NAUFaculty Senate


Monday, March 27, 2006

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Call to order:

Senate President Marcus Ford called the meeting of the NAU Faculty Senate to order at 3:04p.m. in the Student Union/Kaibab room.

Members Present:Syl Allred, Minnie Andrews, Roger Bacon, Virginia Blankenship, Dan Cothran, Bill Culbertson, Jim Davis, Sally Doshier, Heidi Fogelberg, Marcus Ford, Angela Golden, John Haeger, Glenn Hookstra, Gae Johnson, Chunhye Lee, Rich Lei, Louise Lockard, Dave McKell, Helaine McLain, Rich McNeill, Janet McShane, Larry Mohrweis, Sheila Nair, Cecilia Ojeda, Michael Ort, Lon Owen, Mary Reid, Jon Reyhner, Reed Riner, Blase Scarnati, Astrid Sheil, David Sherry, Bill Stone, Marty Sommerness,and Marsha Yowell.

Others Present:Don Carter, Susanna Maxwell andKaren Pugliesi

Acceptance ofAgenda/Minutes:Senate President Marcus Fordasked for an approval of the agenda with an addition of Senate elections first on the agenda. Amotion was made and seconded to approve the amended agenda. Motion Passed. Senate President Marcus Ford asked for an approval of the minutesfrom the March 13thmeeting. Amotion was made and seconded to approve the minutes. Motion Passed.

Senate Elections:SenateParliamentarian Roger Bacon said that we need nominations for Senate offices and councils. So far there are no nominations for Vice-President. There are openings for At-Large Senators, Faculty Rights and Responsibilities, Academic Standards and Student Life, Planning and Budget, and the Nomination and Election committee.

Opening Comments/Liberal Studies Review Committee [LSRC] Proposal Discussion:President Marcus Ford said he had several comments regarding the

LSRC proposal. The Senate is scheduled to vote on the report at the April 24 Faculty Senate meeting. The vote will be followed by a final approval from the Provost. Marcus said it is his understanding that the document does not have tobe voted on as a whole piece. Parts of it may be accepted or rejected. A memo from the CENS shares was distributed to the Senate. The memo contains suggestions for the LSRC proposal. Marcus said there is some dissatisfaction across campus about the proposal; therefore we should adopt one that agreeable to the majority. Marcus said he deeply appreciates the hard work of the LSRC, the Liberal Studies Committee and the University Curriculum Committee. Marcus added there are many aspects of the proposal that he supports.However, Marcus finds it troubling is that the proposal does nothing to ensure that students after four years of education will understand anything about the environmental situation confronting us today. Marcus said he fully supports the mission statement and principles of the proposal but feels there is no curricular support for these statements. Marcus said he is not alone with his concerns; there is other faculty on campus that shares these views. Marcus said we cannot consider NAU students educated if they do not understand the environmental world today. Marcus said he would put together a proposal outlining the modifications and send it out to the Senate this week. Marcus asked for comments and discussion. Several comments were made. Marcus said he would forward any input he receives to the Senate. Additional comments should be sent to .

COFS Rewrite Update: Nine documents summarizing proposed changes were distributed to all faculty for review prior to this meeting. These documents are in .doc format so that you may view the tracked changes.

  1. COFS_March 27 CHANGES SUMMARY11-21-057123.doc
  2. COFS_March 27 EVAL Table of Contents Feb27123.doc
  3. COFS_March 27 New Faculty Evale section 3-16-06123.doc
  4. COFS_March 27 non tenure track123.doc
  5. COFS_March 27 post_tenure 3-17 merged123.doc
  6. COFS_March 27 Sabbat Leave 7.8.1 draft 2-27-063123.doc
  7. COFS_March 27 suspen dismissal merged 3 16123.doc
  8. COFS_March 27 tenure eligible 3-15-06123.doc
  9. COFS_March 27SUMMARYOF COFS EDITS3-27-06.pdf

Janet McShane went through the COFS summary of edits document that highlighted the changes made to the COFS document and answered various questions about the changes. The COFS vote is scheduled for April 24. The committee encouraged everyone to review the changes and is asking for final feedback to be sent to them by April 17.The committee will present a final clean document to the Senate on April 17th, one week before the final vote. Additional comments and suggestions should be sent to , or .

Comments from the President: NAU President John Haeger had several comments:

There are two budget issues remaining in the legislature. Undergraduate education and the expansion of distance learning. A new item in the legislature is Science Foundation Arizona. It began with the donation from Jerry Bisgrove, a private developer with the Stardust Foundation.

The search committee for the Associate Vice President/Campus Executive Officer for NAU Yuma will be meeting for the first time this week and they hope to have someone in place by January. President Haeger would like to see a substantial expansion of our presence in Yuma.

President Haeger has been working steadily for the last 7-8 months on trying to put together a package to build a hotel, conference center and parking garage on north campus. They have been in negotiations with Drury Southwest to build the hotel with the intent that NAU will build the conference center and parking garage. There is pressure to get finish negotiations within the next couple of months. If they cannot give Drury Southwest the go ahead to build the hotel, they cannot begin construction until next year.

The Cardinals contract is still being negotiated.

Old Business/New Business/Announcements: None

Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 5:04 p.m. The next meeting will be from 3:00 5:00 p.m. on Monday,April 3, 2006 in the Fremont Room in duBois.