Meeting Minutes: March 14, 2017 @ 7:00pm

Vanier College Council Meeting
Minutes / March 14, 2017
@ 7:00 pm
  1. Welcome
  2. Call to Order
  3. Motion to Commence @ 7:03pm

Motioned by Kelita, Second by Christine. [10-0-0]

1.2.Accept Minutes

  • Motioned by Kelita, Second by Christine. [10-0-0]
  • Accept Agenda
  • Motioned by Kelita, Second by Christine. [10-0-0]
  1. Reports
  2. Master’s Office
  3. PresidentJason Lomboy
  4. Office hours
  5. Intramurals
  6. Constant communication w/ CPA
  7. Vice-President Finance Menfes Kidus
  8. Writing cheques
  9. Dealing with BDO
  10. Opened office
  11. Worked on requisition
  12. Past problems fixing
  13. Played sports
  14. Office hours
  15. Talking to the new administrative assistant
  16. Vice-President Social/Cultural Man Van
  17. Worked in formal
  18. Worked on coffee house
  19. Played sports
  20. Office hours
  21. Open the lounge
  22. Attended all candidates meeting
  23. Promote coffeehouse
  24. Vice-President Communications Christine Nieto
  25. make coffee house poster
  26. Planned coffee house
  27. Attended elections meeting
  28. Promoted coffee house
  29. Promoted elections
  30. Made election nomination posters
  31. Talked to clubs/peer mentors about elections
  32. Emailed York clubs about events
  33. Talked to Peter about formal
  34. Attended SSC meeting
  35. Promoted VAB events
  36. Attended VAB events
  37. Talked to Vanier community members about coffee house
  38. Talked to mica about election details
  39. Talked to Suneel about photographers for coffee hours
  40. Talked to Suneel about 'Fact vs. Fiction' Vandoo edition
  41. Director of Finance Sami Dessuky
  42. Lounge hours
  43. Intramural sports
  44. Banquet meeting
  45. Advertising coffeehouse
  46. Director of Social/CulturalRhyena Miller
  47. Intramurals and rage volleyball
  48. Office hours
  49. Social sub: ran meeting, posted minutes
  50. Elections: photocopied and posted more campaign packages
  51. Sold apparel
  52. Director of Communications Fizz Oladiran
  53. office hours
  54. Cleaned office
  55. Helped with CRO work
  56. Promoted ESA elections
  57. Director of Campaigns/Advocacy Lucas Santos
  58. Office hours
  59. Lounge hours
  60. Attended all bullying awareness week events
  61. Promoted coffee house
  62. Promoted elections
  63. Put up posters for coffee house
  64. Put up posters for tblgay
  65. Attended all candidates meeting, stood in as representative for VCC candidate
  66. Director of Administration Sello Tlelima
  67. Office Hours
  68. Contacted DJ to cancel pubnight
  69. Intramurals
  70. Attended res council meeting
  71. Contacted VCP to borrow piano for coffee house
  72. Attended Vanier Against Bullying Feminism talk
  73. YFS Representative Nicole Yanqui
  74. Helped promote Bullying awareness week events
  75. Commuter Representative Seif Hamdein
  76. Office Hours
  77. Residence Representative Kelita Silas
  78. Attended last res council meeting
  79. Office hours
  80. Advertised coffee house
  81. Advertised the vcc election
  82. Intramural (rage)
  83. First Year RepresentativeTasha Reece
  84. Office hours
  85. Promoted coffee house
  86. First Year Representative Ryson Budhram
  87. Vanier Against Bullying Week
  88. Office Hour
  89. Updates
  90. President, CRO & Masters Office — (Jason & Mica)
  91. General Updates
  • Nothing to update
  • Election Updates
  • Nothing to update
  1. Finance — (Menfes)
  • By Wednesday should have our letter in, either approval or denial

3.3.Social & Cultural — (Peter & Rhyena)

3.3.1.Coffee House

  • Booked renaissance
  • Coffee house is tomorrow (Wednesday)
  • Pie-A-Council Member
  • Need pie tins, whip cream, garbage bags; Mila is picking up supplies
  • Council Members willing to be pied. Sami, Menfes, Lucas, Fizz, Chrstine, Peter, Nicole, Sello, Mila, Tasha Kelita, Seif, Rhyena, Jason, Ryson
  • Try to be there to set up and clean up, support the event, participate, tell your friends
  • Social sub will be there at 5pm to help set up
  • Jason pick up Long and McQuade supplies: 4 mics, 2 lights, all the required cords; Peter and Jason will set it all up in the renaissance
  • Itinerary: MC- Menfes, Rhyena, Christine; MC’s and tech person be in sync so they all know what’s going on
  • Sello signing out the key for renaissance and asking where the stage is from the Master’s office
  1. Formal
  • Moved to April 1st
  • It’s a Saturday and Banquet halls are more expensive on weekends
  • Upped it from 150 to 200 students to even out the cost
  • $17129.86 Paramount on the Saturday, April 1st
  • Pay $5 per drink ticket; 2 come with entry fee
  • 2 weeks away
  • $85 per person (what we pay for each person)
  • Possibly comp President and 2 VPs for Calumet?
  • Since they helped by paying for Blue Mountain
  • Peter to call Paradise to take another meeting to go over prices for possibly holding formal there; possibly on Thursday
  • Another option, if Paradise isn’t available, combine formal with Vanier 50th Anniversary Party and promote like crazy
  • It is an Alumni event so it may not be the same vibe for current students since it is targeted at Alumni
  • If Paradise is cheaper than Paramount, Formal will be held at Paradise
  • Last year it was approximately $11000-12000 for 250 people (on a Friday)
  1. Motions/Additions/Resolutions:
  2. Tribunal:
  3. Election Disqualification Appeal
  • Fahad was 1 minute late to the candidates meeting and got disqualified. He is appealing that decision and hoping to run.
  • Fahad spoke to the council regarding why he was late and why he should have the opportunity to run
  • Tribunal committee asked questions and answered their concerns
  • Fahad is concerned that if the time limit for the All Candidates meeting was that strict, it should have been written in the nomination package
  • Fahad will step into the hallway while the tribunal committee discusses if he will be allowed to run
  • Motion to accept Fahad to be re-instated as a candidate for the Vanier College Council 2017 Spring Elections, Motioned by Mila, seconded by Jason [3-2]
  • Motion did not go; through Fahad cannot run for the Vanier College Council Elections
  • Tribunal committee: Jason, Lucas, Rhyena, Fizz, Mila, Mica

4.2Approve Poster From Janice for Election Promotion


  • Where is the information coming from?
  • The spending makes the council look negative; almost voting against council
  • Council would like a more accurate representation of where the money goes (current year spending, where it goes; specific events)
  • Revisions to the poster: Omit council compensations, include that somewhere else
  • Inaccurate representation of the budget
  • Why is only council compensation highlighted on the poster
  • Better collab to get students to vote in the election
  • Were okay to make and put up a poster; maybe Janice and the finance team can sit down together to make a more accurate portrayal of our budget/spending
  • Find out how she wants to promote
  1. Motion to adjourn @ 8:18pm

Motioned by Kelita, Second by Fizz. [11-0-0]

Next Meeting: March 21, 2017

Members Present / Members Absent
Jason Lomboy
Rhyena Miller
Seif Hmadeim
Kelita Silas
Tasha Reece
Mica Simmons
Mila Dadashev
Sello Tlelima
Nicole Yanqui
Man Van
Christine Nieto
Fizz Oladiran
Lucas Santos
Kendra (Sitting in; took minutes)
Ryson Budhram Skyped in @ 7:30pm / Menfes Kidus
Sami Dessuky