AutoGOJA Sample Knowledges, Skills, Abilities, and Personal Characteristics (KSAPCs)

The following list of Knowledges, Skill, Ability, and Personal Characteristics (KSAPCs) is provided to aid you in designing your own job analyses. The KSAPC statements are grouped by Content Area (e.g., Computer Skills, Math, etc.). Please note that you should work with job experts and supervisors to “customize” the statements to ensure that they are relevant to the specific job you are analyzing. For example, the first statement in the chart below states: “The ability to use word processing software to draft correspondence and proof, edit, or format documents that have been prepared by others” should be modified to include examples of specific documents to be reviewed and edited. In addition, it is recommended that each of these KSAPC statements is modified to reflect the level needed for the target position. While this has already been done for a few of the KSAPC statements, some of the KSAPCs that are fundamental to the target position should be modified to reflect the difficulty or complexity level required, as well as the equipment, tools, or materials that are related to the statement.

Should you decide to use any of these KSAPC statements, you will need to either type them individually into the AutoGOJA user interface or copy and paste them into an appropriately formatted document and import them as a group into AutoGOJA. Please note that you cannot simply import the KSAPCs as they are found in this table. If you try, you will receive an error message. Instead, please review the instructions that can be found in the Import KSAPCs screen in AutoGOJA.

If you would like to explore a more detailed or expansive list of KSAPC statements, we recommend the following two website resources:

