Block / TOPIC / Go to LIBRARY first then / Conquer Maths
1 / Whole Numbers / number/add subtract written/adding in columns
number /add subtract written/subtraction columns
number / multiply divide mental/ multiplying by 10 100
number / multiply divide mental/ dividing by 10 100
number /estimating and accuracy/rounding to 10 100 / Year 5/ number, patterns & algebra:
Number 1 lessons 1 – 6, addition & subtraction lesions 1 -7, multiplication lessons 1 - 7, division 1 - 6
Year 6/ number, patterns & algebra:
Number 1, lessons 1 - 4
Graphs and Tables / data /presenting data/frequency tables and bar charts
data /pictograms and bar charts
data /line graphs and two way tables / Year 5/Stastitics and Probability/ graphs lessons 1 – 3
Year 6/ Statistics and Probability/ graphs lessons 1 –5
KS 3/ handling data/representing data lessons 1 – 4
Year 5/ number, patt & algebra/number II lesson 5
KS3/handling data/statistics lesson 3 (the mean)
Time and Temperature / number/counting and place value/ negative numbers 1 & 2 shape/measures/time and timetables
shape/measures/time calculations
shape/measures/speed / Year 5/ number, patt & algebra/number 1 lesson 7
Year 6 /number, patt & algebra/number 1, lessons 5 & 6
KS 3 /number/integers lessons 1 – 4
Year 5/measurement/ time lessons 1 – 3
Year 5/ measurement/speed lessons 1 -3
Year 6/ measurement/ time lessons 1 – 4
KS 3 /shape, space & measures/measurement lessons 6 – 8
Introduction to Percentages / number/percentages/percentages of amounts 1 & 2 / KS 3/number/percentages/lesson 4
Decimals / number/decimals/any lessons / Year 5/number, patt & algebra/ decimals lessons 1 -9
Year 6/number, patt & algebra/ decimals lessons 1 -6
KS 3/number/decimals lessons 1 – 7, 11
2 / Angles / Shape/Angles/position and turning
Shape/Angles/measuring angles
Shape/Angles/angle sums
Shape/Angles/angle reasoning
Shape/Angles/angles in parallel lines / Year 5/space & geom./angles lessons 1 – 2
Year 6/space & geom./angles lessons 1 – 2
KS 3 /shape,space &measures/geometry lessons 1 - 4
Introduction to Algebra / algebra/algebraic manipulation/simplifying 1
algebra/expressions and formulae/substitution 1 / KS 3 /algebra/algebra 1 lessons 1, 2, 9 - 11
Equations / algebra/equations-linear/simple equations
algebra/equations-linear/solving equations / Year 6/ number, patt & algebra/patterns & algebra lessons 2, 3
KS 3 / algebra/equatons lessons 1 - 6
Coordinates and Bearings / Algebra/ Coordinates 1 and 2
Shape / Scale and Similarity/ Scale Drawing and Map Scales
Shape/ Angles/Bearings / Year 5 /space & geometry/position lessons 1 – 4
KS 3/ algebra/ the number plane lessons 1 & 2
KS 3 /shape, space & measures/ measurements lessons 10, 11
History of Maths Project
3 / Length and Perimeter / Shape / Area & Perimeter / Perimeter / Year 5/ measurement/units of measure lessons 1, 2
Year 6/ measurement/units of measure lessons 1- 3
KS 3/shape, space & measures/measurement lessons 1,2 4,5
Fractions Decimals and Percentages / number/fractions/fractions to decimals
number/decimals/recurring decimals 1 & 2
/ number/percentages/frac dec perc 1 & 2 / Year 5/Number, patt & algebra Fractions lessons 1 –8
Year 6/number, patt & algebra/FDP Conversions lessons 1 – 11
Year 6 /number, patt, algebra/fractions lessons 1 - 5
Patterns and Relationships & Formulae and Sequences / Algebra/ Sequences/ Sequences
Algebra/ Sequences/ nth term
Algebra/ Expressions & Formulae/Rules & Formulae / Year 5/ number, patt & algebra/patterns & algebra lessons 1 & 2
Year 6/ number, patt & algebra/patterns & algebra lessons 1, 4, 5
KS 3/ algebra/algebra 1 lessons 3, 5, 6, 8
Triangles / Shape/Angles/angle sums
Shape/Angles/angle reasoning
Shape/Angles/angles in parallel lines
Shape/2D and 3D shapes/properties of triangles / Year 5/space & geometry/plane shapes & solids lesson 6
Year 6/space & geometry/plane shapes and solids lessons 4, 5
KS 3/ shape space & measures/ geometry lessons 5, 7, 9, 10
4 / Factors and Prime Numbers / number/counting and place value/multiples
number/counting and place value/factors and primes / Year 5/ number, patt & algebra/number II lessons 3,4
Year 6/ number, patt & algebra/number II lessons 10 – 13
KS 3 / number/ the number system II lessons 1 - 7
Area / shape / area & perimeter / area of rectangles
m shape / area & perimeter / area of a triangle / Year 5/ measurement/area & volume lessons 1 , 2
Year 6/ measurement/ area& volume lessons 1 – 4
KS 3 /shape, space & measures/ area lessons 1 - 5
Symmetry / shape/symmetry/linesymmetry / Year 4/space & geometry/plane shapes & solids lesson 2
KS 3/ shape, space & measures/ transformations & solids lesson 1, 2
Finance Project / Number/money and finance/best buys, ways of buying, budgeting
5 / Volume / shape / volume and surface area / volume of cuboids / Year 5/ measurement/ area & volume lessons 3, 4
Year 6/ measurement/ area & volume lesson 5
Ratio and Scales / number/ratio &proportion/ratio introduction
number/ration& proportion/ratio 1 & 2
shape/scale & similarity/scale drawing
shape/scale & similarity/map scales / KS 3/ number/ ratio lessons 1 – 7
Probability / data/probability/ probability intro
data /simple probability
data /listing outcomes
data /relative frequency
data /probability revision / Year 5/ statistics & probability/ chance lessons 1 , 2
KS 3/ handling data/ statistics lesson 8
2D shapes / shape/construction/constructingtriangles / Year 5/space & geometry/ plane shapes and solids lessons 6, 7
Year 6/space & geometry/plane shapes and solids lesson1