Updated December 16, 2011

Individual Name: / Armando Santiago / Birth Date: / Est. March 1 1999
Common Name: / La Plata Three-banded Armadillo / Sex: / Male
Taxonomic Name: / Tolypeutes matacus / Category: / A

Special Training Requirements: Normal Training.

Preferred Frequency of use: Once a month

Leash/Harness Requirements: None.

Crate Size: Designated plastic container, crates are not used because he may scrape his nose.

Crate Notes: Lid must be clipped closed. Do not cover the air holes. In hot temperatures crate can overheat so please monitor closely.

Bedding: Hay, blanket, or towel- no holes or frayed strings

Animal Can Be Placed: On the ground in a controlled area and must be kept in arms reach at all times. The

“puppy gate” can be used to help control where he walks and guest distance. Do not put down on balconies or next to steep drop offs.

Allowable Treats: None.

Guest Handling Policy: Touching is allowed on carapace only as long as he doesn’t become stressed; signs of stress are opening and closing excessively. No touching on head or underside, he is known to grab fingers and close up. Do not allow any touching while the animal is on the ground.

Medical Information: Armadillos have a poor thermoregulation ability so be sure to keep him warm. Can become carsick especially during hot weather, please report to keeper.

Behavioral Information: The La Plata Three-Banded Armadillo is the only species of 20 that can roll completely into a ball. He may pinch your fingers when rolling into a ball if you are not careful. They will shake when excited or cold.

Night Party Specific Information: He moves very quickly when on the ground so be within reaching distance. Armadillos have a poor thermoregulation ability so be sure to keep him warm.

Miscellaneous Information: If there are many people around do not put him on the ground as he could easily be stepped on. He was wild caught in Paraguay.