·  http://www.careerclusters.org/resources/web/ks.php

·  http://online.onetcenter.org/skills/

Area / KSAPC Statement /
Computer Skills / The ability to use word processing software to draft correspondence and proof, edit, or format documents.
Computer Skills / The ability to use the intermediate/advanced features of word processing software to create professional reports, forms, and other important documents.
Computer Skills / The ability to use web browsers or internet search tools to conduct job-related research such as making product comparisons, identifying sources of information, or finding material for use in supporting business-related decisions.
Computer Skills / The ability to use spreadsheet software to enter, evaluate, and modify data.
Computer Skills / The ability to use intermediate/advanced features of spreadsheet software to analyze data including formatting summary tables, creating graphs and charts, and making calculations.
Computer Skills / The ability to use database software to enter, retrieve, sort, and filter information as necessary for reporting or report generation.
Electrical Theory / The ability to apply electrical theory concepts, principles, and standards.
Math / The ability to use basic math such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, ratios, percents, averages, and working with dates and times to solve computational problems. (Select/define each as required for the position).
Math / The ability to use arithmetic reasoning (e.g., algebra) to solve problems involving unknown quantities.
Math / The ability to calculate and interpret statistical procedures and/or tests to solve problems and evaluate data, such as the relationship between variables, trend analyses to make predictions, etc.
Math / The ability to apply geometry and trigonometry principles to solve problems.
Memory / The ability to learn and correctly recall information for use at a later time. (Helpful: specify the type of learning that must be applied on the job: independent study, classroom, multimedia, etc.).
Personal Characteristics / Conscientiousness: The ability to demonstrate a strong work ethic, including being honest, organized, careful, thorough, hard-working, and reliable. Also includes demonstrating restraint when necessary and applying self-discipline.
Personal Characteristics / Customer Service Orientation: The ability to provide excellent customer service, especially by responding to customers' questions and needs in a timely and efficient manner and to work cooperatively with other employees/departments.
Personal Characteristics / Emotional Stability: The ability to remain calm, productive, and effective during stressful or fast-paced work situations (not overreacting) and to keep challenges from negatively affecting job performance.
Personal Characteristics / Safety Awareness: The ability to observe and be aware of issues, actions, or factors in the work environment that may affect personal or company safety. Includes observing and abiding by safety rules and taking appropriate steps when necessary to preserve a safe working environment.
Personal Characteristics / Accountability: The ability to be accountable and take responsibility for one’s actions, as well as being accountable for the consequences of inaction.
Personal Characteristics / Professional Ethics and Integrity: The ability to consistently apply a high degree of ethical standards and values when dealing with business transactions and working with others (includes avoiding conflicts of interest). Possessing values against the sale or use of illegal substances or theft in the workplace.
Personal Characteristics / Honesty: The ability to be honest and trustworthy in completing business transactions and while working with others, and being straightforward and consistent.
Personal Characteristics / Diversity Orientation: The ability to work cooperatively and harmoniously with people who may be different than themselves and to abide by and reinforce the diversity-oriented statement and values of the organization.
Personal Characteristics / Willingness to Learn: The ability to actively learn and follow instructions, policies, and procedures in a timely fashion, including the ability to learn new techniques or procedures without incurring overwhelming stress.
Personal Characteristics / Flexibility: The ability to be flexible in adapting to change without incurring overwhelming stress.
Personal Characteristics / Assertiveness/Initiative: The ability to initiate and take appropriate actions when necessary without external prompting and standing by decisions appropriately.
Personal Characteristics / Respecting of Self and Others: The ability to be respectful of self and others, treating others fairly and with dignity, and interacting and working cooperatively and harmoniously with people who may be different than themselves
Physical Abilities / The ability to see clearly, including depth perception (to judge the distance between two or more objects), near vision, far vision, night vision, color vision (to distinguish between colors), and peripheral vision (using corrective lenses as necessary). (Select/define each as required for the position).
Physical Abilities / The ability to coordinate two or more limbs (for example, two arms, two legs, or one leg and one arm) while sitting, standing, or lying down such as when working on a production line, welding, distributing supplies or food, or assembling objects.
Physical Abilities / The ability to make gross body movements of the arms, legs, and torso simultaneously (e.g., climbing ladders).
Physical Abilities / The ability to make fast, coordinated, and repeated movements of the fingers, hands, and/or wrists such as typing, adjusting equipment, or manipulating objects.
Physical Abilities / The ability to hear audio alarms or other sounds that could indicate potential problems or raise issues of safety to self or others.
Physical Abilities / The ability to sit continuously for up to a maximum of ______uninterrupted minutes (e.g., while driving, operating equipment or conducting observations of others).
Physical Abilities / The ability to stand continuously for up to a maximum of ______uninterrupted minutes.
Physical Abilities / The ability to walk short distances over smooth, level terrain. (Describe distance).
Physical Abilities / The ability to walk and maneuver over rough, slippery, or uneven terrain. (Describe distance).
Physical Abilities / The ability to climb up and over objects such as climbing ladders and maneuvering over obstacles in the work environment. (Describe distance).
Physical Abilities / The ability to pull or drag equipment or materials weighing as much as ______"without assistance" for at least ______feet. [Helpful: If the position has stringent physical requirements, list both “typical” weights (with related distance), and “maximum” weight (with related distance)].
Physical Abilities / The ability to pull or drag equipment or materials weighing as much as ______"with assistance" for at least ______feet. . [Helpful: If the position has stringent physical requirements, list both “typical” weights (with related distance), and “maximum” weight (with related distance)]. (Describe the type of assistance).
Physical Abilities / The ability to push equipment or materials weighing as much as ______"with assistance" for at least ______feet. [Helpful: If the position has stringent physical requirements, list both “typical” weights (with related distance), and “maximum” weight (with related distance)]. (Describe the type of assistance).
