Release Notes

Federal Procurement Data System – Next Generation

Service Pack v1.3 SP2.0

For Versions: 1.2 and 1.3


BETA Installation Date: September 22, 2008

Production Installation Date: October 17, 2008

Prepared by:

Global Computer Enterprises, Inc.

10780 Parkridge Boulevard, Suite 300

Reston, VA 20191

September 22, 2008

FPDS-NG Version 1.3 Service Pack 2.0 Release Notes

Table of Contents

Section Page

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Overview 1

1.2 Documentation Changes 1

1.3 Impact to Users 1

1.4 Impact to Integrators 1

1.5 FPDS-NG Updates and Notices 1

1.6 Support Line 1

2 Report Updates 2

3 Bug Corrections 3

4 Business Functionality Changes 11


FPDS-NG Version 1.3 Service Pack 2.0 Release Notes

1  Introduction

1.1  Overview

This document describes the enhancements and changes made to the FPDS-NG system in software release Service Pack V1.3 SP 2.0.

1.2  Documentation Changes

This section describes the impact of the SP 2.0 changes on the documentation.

Documentation / Changes Required?
XML Specifications / No
Web Services / No
Data Dictionary / No
NASA Specific Data Dictionary / No
Use Case Summary / No
Validation Rules / Yes
Online Help / No
Computer-Based Training / No
Report Manual / No

1.3  Impact to Users

The impact to the users is addressed for each change made to the system.

1.4  Impact to Integrators

The impact to the integrators is addressed for each change made to the system.

1.5  FPDS-NG Updates and Notices

All updates and notices are posted to the FPDS-NG website at The most recent updates and anticipated changes are posted at

1.6  Support Line

If you have questions about the FPDS-NG system, please call the FPDS-NG Support Line at (703) 390-5360 or (866) 490-3737. You may fax us at (703) 390-5365 or visit the FPDS-NG website at

2  Report Updates

SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSNG-3449 / Enhancement: The Small Business Goaling Report will be updated as per the Fiscal Year 2008 Small Business Administration’s goaling requirements. TSA data will be included in the report starting with actions whose date signed is July 1, 2008 or later. The appendix will be updated. / Maintenance
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / The updated small business goaling report will be available for use as a standard report and for official creation of the FY 2008 Small Business Goaling Report.
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-25807 / Problem: During the process of selecting the filters in the adhoc report, functionality exists to allow users to enter a value or to select the appropriate value via the “Select Attribute Values” or “Select Global Variables Value” functions. The two functions provide a set of values as choices for the user. When a user tries to select an element (Contract Type), a ‘page cannot be displayed’ message is displayed.
Resolution: This problem will be fixed such that user will be able to view and select values. / Aged SPR
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / Change in Adhoc Report
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-20992 / Problem: When a search is performed in the Adhoc reports, the search criteria is always displayed in upper case regardless of the case the user is typing in and the search is being performed for upper case values only. The results are displaying only the data in upper case.
Solution: Modify the functionality behind the adhoc search capability to return results regardless of the case entered by the user.. / Aged SPR
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / Adhoc search capability will be enhanced.
Data Dissemination / No Impact

