Hampshire County Council
Western Area Governors’ Forum
Date: / Tuesday 28 February 2017
Time: / 7.05 – 9.10pm
Location: / Foxhills Junior School
Mark Barlow / Anton Infant School
Annette Osman / Bartley CE Junior School
Deborah Martin / Broughton Primary School
Anne-Marie Jordan / Bursledon Federation of Schools
Sue Mussell / Cherbourg Primary School
Katy Toms / Dever Valley Federation of Schools
Ann Arscott / Foxhills Junior School
Julie Skinner / Marchwood Junior School
Samantha Fitzsimmons / Meonstoke Infant School
Christine Mason / Norwood Primary School
Janet Chapman / Orchard Junior School
Nikki Brigg / Orchard Junior School
Martina Humber / Pennington Junior School
Peter Higgs / Romsey Primary School
Diana Wilson / Shamblehurst Primary School
Becky Veal / Shamblehurst Primary School
David Wright (Chair) / Sun Hill Infant School
Ann Vincent / Swanmore Primary School
Steve Clarke / Tipton Primary School
Rosemary Walker / Winnall Primary School
In Attendance:
Tony Quinn / Hampshire Governor Services
Catherine Redgrave / General Inspector (Primary) HIAS
Maria Carrick / School and Youth Engagement Officer, Hampshire Police
Julia Burton / Hampshire Governor Services, LA Clerk
Apologies for absence
Tracy Stevens / Ashley Junior School
Anne Marie Datlen / Foxhills Junior School
David Shields / Grateley Primary School
Marion Crowcombe / Lymington Junior School
Amanda Tanner / Milford on Sea Primary School
Peter Jackson / Nursling CE Primary School
Liz Wagner / Romsey Abbey CE Primary School
Margaret Crowe / Sun Hill Junior School
Richard Jacob / The Bridge Education Centre
Keith Akerman / Tiptoe Primary School
Veronica Perry / Wellow and Awbridge Federation of Schools
1. / Apologies for absence and Welcome
The meeting opened at 7.05pm. David Wright (Chair) welcomed everyone. Apologies for absence were received and noted.
2. / Presentation – Moderation and Teacher Workload
Catherine Redgrave, General Inspector (Primary) HIAS
The Chair introduced Catherine Redgrave, General Inspector (Primary), Hampshire Inspection and Advisory Service (HIAS) to the meeting. Catherine was attending the meeting to give a presentation on Moderation and Teacher Workload. Hard copies of the presentation were circulated to governors and copy of the presentation can be found at the following link: http://www3.hants.gov.uk/education/governors/education-governors-intranet/governors-rephampgovs/governors-rephampgovs-hgrg/governors-rephampgovs-hgrg-mins.htm
Catherine introduced herself and gave details of her background and her current roles with Hampshire County Council. She also summarised the moderation process in schools in validating teachers’ assessments and the processes in place in school.
The presentation focussed on 3 key documents:
·  Eliminating unnecessary workload around marking;
·  2017 Teacher assessment external moderation KS1; and
·  2017 Teacher assessment external moderation KS2
Catherine discussed her role in working with these statutory assessments and how they can be used by teachers to manage their workload. Governors were informed that there is a large amount of statutory guidance, for both teachers and governors.
Governors were informed that the Independent Workload Group criteria is:
·  Effective marking is an essential part of the education process – an interaction between teacher and pupil; a way of acknowledging pupils’ work, checking outcomes and making decisions about what teacher and pupils need to do next;
·  All marking should be meaningful, manageable and motivating.
The key points of the moderation process were noted as follows:
·  Interaction between teacher and pupil
·  Giving pupils regular feedback, both orally and through accurate marking and encouraging pupils to respond to any feedback
·  Teachers need to be thinking on how pupils can respond. It is important for teachers to recognise this is a key part of the marking.
CR explained the STA moderation guidance, particularly in relation to:
·  what the evidence must look like and how it should be applied, stressing that Local Authorities should not expect portfolios or checklists of evidence.
·  the new moderation guidance on independent writing
·  the Interim Teacher Assessment Framework criteria and key principles
Catherine’s presentation also included examples of marking and feedback and how these were applied. The key recommendations from the Independent Workload Group for Local Authorities, Governing Bodies and School Leaders were also noted:
·  Review the school’s marking practice as part of an overall and proportionate policy in partnership with teachers;
·  Evaluate the time implications of any whole school marking and assessment policy for all teachers to ensure that the school policy does not make unreasonable demands on any particular member of staff;
·  In partnership with teachers, monitor their marking practice as part of a regular monitoring cycle and evaluate its effectiveness on pupil progress; and
·  Challenge emerging fads that indirectly impost excessive marking practices in schools.
The presentation also provided challenges for governors to consider:
·  What is the difference between assessed work that has no visible marking and un-assessed work?
·  How do governors challenge school leaders to recognise when teachers are being diligent in their marking but ineffective? Do teachers recognise this?
There were no questions from governors. Catherine Redgrave was thanked for her informative presentation. Governors were recommended that any teachers’ concerns can be referred to Catherine Redgrave direct through Hampshire County Council.
3. / Presentation – Safe4Me
Maria Carrick, School and Youth Engagement Co-ordinator, Hampshire Police
The Chair introduced Maria Carrick, School and Youth Engagement Officer with Hampshire Police, who gave a summary and overview about Hampshire Constabulary’s engagement initiative with schools and the communication around risks and dangers.
Maria explained where with Hampshire Constabulary is with school and youth engagement and how this has been reviewed, together with the changes and developments made following the review, which has looked at resources and expertise together with promotion of partnership working. More focus has also been given to higher risk/safeguarding together with engagement and local priorities for the benefits of good outcomes for young people
2 have been toolkits created, External Safe4me and Internal Safe4me, which have been trialled to help young people make informed choices around safeguarding issues and drug related issues and risks. These toolkits have been tailored for both primary and secondary pupils based on topics requested by teachers and schools.
Maria Carrick explained how Safe4me can currently be accessed. The link has been sent out to all Hampshire and Isle of Wight Schools.
From April 2017, it will be a stand-alone site with clear signposting to important links and resources for schools, pupils, parents and all linked groups. A key aim of the site is to signpost users to areas of support and how it can be accessed.
Maria took governors through the primary link as an example. She also showed governors the links and modules available on the secondary link.
Governors were invited to follow the link www.safe4me.co.uk and visit the site to look at the information.
It was suggested that this be included on the safeguarding training for governors.
Why is sexting only on secondary section.
It is acknowledged that whilst it is happening at primary level, at the moment the Police are responsive to where the biggest issues are which is shown to be at secondary level. Governors questioned that this should also be applied to primary school to prevent issues at an early age.
Why is Prevent also only at secondary level?
The Police do not have that expertise to provide an education toolkit at a young age. There is a specific link to educate on prevent duties. It was suggested that the primary page provide a link to this for advice and information.
Drug Awareness – could more information be given on description of drugs at both primary and secondary level.
Hampshire Constabulary are making every effort to include advice on all topics wherever possible.
Maria explained about the new Police Apprentice initiative and how this works in partnership with schools with providing intervention support. This has come from a tried and tested model designed by teachers and the police authority to engage with pupils on related safeguarding topics. It is based on The Apprentice and the Dragon’s Den and is proving to be a very popular concept across the board.
A link to the presentation is provided with these minutes and Governors are invited to contact Maria Carrick using her contact details provided in the PowerPoint presentation. http://www3.hants.gov.uk/education/governors/education-governors-intranet/governors-rephampgovs/governors-rephampgovs-hgrg/governors-rephampgovs-hgrg-mins.htm
There were no further questions and Maria Carrick was thanked for her presentation.
4. / Open Forum
Lock Down Procedures - The Chair asked governors if there are any schools which have developed a lock down procedure. Governors who have done so were invited to share this information.
National Funding Formula – briefings have taken place, it is considered that it is not as good as expected for Hampshire. Further information is provided in the Schools Forum report under Item 6.
5. / Minutes of last meeting – 20 September 2016
The minutes of the last meeting held on 20 September 2016 were agreed as a correct record, with no matters arising.
6. / Reports from Representatives
County Governor Forum – no report.
Schools Forum - Peter Heggs gave a verbal report from Schools Forum
Schools Forum discussed the National Schools Funding Formula. The factors are similar to the Hampshire funding factors and Peter Heggs summarised these to governors. There is now a fixed lump sum of £175,000 per school regardless of size. The National Funding Formula has all these factors, with the difference that there is more money following the pupil, and more for deprivation with a lower level of lump sum funding for schools. Transitional steps for the introduction of the National Funding Formula are being put in place but it was noted that the biggest impact will be on small rural primary schools, with larger schools likely to get more funding. There is currently a lot of lobbying taking place, not just from Hampshire County Council, to avoid the situation where smaller schools lose out on funding.
7. / News from Governor Services
Improving Governance - Tony Quinn of Governor Services informed governors that Ofsted have produced a report on Improving Governance and governors were advised to read this, particularly in relation to governor training.
Governors Handbook – this was updated in January 2017. Governors were advised to look at the competency framework.
Pupil Premium Workshops are currently taking place
National College Chairs Development Programme - Governors were also reminded that this is the last year of the National College Chairs Development module and the final strand will start in April 2017.
Full information regarding both can be found on the Governor Services’ website.
8. / Any Other Business
There were no further items for discussion at this meeting.
9. / Future Agenda Items
·  Online Safety/Social Media
If governors have any other items in the future they wish to be included on the agenda, to let David Wright know.
10. / Date and Times of future meetings
All meetings will start at 7.00pm and take place at the Winchester Professional Centre (WPC) and Foxhills Junior School (FJS)
·  25 April 2017 (WPC)
·  26 September 2017 (FJS)

Meeting closed at 9.10pm.