Phone No. 0997-414178, Fax No. 0997-414111
- Any bid without 2% earnest money of the total amount will not be entertained.
- Conditional/incomplete/overwritten bid will not be entertained.
- The prices quoted must be valid for at least 90 days from the date of tender opening for the evaluation of tender.
- The successful bidders will be required to provide the Security Service up to the end of financial year 2017-2018. The bid can be extended for further period as per KPPRA rules, if both the parties agree.
- Telephonic/telexed/faxed/telegraphic quotations will not be entertained.
- The bid must accompany the following:
- Firm Registration Certificate with the Federal/Provincial Government.
- National Tax Number
- Sales Tax Registration Certificate Number.
- Certificate to the effect that they have never been blacklisted by any Government/ Semi Government Organization.
- All bids must be properly sealed.
The bidder shall provide Security Services according to the prescribed specifications. Any deviation will cause rejection of.
The salary should be quoted in Pakistani Rupees.
The bid should remain valid and open for acceptance for purchasement of security services for 90 days from the date of opening of bids
The party signing the bid shall sign and stamp all the pages of the bid, where entries are made.
All bids must reach and be received by the University on or before the prescribed deadline at 1000 hours. The bids will be opened at 1100 hours on the same day in the conference room, Hazara University in presence of the bidders or their authorized representatives, who wish to be present.
Any bid received in the university after the prescribed deadline shall not be entertained.
The University reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders fully or partially on the recommendation of committee/ constituted for bid evaluation committee.
Unsolicited advice / clarifications and any personal approached at any stage of evaluations of bids are strictly prohibited and may lead to disqualification.
The bidders shall provide/ensure provisionof Security guardswithin 30 days from the date of issuance of supply order. A penalty of 10% of the total amount would be charged after expiry of the delivery time till the provision of security guards.
No advance payment will be made as per Government rules. The payment will be made to the firm on monthly basis as and when the bill receivedIf found in order in all respects after the successful and complete satisfaction, theearnest money will be released after 08 months from the date of satisfactory supply of the Security.
All Government taxes shall be deducted at source according to the relevant rules.
The decision of the University in all relevant matters will be final and unchallengeable in any court of law anywhere.
The security services are required at the premises of Hazara University Mansehra or at any other place as required by University authority.
- Bid Proposal
- Bidding process is open competitive bidding and will be carried out through Single Stage - Two Envelope Procedure. The bidder must submit their proposal in a single package containing two separate sealed envelopes clearly marked as “Technical Proposal” and “Financial Proposal” in response to the advertisement floated by Hazara University Mansehra.
- The technical proposal will be evaluated in a manner as per the clauses mentioned in this document; and proposals which do not conform to the specified technical requirements as listed in said document will be rejected.
- During the technical evaluation no amendments in the technical proposal shall be permitted;
- The Financial Proposal of only technically qualified bidders shall be opened publicly at a time, date and venue announced and communicated to the bidders in advance;
- The technically qualified bidder with lowest financial bid will be the successful bidder.
- The Financial Bid will be opened on the same day by 11.00 am.
- Rates can be accepted on the basis of total lowest cost.
- The Security Services shall include the following:
S. No / Particulars / Nos / Rate Quoted
01 / Security Supervisors (Armed) not below the rank of retaired JCO / 03
02 / Security Guards (Armed) Ex- armed forces / 30
- The number of Guards may increase or decrease, accordingly the bidder shall include in
its Financial Proposal the cost of each Guard, monthly basis.
- Duty timing will be Twelve (12) hours.
- Ammunitions, Uniforms and other necessities will be provided by the bidder.
- Security Company should be registered under Companies Oredinance-1984 (XLVII), and registered with the Government of Pakistan.
- The company should be registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax Departments (Registration number should be clearly mentioned and valid documentary evidence should be attached).
- The bidder must submit application along-with the following documents:
a.Full name, complete address, phone and fax number, email address along-with organization chart of the Company.
b.Number of directors/partners/proprietors (along with partnership deed) giving their names, qualification and experience etc.
c. Complete details of clients with whom agreements have been executed during last five years along-with the satisfactory certificate from clients.
d. Undertaking that the Company has not been blacklisted or debarred by any Government/Semi Government Organization.
f. Income tax clearance certificate for last 3-years, NTN number. and GST number of the Company.
g. Detail of present commitments and work load with respect to financial position of theCompany.
h. Proof of financial soundness duly supported with documents i.e. bank statement & balance sheet,
14. The Company should have a valid license issued by the Home Department, Government of the Pakistan.
15. The Company shall abide by all relevant Labour Laws, Acts/Rules including but not limited to Minimum Wages Act, Employees Old Age Benefit Act, Social Security Act etc. the security guards must be ensured.
