
November 7,2011

A regular meeting of the Leeds City Council was held on November 7, 2011 at Leeds City Hall.

Present were Mayor Lloyd Himle, andCouncil Members, Pete Ritterman, Greg Moller, and Kyle Nelsen. Also present were Sam Hansen, Laura Weed, Rick Anderson, JaniceTorgerson, Linda Himle, Barbara Mears, Bonnie Tuttle, Luella Follman, Doug Bahrke, J. Johnson, D. Johnson, Vicky Hansen, Edythe Nelsen, Jewel Anderson and Bruce Holmes.

Mayor Himle called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m.

BC Flood Hazard Mitigation

Rick Anderson addressed the council regarding Benson County Hazard Mitigation Plan. An addendum will need to be written to include the City of Leeds. The City will need to appoint a representative from the City of Leeds.

Water Meters

Barbara Mears addressed the council regarding a water meter. A remote reader will need to be installed for this meter.

Edythe Nelsen addressed the council regarding a water meter.

Doug Bahrke

A motion was made by Ritterman to reverse the late fees on D. Bahrke’s account. Second by Moller. Ritterman-yes, Moller-yes, Nelsen-no. Motion carried.

Personnel Complaint

A formal complaint was filed regarding a personnel incident at the dumpground.

After some discussion a motion was made by Nelsen to enter into executive session to address the issue. Second by Moller. The Council went into executive session at 6:43 p.m.

Council came out of executive session at 7:45 p.m.

Water Line Repair

Bonnie Tuttle addressed the council regarding a charge from the City for a water break.

Nuisance Letters

Citizens addressed the council regarding nuisance letters.

Himle left the meeting at 8:35 p.m.

Water Meters

A motion was made by Ritterman to pull meters on all accounts that are disconnected. Second by Nelsen. Motion carried unanimously.

Man Camps

A motion was made by Ritterman to prohibit Man Camps within the City. Second by Nelsen. Motion carried unanimously.

WSG Account

A motion was made by Moller to credit the account of Roger Johnson because the water was never turned back on. Second by Nelsen. Motion carried unanimously.



November 7, 2011

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Gaming Permits

A motion was made by Nelsen to approve Gaming Permits for Leeds Wildlife and Leeds Active Women. Second by Ritterman. Motion carried unanimously.

Employee Comp Time

Employee Comp time will be reviewed by an attorney. A written agreement will be submitted to the council for approval.


A motion was made by Nelsen to approve the Minutes of September 8, 2011. Second by Moller. Motion carried unanimously.

Abandoned Equipment

A motion was made by Ritterman to sell abandoned equipment to Tim Sattler in the amount of $400.00 Second by Moller. Motion carried unanimously.

Property Purchase

A motion was made by Nelsen to approve a Contract for Deed on the Malchose property purchased byTerry Westphal in the amount of $5,000. Terms of the agreement will be $150 a month applied to his water bill. Second by Ritterman. Motion carried unanimously.

Park Vue

Permanent rates were discussed for Park Vue since their monthly water usage has been established.

All Seasons Water

All Seasons Water invoice was discussed.

Council Vacancy

A motion was made by Moller to accept the resignation of Betty Anderson and declare a vacancy. Second by Nelsen. Motion carried unanimously.

Home Rule Charter

Home Rule Charter was discussed.

Motion to Adjourn

A motion was made by Ritterman to adjourn the meeting. Second by Nelsen. Motion carried unanimously.


A motion was made by Moller to approve the bills with the exception of All Seasons Water.Second by Nelsen. Motion carried unanimously.

AT & T 52.00

Benson County Farmer’s Press 117.60

Benson County Sheriff 200.00

B & J2831.25

Central Painting 30.00

Chad’s Amoco8938.91

Farmers Union 610.87



November 7, 2011

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Hawkins, Inc.1393.24

Hansen, S. 270.00

Hoffman, D. 47.80

Napa 21.99

NDDOH 48.00

ND Sewage Pump 718.00

NDTC 326.55

Northern Plains Electric 527.08

One Call Concepts 9.10

Ottertail 1761.31

Qbooks 39.00

Quill 151.41

Rugby Lumber 134.03

Rugby Sanitation3800.00

Town & Country Floral 52.50

Tracy’s Market 11.27

United CommBank1857.18

Visa 232.99



Lloyd Himle



Laura Weed
