OC Tres Dias Secretariat Meeting Minutes
December 5, 2014
In Attendance:
Milton Wright, Sheila Checkley, Bill Brush, Rob Warmouth, Donna Clark, Brandy Barzman, Eddie Mouawad, Diana and Ken Johnson, Bill Baley and Nancy Romero.
Communion and Prayer:
Head Spiritual Director, Rob Warmouth, opened in prayer, and read Col 1:9 and from Ephesians 1. Communion was shared by all, and worship was given in song.
President’s Report:
November 2014 OC Tres Dias Secretariat Meeting Minutes were approved, motioned by Donna Clark, Seconded by Bill Brush.
Bill was happy to announce all four Team Meetings and March Men’s and Women’s Weekends will be held at The Salvation Army, Tustin Ranch.
Bill said Men’s and Women’s Core Teams and Leaders should be fully trained prior to the Weekends. Bill will be involved with both Donna and Bill Brush to discuss one-on-one training with each Core Team member this month.
Sheila Checkley advised AR Duty Books need to be updated as some pages were missing. Sheila also suggested a “Post Weekend Meeting” be scheduled after the weekends, to share what worked and what didn’t work. Bill Baley was going to coordinate the “Post Weekend Meeting” and thought it would be a good idea if Core Team Assignment Books were checked out prior to the weekends and be checked in at the Post Weekend Meeting. There seems to be missing quite a few Core Team Assignment Books.
Bill said there seems to be a lot of confusion regarding “Angels” and
“Musician Angels” and what their duties are. Bill is going to put a draft SOP for “Angels” and “Musician Angels” to be discussed and reviewed for approval at January Secretariat Meeting.
Eddie Mouawad said once “Angel” SOP is approved, SOP should be read at Team Meetings.
Bill Baley shared Bill Baaden has stepped down from serving as Vice President, effective immediately. Bill Baaden is heavily involved with his work at the Laguna Beach homeless shelter and needs to back off on additional time with Tres Dias for now. Bill will be greatly missed by us. His tireless service was well known and appreciated by all of the Secretariat. Bill brought a lot of selfless assistance to every Secuela and Weekend set up and take down. He managed and organized our community storage and gave us a lot of fresh ideas and encouragement from his years at the Arizona Tres Dias (Our sponsoring community). We hope Bill will continue in his support of our community and truly appreciate his Spirit-filled efforts for us. Thanks Bill!
The Secretariat will be looking for an interim appointee to finish out Bill’s VP role till the elections in June of 2015.
Rector’s Report:
Rector Bill Brush said there are 32 men on the March Men’s Weekend, 3 confirmed Angels, the Core Team is complete and the first Core Team meeting is scheduled for early January.
Since the November Secretariat the following positions have been filled:
Asst. Head Cook DudaneBeisner
Assistant Rector Bob Fender
Head Musician James Songer
Head Clergy Lee Ireland
Co-TeckieNorm Sufficool
Lay Person Rollos have been filled.
Rectora’s Report:
Rectora Donna Clark shared there are 50 women on the March Women’s Weekend, 6 confirmed and 4 tentative Angels, and Core Team is complete. Speakers (Rollista’s) are scheduled to have a meeting on January 4, 2015.
Spiritual Directors are: Paul Wood and Jim Tribilcox. One more Spiritual Director is pending.
Donna was excited to share the women returning and experienced at “serving” on the Women’s Weekend is almost one to one with those who will be serving for the first time.
Brandy Barzman expressed a question regarding “Does the Head Spiritual Director have authority to exclude a Weekend Clergy?
Bill Baley said a new clergy (someone who hasn’t served on an Orange County Tres Dias Weekend before) should be interviewed by the Head Spiritual Director and discussed with the Secretariat prior to potential new clergy being asked to serve, but the Rector or Rectora can choose the clergy they wish. If there are any issues whatsoever, the Rector or Rectora would have an open discussion with the Secretariat immediately to resolve. The Head Clergy alone cannot exclude a Clergy person from serving.
Donna asked for clarification regarding skits. Donna was told skits do not have to be approved by Secretariat It had been mentioned at prior Secretariat Meetings that “Add-Ons”, other than skits, should get the approval of the Secretariat prior to Weekends. It was pointed out that skits should glorify God and help motivate them to move closer in their relationship with God as well as entertain the Pilgrims on the weekends.
Financial Report:
Sheila proposed a question at November Secretariat “Should Team Fee Scholarship assistance be made to Rector(a) or Secretariat?” to be discussion at December Secretariat.
Secretariat agreed requests for Team Fee Scholarships should be made to Rector or Rectora.
Bill Baley stated at each Team Meeting it should be announced that Team Fee Scholarships are available.
Eddie Mouawad said everyone needs to turn in a Team Fee Envelope even if they are requesting a Scholarship. Also if cash is being received, the giver and Core Team member, such as Rector or AR, need to initial for amount given and received.
Bill Baley advised additional discussion and further SOP is forthcoming.
Other Business:
Time Limit for Rollos:
Eddie Mouawad stated most Weekend Rollos should be 20 minutes as previously approved at Secretariat meetings. If outlines and schedules have different times, they should be reviewed for adjustment and or correction.
Rob Warmouth said he would like to see a copy of each Clergy Rollo outline, for suggested time limit. Bill Baley is going to work with Rob to review what is stated on Clergy Rollo outline so that stated Rollo times are accurate.
Community Newsletter:
Brandy Barzman is working on upcoming OC Tres Dias Community Newsletter and a sample copy was given to Secretariat. The project is still in the works and more on this is forthcoming. First issue to be distributed out to community in January!
Reaching Out to Former Rector and Rectors:
Will begin in January 2015. Bill Baley will be in contact with each former Rector and Rectora to help the community in reaching past Pilgrims / Pescadores from each of their respective weekends. The goal is to invite them back and encourage them to serve on a weekend.
November Jam Session and Techies Training:
Thank you Ginny Mouawad for your great coordination of the Jam Session and Praise and Worship Music at November Secuela. Bill Baley said the vocalists sounded like angels. Thanks to everyone for your great gifts of music and song.
Also, thank you Mike Shellman for coordinating and expert training for future Community Techies.
Day of Prayer:
Bill Baley will coordinate with Terri Holte the date for the Day of Prayer – which may be moved to second quarter so that we get full attention AFTER the March Weekends are over.
Emmaus and Other 3 Day Weekend Communities:
OC Tres Dias will continue to reach out to other communities, such as Emmaus and other 3 Day Weekend Communities. Our goal is to share in each other’s strengths to help build all communities stronger for the Lord.
Next Secuela:
Scheduled for January 17, 2015 at Red Hill Lutheran Church.
The Last Supper:
Brandy Barzman shared a photo of the Arizona Tres Dias’ “Last Supper” re-enactment used for affect prior to the “Foot-Washing” event. In the AZ Tres Dias Community, members portray the famous “Last Supper” Da Vinci painting. This was done for both the Men’s and Women’s Weekend and was quite memorable and moving. For the OC community, this would be an “Add-On” event and Brandy is asking the Secretariat to consider this as a possible future “Add On” for our community. In other words, it would be an option for future Rectors and Rectoras to use. This will be discussed and considered at
January’s Secretariat. Please attend if you would like to discuss this with the Secretariat.
Closing Prayer – Ken Johnson
God bless you with a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,
BilBaley - President
Nancy Romero - Secretary