Physical Abilities / The ability to push equipment or materials weighing as much as ______"without assistance" for at least ______feet. . [Helpful: If the position has stringent physical requirements, list both “typical” weights (with related distance), and “maximum” weight (with related distance)].
Physical Abilities / The ability to lift and carry equipment, materials or other objects "without assistance" that weigh as much as ______pounds over a smooth and level surface for at least ______feet. [Helpful: If the position has stringent physical requirements, list both “typical” weights (with related distance), and “maximum” weight (with related distance)].
Physical Abilities / The ability to lift and carry equipment, materials, or other objects "without assistance" that weigh as much as ______pounds over a rough or uneven surface for at least ______feet. [Helpful: If the position has stringent physical requirements, list both “typical” weights (with related distance), and “maximum” weight (with related distance)].
Physical Abilities / The ability to lift and carry equipment, materials or other objects "with assistance" that weigh at least ______pounds over a smooth and level surface for at least ______feet. [Helpful: If the position has stringent physical requirements, list both “typical” weights (with related distance), and “maximum” weight (with related distance)]. (Describe the type of assistance). (Describe the type of assistance).
Physical Abilities / The ability to lift and carry equipment, materials or other objects "with assistance" that weigh at least ______pounds over a rough or uneven surface for at least ______feet. [Helpful: If the position has stringent physical requirements, list both “typical” weights (with related distance), and “maximum” weight (with related distance)]. (Describe the type of assistance). (Describe the type of assistance).
Physical Abilities / The ability to run at maximum speed for a distance of at least ______feet for the purpose of apprehending individuals or to provide assistance that is vital to the health and safety of others.
Physical Abilities / The ability to restrain and subdue resistant or combative individuals (e.g., as a law enforcement officer or medical professional) without the assistance of others.
Physical Abilities / The ability to restrain and subdue resistant or combative individuals (e.g., as a law enforcement officer or medical professional) with the assistance of at least one other individual. (Describe the type of assistance).
Physical Abilities / The ability to work in uncomfortable and awkward positions for extended periods of time. (Describe examples of the types of work being performed).
Physical Abilities / Physical stamina sufficient to endure continuous strenuous activity that lasts five minutes or longer. (Specify duration).
Physical Abilities / Physical flexibility sufficient to bend, reach, and stretch to handle or operate equipment, machinery, or other objects.
Physical Abilities / The ability to maintain physical balance while stationary or in motion while using arms, legs, or torso.
Problem Solving / Perception/inspection skills to determine patterns or sequences in numbers, letters, or symbols.
Problem Solving / The ability to effectively apply critical thinking, reasoning, and logic skills to solve problems and make decisions after analyzing and evaluating available information.
Problem Solving / Spatial visualization skills to mentally arrange or manipulate various parts (shapes and objects) and visualize what a finished object will look like before it is assembled.
Problem Solving / The ability to correctly identify patterns contained in larger sets of information or embedded in a context to confirm accuracy such as matching inventory records, confirming security authorization, etc.
Problem Solving / The ability to arrange objects or information into a correct pattern according to specific rules a set of rules (e.g., inventory stocking, alphabetizing, categorizing).
Problem Solving / The ability to develop novel, new, or unusual ideas or solutions to business-related problems.
Problem Solving / The ability to apply mechanical principles (such as force, movement, and leverage) to create work products or solve work-related problems.
Project Management / The ability to plan and manage projects, including assigned personnel and multiple and competing project/resource demands to meet project deadlines on time and within budget.
Project Management / The ability to multi-task by effectively performing more than one task at a time or by shifting between high-priority tasks or multiple projects in such a manner that ensures timely and efficient completion.
Project Management / The ability to facilitate meetings of diverse individuals in a manner that enhances productivity and maximizes stakeholder buy-in.
Project Management / The ability to plan and implement budgets to facilitate cost-effective project completion.
Reading Ability / The ability to read and comprehend written text in English such as general instructions, safety warnings, email messages, or letters from various stakeholders.
Reading Ability / The ability to read and comprehend moderately complex written material in English such as operation procedure guides, policy manuals, and other documents.
Reading Ability / The ability to read and comprehend highly-complex written material in English such as legal documents, legislative rules, technical or scientific writing or other complicated documents.
Reading Ability / Reading ability to read, understand, and make decisions from information provided from maps.
Reading Ability / Reading ability to read, understand, and make decisions from information provided from blueprints or schematics.
Sales Skills / The ability to convincingly sell products and services to others by conveying the value of an idea or product and how it meets the customer needs.
Social Skills / The ability to develop and maintain effective interpersonal relationships to successfully work as part of a team, work group, and individuals outside the organization.
Supervisory Skills / The ability to lead and/or supervise others, including the ability to direct groups of people toward the achievement of business-related goals and objectives.
Supervisory Skills / The ability to facilitate solutions to interpersonal conflicts that occur between individuals or groups. Includes the ability to negotiate mutual resolutions and execute proposed solutions and plans.
Supervisory Skills / The ability to effectively delegate tasks or assignments to people based on an accurate assessment of their skills, workload, and project due dates.
Supervisory Skills / The ability to provide guidance and motivate/direct others by describing the larger vision and goals of the organization and encouraging them to do their best in the accomplishment of business-related goals or projects.
Supervisory Skills / The ability to provide fair and unbiased discipline as necessary to ensure an effective workforce.
Verbal Communication / The ability to listen to and correctly comprehend verbal communication in English to identify the correct response.
Verbal Communication / The ability to speak clearly and effectively in English to communicate with coworkers, customers, or other individuals.
Writing / The ability to effectively communicate using writing in English to non-technical individuals such as stakeholders, members of the general public, etc.
Writing / The ability to effectively communicate using technical writing in English at a level appropriate for an informed and technical audience such as scientists, engineers, policy makers, etc.

Copyright © 2008 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.