The Respect Life Club

of St. Mark Catholic School

St. Mark students in grades 1 through 8 are invited to join the Respect Life Club to:

·  promote an active culture of respect for human life through prayer, education, awareness, and participation in community service;

·  reinforce the St. Mark Catholic School mission to uphold the dignity of the person and to teach respect for others as unique individuals and as members of the body of Christ;

·  prepare our children to be leaders within Church, local, and global communities to protect human life through all of life’s stages, ages and levels of development.

MEETINGS: Students will meet on a Monday after school each month. Upon dismissal, participants will be walked over to the Pastoral Building by Safe Environment cleared adults (club officers/parent members). Meetings will adjourn at 4:45 and the parents may pick their children up at the Pastoral building. Parents are always welcome to attend the meetings with their children, though frequent visitors are encouraged to apply for Safe Environment clearance per school administration guidance. A description of meeting topics and activities can be found on the St. Mark School website ( An annual fee of $10 per family will be collected to cover expenses (snacks, speaker fees, materials, etc).

EXTERNAL EVENTS: Approximately once per semester, members of the club will have the opportunity to participate in an off-campus respect-life activity (i.e. Hike for Life). Additional permission slips will be obtained for these events.

Please feel free to contact any of the 2013-14 RLC officers with questions throughout the year!

Club Director Liz Quarles

Club Ambassador Cathy Sanchez

Secretary Maureen and Rob Wampner

Treasurer Paula Allgood

Safe Environment Coordinator Chandra Garvey

Chairperson of After-School Meetings Danton Avila

Chairperson of External Events Chris Keith

Faculty Advisors Pam Steinkirchner

Carolyn Eisele

Rene’ O’Connor

r Yes, my child(ren) may participate in the Respect Life Club after school meetings and may walk to the Pastoral Building supervised by Safe Environment cleared adults. (Please return to Mrs. O’Connor in school office.)

r  I am including my $10 registration fee.

r  I will pay online at

(click on “Electronic Payment of Fees” and choose “Respect Life Club”)


Student name(s)


Parent Signature Phone


E-mail address Allergies