PRESENT: - Councillors R. Kelly (Chairman), Mrs S. Anthony, Mrs E. McNeil-Watson, Mrs. J. Stone, P. Gough, D. Jones, A. Prosper and V. Hanson
In attendance: Mrs G. Lawson (Clerk).
Councillor R. Kelly in the Chair
Min No. 97/08 Public Representation
A resident had raised the issue of Fly-tipping at the open green area on St Mellons Road. The Clerk would contact the relevant Council department to deal with the issue.
Min No. 98/08 Declaration of Interests
There were no declarations of Interests.
Min No. 99/08 Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs M. Bye, and J. Rees.
Min No 100/08 Llanishen Reservoir Public Inquiry
The Chairman reported that following the Council meeting convened on the 22nd May 2008 the services of the RAG (Reservoir Action Group) Barrister had been retained to represent Lisvane Community Council at the above Public Inquiry. The late submission of Option C by Western Power Development which would allow 100% of access and egress to the development site from Lisvane Road had resulted in what should normally have been months of preparatory work having to be undertaken within a week. The Chairman gave a detailed report of the developments to date and indicated that any questions would be addressed by Councillor Hanson who had attended every session of the enquiry. The Clerk had also ensured that the residents of Lisvane Road and the adjacent streets had been made aware of the developments. The Chairman then left the meeting to prepare the Council’s case which was being heard the following day. The Council recorded a vote of thanks to Councillors Kelly, Hanson and the Clerk for the work undertaken.
Councillor David Jones in the Chair
Min No. 101/08 Minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on 12th and 22nd May 2008 were received and signed as a true record by the Chairman subject to page 1392 being reissued with the required amendments to the membership of the Committees.
Min No. 102/08 Matters Arising
a) Maintenance of the Alexander Garden (Min No.82/08a refers)
The Slate Sign and Designs Company had contacted the Clerk and indicated that they were looking at a number of different options for the plaque for the Alexander Garden. It was agreed that Councillor Prosper and the Clerk would visit the workshop and make the final decision regarding the design. The tree planting ceremony in the Alexander Garden to mark the 40th Anniversary of Treetops has been delayed until the Autumn which would be a more suitable time to enable the tree to establish.
b) A Shared Community – Proposed Meeting with Community Councils in the
Cardiff Area (Min No 82/08b refers)
The Clerk was awaiting replies from some of the Community Councils. The
Clerk would seek progress in this matter.
Min No. 103/08 Lisvane Community Building Project (Min No 83/08 refers)
The Clerk had met with the Architect to convey issues raised at the Library Committee on the 12th May and the LCA OSMC on the 22nd May 2008. The Architect would consider the points raised and report back.
Following the appointment of a new Treetop Management Group, clarification had been sought as to when they would be required to make a firm commitment to transfer to the new development. This issue had been raised as there were ongoing discussions regarding a Nursery being established at Llysfaen Primary School and the likely effect that may have on Treetops Nursery. Following discussions it was confirmed that the design for the new development would provide for the Nursery transferring to the site but in the event of there being changes which meant that they could not take up that offer, the accommodation would be allocated to one of the other groups.
Min No. 104/08 Cardiff Local Development Plan (Min No. 84/08 refers) –
a) Draft Supplementary Planning – Biodiversity Part 2: The Cardiff Resource
- the document was received and noted.
Min No. 105/08 Police Matters
a) Crime Statistics
There were 6 recorded instances of reported crime in May 2008 compared with 16 in the same period last year.
Min No. 106/08 Highways/Footpath
a) Sign at Ty Mawr Car Park (Min No 86/08a refers) –
Awaiting a reply from SAFE.
b) Safety Issues for Horse Riders – Request for Signage (Min No 86/08b)–
Awaiting an update from Cardiff County Council on the provision of signage.
c) Footpath between Mill Road and Millwood (Min No 86/08c)
The forms to register the footpath had been completed. The Clerk would put an article in the LCA Link magazine to identify residents who regularly use the footpath and whom are prepared to complete the statement of evidence form.
Min No. 107/08 Parks
a) Development of Sporting Facilities (Min No 87/08a refers)
The Clerk would seek a progress report on the development of the new Cricket Ground.
b) Lisvane Parish Field – Car Park
The Clerk confirmed that she had contacted County Councillor Walker who would make inquiries to establish whether the Neighbourhood Renewal Scheme was being funded this year. He confirmed he would support the submission of an application to undertake improvements to the surface of the playing field car park.
Min No 108/08 Lisvane Community Council Policy Documents (Min No 88/08
Due to the work involved with the Llanishen Reservoir Public Inquiry, progress on the completion of the Policy documents had been delayed. The Clerk indicated that over the next few months it was her intention to complete the Policy documents, upgrade the filing system to comply with the Freedom of Information Act and copy the LCC Minute books. This would then enable the originals to be deposited with the Glamorgan Record Office.
To progress the above work the Council agreed that the Clerk could purchase a hard drive to back up work from the computer and agreed that if suitable scanning services could not be identified then the minute books could be photocopied.
