Legal Disclaimer and Consent for Art and Art History Classes

I have read the syllabus for this course, , and have had the opportunity to ask the professor questions I may have about it. I understand the course requirements, grading policy, and attendance policy.

Study of Human Nude Figure

I understand that the nude figure is an enduring genre of representational art, and that this college-level art course reserves the right to show depictions of nude humans and to use live nude male and female models (in studio classes) for the educational study of the human figure. I also understand that the educational objectives of this course may include viewing images of nudity, and discussing potentially controversial subject matter relevant to the human condition. I understand that if viewing the nude model, working from and discussing human anatomy offends me, I am hereby advised to drop this class. By remaining in this class, I hereby consent to viewing and working from the nude model, and to discussing anatomy for educational purposes.

Photo Consent and Release

I understand that upon occasion, the professor in this course, or Kennesaw State University may wish to utilize images, copies or photographs that include me or my work. I do hereby consent to allow the professor in and Kennesaw State University to utilize images, copies or photographs that include me or my work in this class. These images may be used for professional, educational, or promotional purposes in the future, and may appear in print, video, photographs, audio or web media with or without my name. I further consent that my name and identity may be revealed if it is deemed appropriate in the sole judgment of the professor or Kennesaw State University.

I do hereby release to the professor of this course and Kennesaw State University all rights to exhibit and or use my work or my likeness. I waive any rights, claims, or interests I may have to control the use of my identity or likeness in the print, photographs, video, or web media, and agree that any uses described herein may be made without compensation or additional consideration of me.

In signing below, you confirm that you have read, understand, and agree with the terms of the syllabus, this Legal Disclaimer, and the Photo Consent and Release.

Signature: Date: