Main Stories 7 September 2010


· EU still hopes for compromise with Serbia (Koha Ditore)

· Discussions without mediators (Infopress)

· Hyseni and DiCarlo coordinate actions (dailies)

· Recognition a formality – After Qatar, Kuwait and Oman (Epoka e Re)

· Kryeziu supports Sejdiu for party leader (Epoka e Re)

· The first strike against Bukoshi (dailies)

· Macedonia hesitates regarding Lirim Jakupi’s extradition (Koha Ditore)

· Relevant stakeholders prevent dismissal of Central Bank Governor (Koha)

· Tanaka: Kosovo must focus on education (Koha Ditore)

· Explosion of a bomb and massive fight in Zvecan (dailies)

Kosovo Media Highlights

EU still hopes for compromise with Serbia (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports on the front page that late on Tuesday evening Serbian President Tadic will hold talks in Brussels with EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security Catherine Ashton, in an effort to find a compromise which would avoid a clash between Serbia and the majority of EU member states at the UN General Assembly session which will be held on Thursday.

On Thursday the UN General Assembly will discuss, and eventually vote on, the proposed Serb resolution, which has the purpose of undermining the value of the opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), who on 22 July gave its opinion in answering the question of Serbia; that the declaration of independence of Kosovo did not violate any norm of international law.

Koha Ditore writes that now the EU says they have a common stance, but they explain that this is only with regards to the general policy points which the 27 EU member states have agreed on. This stance is the declaration which member countries have given the EU High Representative for Foreign policy and Security, Catherine Ashton, in the name of the 27 EU countries. Even though Ashton, while answering a question for Koha Ditore one month before, said that “the stance of the ICJ was clear”, since then she has not been in a position to explain what the stance of the EU is concerning the ICJ opinion. Ashton said only that “the EU supports the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade and is ready to help in this dialogue”. The European Union is expecting that in the meeting of the EU High Representative Catherine Ashton with the Serb president Boris Tadic that their stances will come closer regarding the resolution proposed from Serbia at the UN.

Express quotes sources as saying that Washington and Brussels are requesting that Serbia withdraw the resolution from the UN and instead a resolution drafted by American and European diplomats be presented. “The USA and EU do not accept that the Serb resolution [should] be softened through amendments. They request that Serbia must withdraw its resolution”, said the sources of this newspaper. Express reports that this stance will be conveyed to Boris Tadic by Catherine Ashton, in today’s meeting in Brussels.

Discussions without mediators (Infopress)

Infopress reports that the Mission of the United Nations in Kosovo, UNMIK is getting prepared to facilitate the issue of the discussions between Pristina and Belgrade, if help is requested by any party. UNMIK spokesperson Russell Geekie, said for RTK that the administration of the United Nations in Kosovo prefers for the parties to meet directly without mediators. He said that they are currently waiting for suggestions from New York, regarding the role and eventual help of UNMIK on the issue of the discussions. “It is still early to speak about this issue. We will be ready to commence some facilitating role. On the other hand, this depends on the parties that decide on the agenda. We would prefer direct discussions. However, it is still not known what the EU role would be, since this belongs to the European perspective,” said Geekie.

Hyseni and DiCarlo coordinate actions (dailies)

Dailies report that Kosovo Foreign Minister Skënder Hyseni and the US Ambassador at the UN, Rosemary DiCarlo, met on Monday in New York to coordinate their efforts for prevention of the Serbian draft resolution at the UN General Assembly. They both agreed that there is very little chance for the draft resolution to pass at the GA. According to a press release issued by the Foreign Ministry, Minister Hyseni and Ambassador DiCarlo discussed in detail the recent developments in Kosovo and the region. Also they discussed the process of recognitions and other important aspects related to Kosovo.

Recognition a formality – After Qatar, Kuwait and Oman (Epoka e Re)

Epoka e Re reports that Prince Sheikh Abdullah Bin Khalifa Al Thani and also the Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabr Al-Thani have confirmed that Qatar recognizes the will of the people of Kosovo. Recognition from Qatar is not an issue as far as it concerns the recognition of Kosovo. This is closed issue, it has been confirmed and it is only expected to be formalized, which is an issue of procedure of the state of Qatar,” Prime Minister Thaçi told RTK. While explaining the detail of the visit in Qatar, Prime Minister Thaçi said that very soon after Qatar recognitions are also expected from other Arab states, Kuwait and Oman.