3  Bug Corrections

SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-45205 / Problem: FPDS-NG Business services are accepting incorrect “Extent Competed” values for Civilian agencies. “Non-Competitive Delivery Order” and “Competitive Delivery Order” are applicable only for Civilian Delivery Orders. These values show up in the “Extent Competed” drop-down on the screen only for Civilian Delivery Orders. However, if either “Non-Competitive Delivery Order”or “Competitive Delivery Order” is sent for a PO or other award types as the “Extent Competed” value through the business services, the system is accepting them and is not returning error messages. When these documents are opened from the FPDS-NG portal, the “Extent Competed” field shows the value as “Select One” and the field is grayed out.
Solution: Fix the FPDS-NG Business services to validate “Extent Competed” values based on the document type and return the appropriate error messages when a value is sent that does not apply to the document type. / Maintenance
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / New validation errors will fire if an incorrect “Extent Competed” value is sent in the XML request and the errors will be sent back in the XML response.
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-43480 / Problem:
1.  The NAICS code is not populated on Delivery Orders from the referenced IDV for civilian delivery orders. This field is not editable and a value cannot be entered on delivery orders.
2.  If the delivery order has a NAICS code that propagated from the referenced IDV and the NAICS code is valid as of the date signed of the IDV, but not as of the date signed of the delivery order, civilian users are unable to perform corrections because a validation rule is firing and preventing the saving of the correction.
1.  The NAICS code shall be propagated from the IDV to the referencing delivery order for civilian actions.
2.  The NAICS code validation shall not fire on a correction of the delivery order, as it is propagated from the IDV and is not editable. / Maintenance
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / The NAICS code will propagate from the IDV to civilian delivery orders. The NAICS validation rule will not fire on the correction of a delivery order.
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-44281 / Problem: Momentum is using the newest version of XMLSpy to generate the proxies. The Version 1.3 GUI Service used to launch an existing IDV is returning a URL. However, when the URL is launched, a system error appears on the screen. The XML request sent from Momentum is valid.
Solution: Fix the Version 1.3 GUI services to open the document without errors if a valid XML request is sent that was generated using the newest version of XMLSpy. / Maintenance
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / The Version 1.3 GUI services will return a correct URL
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-11340 / Problem: Users can access details on how to contact FPDS Support in one of the two ways described below:
·  If not logged in, click on the “Contact Help Desk” link on the FPDS log in page.
·  If the user is already logged in, click on the “Help” button next to the “Advanced Search” button
The details obtained from either the approach do not match.
Solution: Fix the links to return the correct information in both cases. / Aged SPR
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / All Help links for FPDS support will display the same information
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-37125 / Problem: When canceling the execution of an Informatica standard report, the Classic Report View is displayed. This view is deprecated and should no longer be displayed.
Solution: The reports module will be modified to display the new view. / Aged SPR
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-25124 / Problem: When using the isComplete API to verify if an award document is complete, the system is returning a system error if the referenced IDV is not present in the system. A proper error message should be provided to indicate that the referenced IDV does not exist in FPDS-NG.
Solution: When calling the isComplete API for awards, if the referenced IDV does not exists in the system, a more informative message will be sent. / Aged SPR
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / A more informative error message will be returned.
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-22126 / Problem: When using the get API for a document that is in an error status, the XML response for the erred award is sending a “D” (Draft) in the document status XML tag instead of ‘E” (Error). The FPDS-NG web portal displays the document status properly.
Solution: The FPDS-NG get API will be corrected to return the document status of “E” (Error) for all documents that are in an error status. / Aged SPR
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / The get API will return an “E” when a document has an error status.
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-16751 / Problem: When a search is performed by a system administrator to view users in the same DODAAC and agency ID, no data is returned.
Solution: The search results shall retrieve all values for the search criteria that is entered by the user. / Aged SPR
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-34510, FPDSHD-39263 / Problem: User rules for new users are firing for existing users when the user is not valid.
Solution: The user module shall be updated to ensure the appropriate validation rules fire for the user ID. / Aged SPR
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-35696 / Problem: A user had reported issues with enabling Java Script on the user screen.
Solution: The login module shall check the JavaScript settings of the browser and will retain them throughout the user session. / Aged SPR
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-38310 / Problem: When exporting a report to a PDF, part of the appendix is not exporting when the appendix is large. This occurs for the SBGR and SB Achievements by Awarding Organization reports.
Solution: The PDF export functionality shall display the complete appendix. / Aged SPR
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-39400 / Problem: According to validation rule 8A.23, the Product or Service Code Length must be 4 characters in length. This validation rule is not firing.
Solution: FPDSNG- shall fire the PSC length validation rule when length of is less than 4 characters. / Aged SPR
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-39528 / Problem: The XML conversion utility is transposing the JWOD and veteran owned flag.
Solution: The XML conversion utility shall convert the data from the XML correctly. / Aged SPR
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-43748 / Problem: The search criteria for the Contractor Search report is not working properly when the vendor name has a special character in the name.
Solution: The Contractor Search Report shall pull vendors with special characters like a comma, semi-colon, ampersand, etc. in the vendor name search criteria. / Aged SPR
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-42140 / Problem: The value for the Business Size Selection on BPA call modifications is "Select One" and cannot be changed. The base record has the correct value for this field.
Solution: FPDS-NG shall propagate the business size selection from the FSS referenced by a BPA base to the modification and the value will be propagated to the BPA calls and all their modifications. / Aged SPR
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / Deprecated
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description / Team
FPDSHD-42546 / Problem: FPDS-NG software needs to be modified to fetch the socio economic indicators from CCR before rule execution. Currently rules are firing improperly for data element 11D because of a dependency on vendor information that has not been retrieved.