LIVES Monthly Field Activities Update
Month: / February 2014
Region: / Tigray
Activities on Capacity Development / Observations/action required
1.  Hands on training on urea treatment of wheat straw in plastic bags for smallholder dairy farmers in Ganta Afeshum district: Two peasant associations (Sasun and Dibla) targeted and 36 dairy farmers (27 M; 5 F) and 3 experts (2 M; 1F) participated in the training that took place on February 16 2014 in the FTC. Fifty kg straw treated using 4% urea and 10% molasses.
2.  Hands on training on production of urea molasses blocks: Three urea molasses blocks each weighing 10 kg produced by dairy farmers in Ganta Afeshum district. These blocks will be used for supplementing dairy cows belonging to some of the participants. Two peasant associations (Sasun and Dibla) targeted and 36 dairy farmers (27 M; 5 F) and 3 experts (2 M; 1F) participated in the training that took place on February 16 2014 in the FTC.
Attach updated Regional Annex 1
Attach summary reports of formal trainings including training evaluation / 1.Should continue on a larger scale at farmers homes
2.The feeding value and effects on increased body weight gains and production should be recorded as an action research
Activities on Knowledge Management / Observations/action required
The following soft copy technical guides, training manuals, etc are deposited in the knowledge centers in the central zone
1.  Beekeeping and sustainable livelihoods
2.  Apiculture and bee diseases
3.  How to keep bees to generate income
1.  Hygienic milk production: a training guide for farm-level workers and milk handlers in eastern Africa
2.  Hygienic milk handling, processing and marketing: training guide for trainers of small-scale milk traders in eastern Africa
3.  Hygienic milk handling and processing
4.  Management of dairy heifers
5.  Manual on the use of the LP system in milk handling and preservation
6.  Milk producer group resource book: A practical guide to assist milk producer groups
7.  Improve the quality of your milk and please your customers: training guide for small-scale informal milk traders in Kenya
8.  Small-scale dairy farming manual
1.  Poultry feeding guide
2.  Small-scale poultry production: technical guide
3.  Family poultry development
4.  Bovans brown ~ management guide
5.  Broiler management guide
6.  Gumboro disease: estimation of optimal time of vaccination (3)
General reading
1.  Livestock farmer field schools guidelines for facilitation and technical manual
2.  Making quality silage
3.  Silage making using plastic tubes
4.  A manual on integrated farming systems
Commodity platforms
District level planning meeting conducted across the 7 action districts to capture gaps in value chain based high value livestock and irrigated crops development interventions. About 101 commodity platform members (81M/20F) participated in the seven district meetings.
Attach updated Regional Annex 1, 3A, 4 A, B, C, D
Attach summary reports of study tours, field days, meetings, workshops / Similar initiative for knowledge centers in the eastern zone is needed
Shared ideas will be included in the regional annual planning.
Activities on Promotion / Observations/action required
Attach updated Regional Annex 5
Attach summary reports of events attended (see format) / 1.
Activities on Value Chain Development by commodity / Observations/action required
1.  Coaching/mentoring service provided for three women involved in poultry production in Adwa district (Mariam-Shewito PA). These women are among the 15 poultry group members recently established by LIVES.
2.  Coaching/mentoring service provided for a farmer growing Napier grass, alfalfa, Sesbania and vegetables in Adwa district (Mariam-Shewito PA). He is also selling onion seeds for nearby farmers.
3.  Coaching/mentoring service provided for a farmer growing Napier grass, alfalfa, and vegetables in Adwa district (Bete-Yohannes PA).
4.  Coaching/mentoring service provided for a farmer growing Napier grass for a dairy cow in Laelay Maichew district (Dura PA). He is also among the private fruit seedling producing farmers.
5.  Coaching/mentoring service provided for two farmers growing Napier grass for their Begait cows in Laelay Maichew district (Dura PA). One of them is participating in the private fruit seedling production facilitated by LIVES.
6.  Coaching and mentoring of private 3 fruit seedling suppliers (2M/1F) in Sero PA, Ahferom district.
7.  Coaching and mentoring of six farmers (6M/0F) in intercropping of cow pea and maize as food-feed crops in Dura, Laelay Maitchew district.
8.  Coaching and mentoring of 10 (10M/0F) farmers in the expansion of avocado fruits in Dura PA, Laelay Maitchew.
Attach updated Regional Annex 6 / 1.There is a need to support/demonstrate the introduction of improved poultry houses and mesh wire for scavenging indigenous poultry
2. There is a need to document the observed changes in weight/condition and production (milk and meat) of targeted animals as a result of feeding quality green feeds
Activities on Documentation/Research
/ Observations/action required
1.  A case study on the use of knowledge center facilities in Laelay Maichew district under preparation
Attach updated Regional Annex 3B
Attach any draft/finalized research reports / 1.  Will be submitted in March
Activities on Project Management
/ Observation/action required

Additional information on crosscutting issues – gender & environment:





Any other relevant update not captured above:





Report prepared by: Tigray LIVES team (contact person: Gebremedhin Woldewahid)
