Beeston Forum Meeting- 6th November 2003


1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of the Beeston Community Forum Meeting on 2nd October 2003

3. Guest Speaker - West Yorkshire Police

4. Discussion of Valentine Fair

5. Correspondence

6. Any Other Business

7. Venue, date and time of the next meeting

Minutes of a meeting of the Beeston Community Forum held on Thursday 2nd October 2003

Attendance: - J. Sharpe Esq. (in the chair), A.F. Barnard, D. Bateman Esq. P. Best, W.J. Birch Esq., D.C. Bottomley, D. Brooke, J. Buckley, K. Burton, S. Burton, M. Collinson, Councillor D. Congreve, J. Cunningham, B. Dalton, J. Dalton Esq., M. Dean, J. Dean, M. Dear Esq., S. Gale, P. Griffin Esq., S. Hall, R. Harrison, H. Harrison, P. Holmes, D. Kenny, Mrs M. Kitching, K. Linthead Esq., A. Marsay, G.M. Mason Esq., Mrs M. Mason, R.G. Nevin, E. Newton,D. Pickersgill, L. Pickersgill, J. Ramsden,P. Senior,Mrs C. Thornton,R.J.W. Winfield Esq., R. Wood., When these minutes were submitted to the following meeting for approval, Steve Francis requested the addition of his name to those who attended the meeting.

1. Before turning to the agenda. Jack Sharpe briefly referred to two matters:-

1.1 He pointed out that the bandage beneath his eye resulted from the removal of a growth which was found to be skin cancer.

1.2 He referred to that day’s meeting of the Planning Committee which dealt with the application to develop Jubilee House. Around 12- 15 members of the Forum had attended. Those making the Planning application were allowed a three minute speech; Bill Birch made a speech of a similar length on behalf of the Beeston Forum, which was objecting. The application was refused although the applicants had the right of appeal.

Bill Birch said that we owed a debt of gratitude to David Congreve who had chaired the meeting in a professional and even handed fashion. He pointed out that the most contentious aspect of the application is the intense lobbying which had taken place. He stressed that at no time has the Beeston Forum sent out standard letters which individuals opposed to the plans could sign. He related an episode in which he received a telephone call from a friend who had received a letter from the planning department acknowledging a letter in connection with the plans. There had apparently been a letter in support of the plans. Upon investigation, it was found that the letter had been signed by her son, who is aged around 11. It appears that a group of children had been approached, were asked whether they supported a pool club and were asked to sign copies of a standard letter. Bill Birch said that this raised a number of issues including: -

I) was the person collecting the signatures acting under the instructions of or with the consent of the developer?

Ii) were a significant number of letters signed by minors?

Iii) how did these letters find their way to the Civic Hall?

Bill Birch had attached to the wall a copy of his intended speech to the planning committee, which he had reproduced in the form of a letter which he intended to send to the committee in case the developer appealed. He stated that the speech had (quite correctly) been cut short, as it would have exceeded 3 minutes in length. The Forum agreed to his suggestion that the speech be sent to the planning committee on behalf of the forum.

2. Apologies for absence were received from Terry Burnett, Councillors Angela Gabriel and Adam Ogilvie, John Hodgson and Leanne Clarke of the South Leeds Observer who also presented her apologies for absence from the September meeting due to her being on holiday. It was agreed to amend the minutes of the September meeting so as to add her name to those tendering apologies for absence.

3.1. The minutes of the Beeston Community Forum meeting held on 4th September 2003 were agreed as a fair and accurate record of the meeting subject to the addition of Leanne Clarke to those presenting apologies for absence, as explained above. However, Christine Thornton said that the section dealing with the contributions by the Guest Speakers from South Leeds Primary Care Trust did not truly reflect what was said.

3.2 Robert Winfield moved an amendment to the minutes of the meeting held on 7th August 2003 so as to add to the list of those attending the names of a number of individuals who had approached him to say that they had no opportunity to sign the attendance sheet. This was agreed. Those so added were Mr and Mrs Belton, Mr and Mrs Dalton, P. Day A. Dunwell and Mrs A. Marsay.

4. Guest Speaker- Jack Sharpe introduced Hannah Rees who works with the local CIT who would be speaking on the theme of ‘Community Pride’. She circulated handouts to members of the audience explaining the Community Pride initiative. Following her remarks, she answered a number of questions from the floor.

Jack Sharpe pointed out that at approximately six weekly intervals there was a public meeting dealing with Cleansing issues. Hannah Rees pointed out that this would be taking place the following day (2p.m at Dewsbury Road One Stop shop; to be chaired by Councillor Ogilvie). The handout listed the names of those serving on a committee to develop ideas for the Community Pride Initiative; Steve Francis suggested that a representative of the Beeston Forum be invited to serve. Christine Thornton pointed out that many meetings take place during the day; this timing would preclude the attendance of people who work, unless they were able to take time off work. Councillor David Congreve suggested that the Forum invites a cleansing department representative to speak at a future meeting of the Forum; Jack Sharpe pointed out that speakers had been arranged for the balance of the year.

5. Correspondence- Jack Sharpe pointed out that the Forum had written a significant number of letters, particularly invitations to local councillors and various dignitaries to attend the Forum AGM which would take place on Thursday 4th December. He had received a letter from the Vicar of St Andrew’s Church advertising the Church pantomime. A letter had been sent to Alan Gill; the Chief Executive of Leeds Co-Op, in connection with the cash machine outside the Co-Op premises which had led to illegal parking in a lay by intended for stopping buses, and the state of a bench outside the Co-Op. Jack Sharpe pointed out that the bench had been repaired.

6. Any Other Business-

6.1 A number of items relating to crime were discussed. There were complaints about pensioners attending a bingo session being pelted with eggs. Jack Sharpe pointed out that there had recently been four muggings in the Beeston area. He suspected that elderly people were being deliberately targeted. He said that many people do not report crime; even if the police took no action, the crime statistics would become more accurate and would give a truer picture of the number of crimes committed.

6.2 Bill Birch referred to research undertaken by the Dutch Government into the safety of 3G mobile telephone masts. The research concluded that people living close to the masts had suffered from tingling, headaches and nausea. He felt that this research should be taken on board. Robert Winfield referred to an article in that Morning’s Metro newspaper which referred to the research. Doris Brooke wondered whether the scaffolding on Wesley Street Methodist Church was in connection with the erection of the telephone mast which the Church council were debating and which had been opposed by the Forum. In fact, the scaffolding was in connection with roof repairs.