Min No. 109/08 Welsh Assembly Government
a) Local Vision – Statutory Guidance on Developing and Delivering Community
The closing date for comments was 31st July 2008. Councillors were requested to forward comments to the Clerk for consideration at the next meeting. To progress this issue for Lisvane the Clerk was requested to obtain a copy of the agreement operated by the Dee Valley Community Councils in North Wales. It was also agreed that the Community Councillors would consider the Community Plan issued in 2001 and how it could be updated to reflect the village’s current and future needs.
b) Draft Fire and Rescue Service National Framework for Wales 2008-20011
The report was received and noted.
c) Litter, Dog Control, Graffiti, Fly Posting and Noise Offences Fixed Penalty
Notice Returns
A nil return would be submitted. The Clerk would make enquiries with the National Assembly as to the training and support that is provided for the implementation of this policy.
d) M4 Motorway Widening Scheme
The work schedule for this project over the next few months had been displayed on the Community Council Noticeboards. The Clerk would attend the next advisory meeting which would be held on Wednesday 18th June 2008.
Min No.110/08 Planning
a) Weekly Planning Schedules
15th May 2008 – 8, Mill Place – Two storey Extensions to front and rear.
22nd May 2008 - 44, Llwyn y Pia Road – Two Storey side extension
alterations to front elevation.
The Gables, Lisvane Road – Single storey side extension
25, Cefn Onn Meadows – Proposed single storey rear
extension, first floor extension above existing garage
alterations to front entrance.
29th May 2008 - Nil
5th June 2008 - Morningside, St Mellons Road – New Dorma window
extension within roof as part of loft conversion.
9, Plas-y-Delyn – Removal of existing timber framed
porch and erection of masonry porch.
1, Portland Place – Removal of condition 4 of permission
07/00423/E to allow windows to north east elevation.
The Coach House, Old Mill Road – Two storey side
extension containing family room, utility, bedroom and
Min No. 111/08 Reports
a) Friends of Coed-y-Felin – The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 8th May 2008 were received and noted. Councillor Jones indicated that this year had been one of the most productive for the Group having been in receipt of 3 awards, having applied and been successful in achieving a substantial amount of grant funding and there were indications that the land in private ownership could be transferred to Cardiff County Council.
b) LCA OSMC - The Clerk reported on the Management Committee meeting held on 22nd May 2008 with particular reference to the proposals to apply for grant funding to improve security of the site. There were proposals to commission new gates for the Rudry Road and Llwyn-y-Pia entrances and refurbish the existing railings.
Min No.112/08 Correspondence
a) Local Health Board - The next meeting of the Local Health Board was to be held on 16th June 2008. Members wishing to attend should inform the Clerk. It was also confirmed that Dr Brian Wallace had agreed to act as an adviser to the Community Council on Health matters.
b) One Voice Wales 2008 Conference and AGM – was to be held on Saturday 11th October 2008 at the Bont Pavillion, Ceredigion, cost to be £70.00 and the theme is Local Councils and the Environment. Community Councils can
propose up to two motions for the AGM which must be received by no later
than 19th June 2008. Councillor Prosper indicated he would inform the Clerk
of his availability to attend the Conference.
One Voice Wales is also seeking volunteers to assist at the Royal National
Eisteddford of Wales (2nd to the 9th August 2008 – 10 am until 1.30 or 1.30
p.m. until 5 p.m. excluding Sunday). Councillors were requested to inform
the Clerk of their availability.
c) Cardiff in Bloom 2008 – Entry Forms are available from the Cabin.
d) Independent Members of South Wales Police Authority – The position is open to anyone 18 years old who has lived in their respective policing area for at least 12 months and is not otherwise disqualified from serving. The closing date for application is 27th June 2008 and the participant would need to commit between 7 and 10 hours per week. Councillor Gough indicated that he would examine the documentation and consider submitting an application.
e) Countryside Council for Wales – The Clerk reported on a letter and booklet received from the Countryside Council for Wales to elected members. Councillors indicated they had not received the correspondence. The Clerk indicated she would obtain additional copies from the Countryside Council.
f) Ombudsman – Annual Report 2007/8 – This had now been received and was available from the Clerk
g) Cardiff County Council – Community Boundary Review – Cardiff County Council have agreed their submissions to the Boundary Commission which did not include the proposals recently made by the Community Council. They have however forwarded a copy of the Community Council’s correspondence of the 14th February and 6th December 2007 with the report.
Min No. 113/08 Finance
a) Application for Grants – Applications for grants were received from Childline and Mencap Cymru. A grant of £100.00 was agreed for each of the Charities.
b) Cheque Signing
Cheque Number Payee Amount £
301266 Zurich Insurance 2063.12
301267 Cardiff County Council – Election Notice 137.10
301268 Brookview Garden Service 81.08
301269 G. Lawson (Salary) 657.54
301270 Childline 100.00
301271 Mencap 100.00
c) Inland Revenue – The Clerk had received conflicting information from two sections of the Inland Revenue Service regarding the payment due. The Clerk would write to the Inland Revenue with copies of the notifications received from them seeking clarification as to which was the correct sum payable.
Min No. 114/08 Date of Next Meeting –
The next meeting of the Community Council will be held on Monday 14th July 2008 at the Cabin, Old School, Lisvane commencing at 7.30 p.m.