire research related to the topic under consideration.


Doscuza, M. 2017. Social media and its effects on workplace productivity.[Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 3 November 2017].

Lee.2014. Integrating Social Media into Business Practice, Applications, Management, and Models.IGI Global.

Leftheriotis, I. and Giannakos, M. 2014. Using social media for work: Losing your time or improving your work?Computers in Human Behavior 31, pp.134–142.

Mangan, D. and Gillies, L. 2017. The Legal Challenges of Social Media.Edward Elgar Publishing.