Kryeziu supports Sejdiu for party leader (Epoka e Re)

Epoka e Re reports on the front page that LDK principal deputy leader Eqrem Kryeziu has openly expressed his support for Fatmir Sejdiu for the post of LDK leader. “I will give my vote to Fatmir Sejdiu for another mandate because he is the only leader of a political party in Kosovo, and even in one part of the Balkans, who was elected with secret votes [by secret ballot],” he said. Kryeziu added that “those who will run against Sejdiu have nothing to fear. God knows how many candidacies for LDK leader there will be. There are no limitations. However, although I am LDK principal deputy leader, I will not run for this post.”

The first strike against Bukoshi (dailies)

Express reports on the front page that the battle within the Democratic League of Kosovo is getting tougher. On Monday, the battle shifted to Pristina University Clinical Centre (QKUK). Healthcare Minister Bujar Bukoshi received the first blow from President Fatmir Sejdiu.

Unnamed sources told Express that through his people in the Healthcare Ministry, Sejdiu returned Ali Sadriu to the post of QKUK director without consulting Bukoshi, who had suspended Sadriu from the post. Bukoshi, who is on an official visit to the U.S., told the paper over the phone that this is a provocation and that he will deal with it when he returns.

Epoka e Re reports that with Sadriu’s return to the QKUK, Bukoshi has lost this battle. The paper also quotes Sadriu as saying that he believes from now on he will have the support of the Ministry of Healthcare.

Macedonia hesitates regarding Lirim Jakupi’s extradition (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports that Skopje authorities announced that the fate of Lirim Jakupi will be known soon, if he is extradited to Macedonia or Serbia or he would continue to serve his sentence in Kosovo. This daily reports that the total number of the years in prison that he has to serve in the three countries is 70. According to the spokesperson of the Macedonian Ministry of Justice, Mirijana Ilieva, the most acceptable version is for Jakupi to remain in Kosovo until he serves the sentence in that country. She added that based on the existing laws of the country, they are expected to make the request soon for Jakupi to be extradited to Macedonia. The spokesperson of the Ministry of Interior in this country said that Jakupi was part of the wanted group in Brodec village by the end of 2007.

Relevant stakeholders prevent dismissal of Central Bank Governor (Koha)

Koha Ditore reports that “pressure from the outside” has made the Kosovo Assembly Presidency remove from the agenda the proposal for the dismissal of Kosovo Central Bank Governor Hashim Rexhepi. The Assembly did not even discuss the proposal for dismissal, leaving it once again to the assembly presidency to decide if the issue will be discussed or not.

“We need to be understanding toward the requests of relevant stakeholders and it is better to leave this issue for tomorrow’s meeting of the Assembly Presidency. We have plenty of time to discuss this because we will have sessions tomorrow and the day after,” said Xhavit Haliti, chairperson of yesterday’s assembly session.

Tanaka: Kosovo must focus on education (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore carries an extensive interview with Japanese Ambassador to Kosovo, Akio Tanaka, highlighting his quote that Kosovo should focus on education. Tanaka said Japan was willing to assist Kosovo at least in three different areas: education, agriculture and information technology. “We were a very small and poor country for a long time… You should know that Japan does not have mineral resources, it does not have gold, silver, or oil, but what we have relied on is the education and training of people. Parents understood there is no future without the education of children… We see Kosovo as a state that is trying to install its infrastructure for prosperity in the future,” Tanaka was quoted as saying.

Explosion of a bomb and massive fight in Zvecan (dailies)

All dailies report that an explosive ordnance was thrown on Sunday evening at 2200 hrs in Zvecan, in the street “Kral Petri 97” in the bakery of owner Bekim Qemajli. Belgrade media reported that no one is injured, at the same time no material damages were mentioned.

Meanwhile, Serb News Agencies are reporting a massive fight which happened yesterday in Zvecan. Kosovo police spokesman Besim Hoti said to Tanjug that the fight happened in the street “Kralj Milutin” in Zvecan and 100 persons from the northern part of Mitrovica and from Zvecan municipality were involved in the fight. According to Serbian news agencies the cause of this fight was a fight of some people earlier.