16. Concealment of facts will be sufficient reason for disqualification.
17. Any information/documents found deficient will not be entertained.
18. The decision of the Authority as per set evaluation criteria for technical evaluation of the Company will be final.
19. The security guards must be ex-servicemen from armed forces.
20. Age of security guards should be between 35 years to 45 years.
21. In-case of change in duties of security guards, security Company/ bidder will get NOC from the Registrar, Hazara University or a person authorized in this behalf from time to time in writing by Hazara University.
22. The services of successful bidder/ company shall be hired for a period of 06 months. However, Hazara University shall have the right to terminate the services/contract by giving one month prior notice without assigning any reason
23. Rate given in the tender must be inclusive of all government taxes/ duties.
24. Rate must be given on tender performa, otherwise, tender will not be entertained.
25. Complete tender will be awarded to technically qualified lowest bidder.
26. The Hazara University reserves the right to reject all tenders totally or partially on the basis of assessment criteria. The Hazara University also reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity of security personnelreferred at para 3 above in the tender documents.
27. No tender shall be entertained without earnest money of bid value as bid security in shape of CDR.
- Guards will be healthy and medically Cat, A.
- Guards will hold national identity card as well as company identity card.
- Guards will be security wise clear.
- Guards will be insured.
- Security Company will provide 25 to 30 rounds of each weapon.
- On written report from the University unsuitable guard(s) will be replaced at early possible time by the security company.
- Guards will be employees of the security company and will execute a contract of employment with Security Company to perform duties with University.
- Security Company would be responsible for payment of wages, government dues, workman compensation, old age benefits, social security, group insurance or other benefits payable to security guards as per government law.
- SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) and security instructions for deployment of guards will be provided by security incharge of University and all guards will abide by these SOPs/Instructions religiously.
- Guards will be directly under the control of the UniversitySecurity Officer.
- GST will be applicable as per rules of the government of Pakistan.
- Payment towards workers insurance, social security and EOBI or any other dues that may become applicable will be paid by Security Company at no extra cost to Hazara University.
- Extra ammunition used by the guards will not charge from Hazara University.
- In case of casualty/ death of any guard liabilities will be borne by Security Company.
- Terms and conditions spelled out in this connection will be binding on both the parties i.e. Hazara University and Security Company.
- Hazara University will exercise supervision of guards and report any misconduct of guards to Security Company for prompt remedial measures.
- All inquiries will be joint inquiries to ascertain and apportion blame and responsibility.
- Guards will remain in security company uniform (duly approved by Government of Pakistan) while on duty.
Technical Proposal under taking Form
[Location, Date] To (Name and address of Client / Purchaser)_
Dear Sir,
We, the undersigned, offer to provide Security Services in accordance with your Request for Proposal/Tender Document dated (insert date) and our Proposal. We are hereby submitting our Proposal, which includes the Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal sealed in two separate envelopes.
We undertake, if our Proposal is accepted, to provide Security Services to Hazara University, Mansehrawe will provide security services up to the satisfaction of Hazara University, Mansehra.
We also confirm that the Government of Pakistan / Khyber Pakhtunkhwa or any other provincial government has not declared us, or any subservice provider for any part of the contract, ineligible or blacklisted on charges of engaging in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices or any other charges. We furthermore, pledge not to indulge in such practices in competing for or in executing the Contract, and we are aware of the relevant provisions of the Proposal Document.
We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.
We remain,
Yours sincerely,
Authorized Signature
(In full and initials)
Name and Designation of Signatory
Name of Company
Financial Proposal Submission Form (Part of Financial Bid Envelope)
[Location, Date]
To (Name and address of Client / Purchaser)_
Dear Sir,
We, the undersigned, offer to provide Security Services in accordance with your Request for Proposal dated (insert date) and our Technical Proposal. Our attached Financial Proposal for is for the sum of PKR Rs (insert amount in words and figures per month). This amount is inclusive of all applicable taxes.
Our Financial Proposal shall be binding upon us subject to the modifications in accordance with applicable provisions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Procurement Regulatory Authority up to expiration of the validity period of the Proposal.
We also declare that the Government of Pakistan / Khyber Pakhtunkhwa or any other provincial government has not declared us or any Sub-Service Provider for any part of the Contract, ineligible on charges of engaging in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices. We furthermore, pledge not to indulge in such practices or any other charges in competing for or in executing the Contract, and are aware of the relevant provisions of the Proposal Document.
We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.
In the capacity of: Duly authorized to sign the proposal on behalf of the Applicant.
We remain,
Yours sincerely,
Authorized Signature
(In full and initials)
Name and Designation of Signatory
Name of Company