CCIM Institute

Las Vegas, NV

Sunday, October 14, 2012 8:00a m – 9:45 am

Subcommittee Members:

Joe Fisher, CCIM, Chair of Chairs

Barbara Bushnell, Vice Chair of Chairs

Bob Ward, CCIM, Past Chair (absent)

Andre van Rensburg, CCIM, CI Intro Chair (absent)

Todd Clarke, CCIM, CI Intro Vice Chair (absent)

Mark Polon, CCIM, CI 101 Chair (absent)

Bill Lawrence, CCIM, CI 101 Vice Chair

Tom Bothen, CCIM, CI 102 Chair

Doug Sawyer, CCIM, CI 102 Vice Chair

Richard Juge, CCIM, CI 103 Chair

Robin Dyche, CCIM, CI 103 Vice Chair

Patricia Lynn, CCIM, CI 104 Chair

Carl Russell, CCIM, CI 104 Vice Chair (absent)

Jay Keenan, CCIM, CCR Chair (absent)

Bruce Harvey, CCIM, CCR Vice Chair

Jim Rosen CCIM, Negotiations Chair (absent)

David Bickell, CCIM, Negotiations Vice Chair (absent)


Michael Armanious, CCIM

Ed Anlian, CCIM

Peter Barnett, CCIM

Lucio Cantu, CCIM

Pat Brady, CCIM

Mark Cypert, CCIM

Jeff Engelstad, CCIM, Educ. Comm. Chair

Stan Gniazdowski, CCI Educ. Comm. ViceChair

Ryan Imbrie, CCIM

Soozi Jones-Walker, CCIM

Leil Koch, CCIM, 2012 President

Carmela Ma, CCIM, 2012 Presidential Liaison

Maryann Mize, CCIM

Katya Naman, CCIM, 2013 Education PL

Jeff Ryer, CCIM

Sandy Shindleman, CCIM

Mark Van Ark, CCIM

Thomas Van Buskirk, CCIM

Chuck Wiercinski, CCIM


Terry Cunningham, VP Education

Barbara Klein, Dir. Curriculum Development

Connie Anderko, Dir. Distance Learning

Mat Williams, Dir. Continuing Education

Jodi Coplan, Senior Director of Human Capital and Administration

Jim Van Dellen, Dir., Ward Center for Real Estate Studies

Call to Order

Joe Fisher, CCIM, Course Chairs Subcommittee Chair, called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m.

Conflict of Interest and Antitrust Policies

Mr. Fisher read the antitrust conflict of interest statement.

Approval of Minutes

The Subcommittee approved the minutes of April 24, 2012 without changes.

Course Reports / Recommendations

CI101. Bill Lawrence, CCIM, course vice-chair reported on CI 101. Errata collected to date to be incorporated into new book by December 2012. The CI 101 Test Item Bank has been implemented and used since June 2012. Mr. Lawrence reported on student feedback from course evaluations for online and traditional classrooms. Self-paced students are frequently reaching out for help with concepts and calculations. Student Lounge forum is being used extensively by students to ask questions and collaborate on answers. Course chair and vice chair being reached out to for student assistance when no other student has provided answer in the student forum. With course chair and vice-chair will review the forum content to determine how want to handle assisting students going forward.

CI 102. Tom Bothen, CCIM, course chair, reported on CI102. Reported student feedback is indicating a disconnection between content presented and case studies. Mr. Bothen recommended forming a task group to determine course improvements and providing a baseline solution for case studies in the module answer sections.

CI 103. Richard Juge, CCIM, course chair, reported on CI 103. Mr. Juge reported that student feedback is most often related to trouble with technology, particularly use of Wimba. Requested for incorporation and release of errata more quickly outside the annual scheduled revisions. Reported on the status of the major revisions underway for course flow and GAAP content. Peter Barnett, CCIM, SME on the revisions project indicated the new FASB rules are expected to be in place in 2013 and implemented in 2016.

CI 104. Patricia Lynn, CCIM, course chair, reported on CI 104. Course is working well. Fixed spreadsheet error and the few errata received will be put in materials and CD-ROM by December 2012. CI104 has a 15% fail rate in 2012 which is higher than previous, also a smaller sample size. Will review item analysis to determine which questions or concepts are most troublesome to students. Ms. Lynn recommended incorporation of interest based model in the last two case studies to take the model through to completion of course.

Negotiations. Barbara Klein, Director Curriculum Development, reported on Negotiations courses. The self-paced program has had over 500 students in 2012. Course review and improvements are slated to review for and address errata noted on student feedback. The two-day negotiations work shop had one offering in 2012 through the Ward Center for Real Estate Studies. Barbara Bushnell developed a one-day negotiations workshop for the Ward Center for Real Estate Studies which piloted in September with 32 students in Houston, TX. Course received positive comments. Course can now be marketed to chapters and is another avenue to meeting the negotiations requirement for the CCIM designation.

CCR. Bruce Harvey, CCIM, course-vice chair reported on CCR. Mr. Harvey recommended reworking the Day 1 teaching schedule as the day ended 45 – 60 minutes late. Noted that the comprehensive exam needs to include test items on the fundamental concepts of investment base or exchange is on the exam.

CI Intro. Ms. Klein reported on CI Intro. CI Intro is being taken off the course schedule as a standard course offering but still available by request. A recommendation was made to replace all calculator keystrokes and with use of the Excel CCIM Financial Calculator. This is already being done by some instructors from the podium with positive results. An additional recommendation is to revise the course to be a one-day delivery which is a better received format in today's market. The two-day format serves a purpose for those looking to earn CE credit. One-day feeder courses developed and delivered with great success through the Ward Center for Real Estate Studies include Residential RE Financial Analysis and Financial Analysis Tools for CRE.

International Curriculum

Ms. Klein reported on the International curriculum and International Task Force. The International Task Force recommended a high level plan to Education Committee in June 2012 to move forward with the project. The plan was approved. Currently course outlines are being developed to identify content for revisions as well as time and cost estimates for the revisions.

Instructor Training

Todd Kuhlman, CCIM reported on the planned Instructor Seminar. Leil Koch, CCIM, 2012 President, formed a presidential task force of Mark Polon, Peter Barnett and Maryann Mize and Todd Kuhlman to organize the event. Choosing between Denver Remax Headquarters in June/July or in conjunction with August Chapter Officer Training in Chicago. Group is finalizing location, determining instructor costs, and forming a sub task force to create agenda topics.

Education Governance Changes

Mr. Fisher entertained a motion to accept the proposed governance changes to the Course Chairs Subcommittee name, description, responsibilities, and structure. The proposed changes had been dispersed to and discussed by Subcommittee members prior to October 14, 2012 meeting.

A motion was duly made, seconded and approved to accept the proposed governance changes to the Course Chairs Subcommittee name, description, responsibilities, and structure.

CCIM Excel Workbooks

Excel financial analysis workbook enhancements are in process for identified fixes needed and updates.

Education Dept. Report

Mr. Fisher briefly highlighted reported topics.

Other Business

No other business was presented.

Mr. Fisher adjourned the meeting at 9:56 a.m.

Course Chairs Subcommittee New Action Items:

1.  Review CI Intro course for use only with Financial Calculator and development of an one-day Intro

2.  CCR course materials maintenance and exam revisions for April 2013 release.

3.  Evaluate ongoing maintenance for Excel financial analysis spreadsheets.

4.  Position international curriculum for global use.