Express under the headline Fight between the gangs reports that to settle the account between themselves, a group 100 Serbs have been fighting massively in the center of Zvecan. Police believes that in this fight where also explosions and some injured persons. Two Serb gangs, which are composed mainly from Serb youth, were involved in this fight, reported the paper.

Kosovo Press Headlines

Koha Ditore

Front page

·  EU still hopes about compromise with Serbia

·  Tanaka: Kosovo must focus on education

·  Bukoshi: Thaçi does not have to be concerned with LDK elections

·  “Relevant stakeholders” impede governor’s dismissal

·  Government declares 2011 as year of budget crisis

·  Sadriu returns to work, Bukoshi wants explanations

·  Bomb explosion and massive brawl in Zvecan

Other headlines

·  MPs engage in self-criticism over lack of efficiency (3)

·  Calculations about LDK elections in Suhareka (5)

·  Rexhepi: Police is the best example (7)

·  Macedonia hesitates over Lirim Jakupi’s extradition (7)


Front page

·  In the hands of friends

·  They do not dismiss the governor

·  Hyseni and Di Carlo coordinate actions

·  Three students wounded in Ferizaj high school

·  Triumphal return

Other headlines

·  Thaçi in Qatar for recognition (2)

·  Buhler supports KSF (2)

·  Dacic: We are ready for compromise (2)

·  Assembly of Serb Municipalities convenes (2)

·  Berisha: We have no resolution on Kosovo (3)

·  Slovakia to recognize Kosovo passports soon (3)

·  Problems are not solved at the United Nations (4)

·  AAK hopes for Haradinaj’s return (4)

Kosova Sot

Front page

·  Names of smugglers will be made public this week

·  Editorial: After 11 years, reforms in police

·  Last chance for the resolution

·  Avoiding democracy

·  Dismissal of the governor postponed

Other headlines

·  EULEX gives figures, not names (2)

·  Buhler promises continued cooperation with KSF (4)

Epoka e Re

Front page

·  Kryeziu supports Sejdiu

·  Recognition, a formality

·  EU unifies position on Kosovo status

·  AAK waiting for Haradinaj

Other headlines

·  Small chances for Serbian draft resolution to pass (2)

·  Albania will not present a resolution for Kosovo (2)

·  Minister Ferati at the international conference in Macedonia (3)

·  Germany continues to support the KSF Ministry (3)

·  Bukoshi looses the battle (6)

·  Lirim Jakupi will not be extradited to Macedonia (7)

·  Police celebrates the 11th birthday (7)

·  Serbs beat each other to bleeding (8)


Front page

·  The first strike for Bukoshi

·  The U.S. and EU’s condition for Serbia

·  Qatar also yes

·  Terror at school

·  Governor will not be dismissed

Other headlines

·  Buzhala: LDK’s bleeding (2)

·  Pacolli in action (4)

·  Hyseni dines with Rosemary DiCarlo (5)

·  Serbia’s bizarre attempts (6)

·  Law for political prisoners (6)

·  Beating among gangs (9)

·  Isa revenges (10)

·  Decision on Haradinaj expected (11)

·  They requests Jakupi’s extradition (11)


Front page

·  Bullets over pupils

·  The last kicks of Serbia

Other headlines

·  Prime Minister Thaçi welcomed from the King of Qatar (2)

·  Berisha: Serbia’s efforts are futile (2)

·  Little chances for Serb resolution (2)

·  Cedomir Jovanovic: Resolution about Kosovo, meaningless (2)

·  Kosovo as cover up for the internal problems of Serbia (3)

·  Refused extradition of Jakupi to Macedonia (4)

·  For Rexhepi discharge decides the presidency of assembly (5)

·  World bank helps employment in Kosovo (6)

Bota Sot

Front page

·  Serbs attack Albanians in the north with bombs

Other headlines

·  Is there a plan for the dissolvement of parallel structures (3)

·  Qatar the next country which could recognize independence of Kosovo (4)

·  No talks with Serbia without the presence of Washington (4)

·  Pacolli continues lobbying, not in the corridors, but in the assembly (6)

·  Minister Hyseni had a working dinner with ambassador Rosemary Di Karlo (6)

·  The Hague tribunal is reviewing the request in “Haradinaj” case (9)