7th Grade ELAB Syllabus

Class Title: 7th Grade ELAB (Writing)

Instructor: Stacey Studer

Team: 7C

Room: 610

Standards:TN State Standards

Class Description: This course will focus on the TN State Standards of reading informational texts, writing, language, and speaking and listening. During the course of the year students will be writing extensively in the formats of expository, argumentative, and narrative. Instruction will guide students through basic skills of writing, the writing process, gathering and using evidence, and writing in various settings. Students will also gain skills in reading and analyzing informational texts through evaluation of central ideas, author’s purpose, text features and structures, and author’s craft. There will also be a significant focus on comparison of texts between various sources and formats. Throughout the course conventions of standard English will be a focus and the course will guide students through the foundations of language and growth of language usage skills. Finally, the course will also guide students through skills of listening to and evaluating others, speaking effectively themselves, and presenting information to others.

Unit Plans: Unit plans will be posted online at the beginning of each unit. Unit plans will provide detailed information regarding standards, essential question(s), objectives/outcomes, materials, and tentative schedule. Please use these unit plans as a reference for class.

Materials: The materials for this class include pen/pencil, lined paper, highlighter, colored pencils, composition notebook, folder with three prongs, and 100 index cards. Students are expected to be prepared and ready for class each day with the proper materials, homework, and any other materials communicated in class the previous days.

Behavior Expectations: During class students are expected to follow the BMS standards for behavior of respecting themselves and others, respecting property, speaking in conversational voices, and being responsible. These expectations are critical to success in school, but are also key aspects of success in life. It is in students’ best interest to follow these in class and learn them for life.

Cell Phone Policy: Unless teachers are using cell phones for direct instruction, cell phones should be off or silent and away. If a student is using a cell phone when it is not approved, it will be sent to the homeroom teacher and the student will use it for that day. If there are multiple cell phone infractions, students will be referred to administration.

Grading Policy: The standard grading scale below will be used in class based on the Rutherford County approved grading system.


B 85-92



F below 70

For midterm, late work will be accepted until the Monday after progress reports. For quarter grades, late work will be accepted until the Friday before the end of the nine weeks. After this times in the grading period, late work will not be accepted. Missing and/or late work will result in a parent contact home and then a recess detention for each missing assignment thereafter. Also, if work is turned in late, there will be a 10% reduction on the grade earned. If work is not turned in, a 0% will be entered into the gradebook. A 0% is very hard to recover from academically so turning in work is critically important. Regarding major grades, students are allowed to retake tests, but will not be allowed to rewrite any papers. Grades will be updated online through I-Now weekly (at a minimum). Please check in with I-Now ften to see currents grades.

Homework: Homework and/or the completion of class work will occur throughout the year. Students must make sure to note this homework from the board in class each day. Also, an email will be sent daily with all the homework for the 7C team.

Absences: For either excused or unexcused absences, it is the responsibility of the studentto check in and get missing work. Students will have five days to complete the work missed in class. If assignments are turned in more than five days after the absence, they will be considered late.

Communication: Large group communication methods for class will occur in class, via my website, through 7C daily communication, and through Remind. Please let me know if your contact information changes at anytime. Personal communication will occur via phone or email. Please feel free to email or call me with questions or emails, and I will do my best to respond to all communication within 24 hours.

This syllabus must be signed by the student and one parent or guardian and returned. This syllabus will then be returned to students and parents, so they can have it as a reference to class policies.




Parent/Guardian #1 Date


Parent/Guardian #2 (Optional)Date