Board Members Present: / Advisory Board Present:
Richard Beladino – President / Rafael Cotto
Ed Armijo – Vice President / Homeowners Present:
David Bumpus – Treasurer / Clay Peacock
Ann Abel - Secretary / Gary Belconis
Tom Godfrey–Absent / Holly Mills
Larry Cooley – Member-At-Large / Guest: Betty Cooley
Property Manager: Gary Brewer

1.Call to order 6:00

2.Approval of 6 January 2015 minutes - Board members were given:

1)A copy of the minutes from the 6 January 2015Board meeting

2)A copy of the Board of Elections Minutes

Richard Beladino called for approval of the January 6, 2015 Board of Elections Minutes and the January 6, 2015 Regular Board Minutes. Minutes from both meetings were unanimously approved.

Memo for Record:David Bumpus posted a copy of the approved Minutes to the Eagle Springs Web Site.

3.Treasurers Report – Per David Bumpus a detailedtreasurer’s report was e-mailed to all Board Members and a copy posted to the Eagle Springs web site for review by all residents.

4.ACC/AACC Report – Mr. Ed Armijo stated that residents had contacted him regarding the placement of satellite dishes – Mr. Armijo quoted “Section 207 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the Federal Communications Commission adopted the Over-the-Air Reception Devices ("OTARD") rule concerning governmental and nongovernmental restrictions on viewers' ability to receive video programming signals from direct broadcast satellites ("DBS"), broadband radio service providers (formerly multichannel multipoint distribution service or MMDS), and television broadcast stations ("TVBS").

The rule (47 C.F.R. Section 1.4000) has been in effect since October 1996, and it prohibits restrictions that impair the installation, maintenance or use of antennas used to receive video programming. The rule applies to video antennas including direct-to-home satellite dishes that are less than one meter (39.37") in diameter (or of any size in Alaska), TV antennas, and wireless cable antennas. The rule prohibits most restrictions that: (1) unreasonably delay or prevent installation, maintenance or use; (2) unreasonably increase the cost of installation, maintenance or use; or (3) preclude reception of an acceptable quality signal.

5.Neighborhood Watch Report – Ed Armijo announced a “Neighborhood Watch” social was planned for Feb 19, 2015 in the Eagle Springs Clubhouse. He also reported there are now 160 members of the Eagle Springs Neighborhood Watch Website and it has been very successful in keeping residents updated with ES news and events.

6.Property Managers Report: Gary Brewer was present and stated he had been actively working to collect HOA yearly dues. No written report was provided for the previous month.

7.Invoice review and approval: Total invoices approved for time period of Jan 6, 2015 – Feb 17, 2015 was $8,224.88. (See attached copies) All invoices were approved for this time period. Copies of invoices are on file in the Eagle Springs office.

8.Old Business:

-Flood Control Project update – Tom Godfrey contacted Richard Beladino prior to the meeting and explained he was not able to be present for the scheduled board meeting. During that phone call, Tom provided Richard an update on the progress of the Flood Control Project. They agreed it was a task that required further investigation and input, all of which would take some time before a final report could be produced.

-Gunn Road Project – Richard Beladino gave an updated report of all work scheduled

to be done on Gunn Road that will impact the Eagle Springs Community.

-Sea wall reconstruction at pool complex (lake) (one complete – one to be rebuilt

9.New Business:

-Roving security for 6 months per year –David Bumpus contacted a firm out of Marietta, GA that will provide security 5 days per week during the summer months. Approximate cost of this service is $31K-$32K. This expenditure was budgeted for in 2015.

-Lifeguard staffing for 2015 pool seasonwas discussed

-Tennis Court proposal review, discussion and timing of construction (see details below)

-Replacement of Community Center roof review, approval and timing of replacement

-Water Slide review and discussions as to replacement alternatives

-Eagle Springs website as main resident communication tool -

-Removal of signs placed by residents on common areas

-Proposed board meetings for remainder of 2015 – See line 12 below

10.Activities Report – Larry Cooley volunteered to look into various activities that are a possibility for the Eagle Springs residents. He has ask for residents suggestions. Further updates will follow.

11.Residents and Directors Comments:

Rafael Cotto provided a history of the tennis courts in Eagle Springs beginning with the time originally constructed (1996) through the 2014 warranty work. His report also detailed the current problems with the courts and a recommendation for complete reconstruction.

He recommended a meeting with several companies that could provide presentations for work that needs to be done.

Memo for Record: The presentations were completed on February 24, 2015 with two companies and an e-mail sent by Mr. David Bumpus to all board members recommending approval of Match Point Tennis to reconstruct the tennis courts. This recommendation was reviewed and approved by all board members.

12.Next Board of Directors meeting: Upcoming Board meetings are tentatively scheduled for the 3rd Tuesday of April, June, September, November and December.

There being no additional business from the Board, Richard Beladino motioned the meeting be closed, it was seconded and unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Prepared by: Ann Abel