Ms. Thompson 480.308.5610 Honors Algebra II 2015/16



his course is designed for students who have completed BOTH Alg. I and Geometry at an “A-level.” (A high “B” grade may be acceptable accompanied by teacher recommendation.) Students must also pass an entrance exam to be enrolled in the course. Geometric and algebraic concepts are extended to prepare students for Pre-Calculus. Topics include higher degree equations, functions, systems, graphs, and trigonometric functions. Equations, graphs, and applications are key to this course. There is a focus on the development of students’ abilities to reason both numerically and spatially; to communicate; to solve problems employing a wide variety of approaches; and to make a connection between mathematics and the world around you. The use of a graphing calculator will be required. Students are expected to have a good work ethic and produce quality work. A student in this course should be highly motivated with a willingness to work hard. The difficulty level of this class is high.


·  Pencils & Straightedge

·  Notebook Paper and Notebook

·  Spiral Graph Paper Notepad All graphing must be done on graph paper. You may do your entire assignment on graph paper.

·  Graphing Calculator – TI 84 Plus C Silver Edition is recommended.

Quality work is always required and expected!!


50% = Tests

40% = Quizzes

10% = Homework/Warm Ups

·  A = 90% - 100%

·  B = 80% - 89%

·  C = 70% - 79%

·  D = 60% - 69%

·  F = below 60%


You will be expected to take notes for all of the lessons. The purpose of the notes is to keep the vocabulary and examples in an organized manner for you to study for quizzes and tests. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the notes from me or a member of the class.


Homework will be given daily.

Students are required to keep all homework assignments organized in chronological order.

Homework will be graded for completion and accuracy by any of the following methods:

q Homework / Warm Up Quizzes

Short quizzes over current or previous homework assignments.

q Homework will be collected and several problems will be graded.

q Checked for completion

Assignments for the entire chapter will be given to you at the beginning of each chapter and will also be linked to my webpage. This makes it possible for you to know what your assignment is – even if you are not in class that day. There will be no excuse for not knowing what the assignment was!

For full credit, your homework must

±  be done in pencil

±  be neat and easy to read showing all steps

v  label and number all work

v  diagrams must be drawn with a straightedge

v  Be careful to use proper mathematical notation as shown in your notes or your textbook.

±  have not only correct answers but also have correct work shown to justify these answers.


v  When you arrive at an answer to an odd-numbered problem, check it with the answers in the back of the book.

v  If your answer doesn’t agree, place a large X through the problem number and next to the problem write “Correction”. Attempt to correct the problem. If you are unsuccessful, ask questions in class the next day or see me individually for extra help to correct the problem.

v  If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check your even answers with a friend or my textbook

±  Be complete

v  show all work – no work no credit

v  If the question calls for an explanation, be specific and use correct grammar.

±  Be on time - no late work

v  Make sure you have your assignments with you every day. If you do not have your homework with you when we do a homework quiz, you will receive a 0.


We will usually have 1 - 3 quizzes per chapter. These quizzes will offer good feedback on progress. Missed quizzes will not be made up. Therefore, your quiz grade will consist of the grade you receive on the chapter test. If you know in advance that you will be absent, you may take the quiz early.


There will be 1 or 2 tests per chapter. Each test will be equally weighted. Tests may be in 2 parts: calculator and no calculator.


Cheating will not be tolerated, if you are caught, all parties involved will receive a 0. Have confidence in your abilities. Do your own work. (You know the difference between “copying work” and “getting help from a friend.”)


Participating in class is essential as new concepts are presented each day and build on previous ideas. It is critical that you attend class daily. Preparation for college demands that we work hard at all times. In order to receive credit for assignments due to an excused absence, the work must be completed in the same number of days as the absence(s). It is your responsibility to make up and turn in the missed work within the correct amount of time.

NOTE: If you are “school excused” for an absence (field trip, athletic/music event, on-campus activity, etc.) your assignment is due as if you were in class. (You will have no additional time to hand in your assignment.)


1.  NO CELL PHONES, IPODS, or other electronic devices may be used or visible during class time.

2.  Be prepared, in your seat, ready to begin class as soon as the bell rings.

3.  Participate fully in the lesson. To find success in the class, you must be an active learner, not a spectator.

4.  While I am talking or others are talking, please listen.

5.  Keep the classroom and desks clean. Writing on a desk will result in a lunch detention to clean all of the desks.

6.  I insist on a positive classroom environment. No one is always right (even me J). – I want you to feel comfortable asking and answering

7.  I do my best to follow and enforce ALL school policies as stated in your Red Mountain Student Handbook. Please be advised that dress code will be strictly enforced.


Do NOT be dependent on your calculator. You will be expected to do by hand anything that can be done on the calculator, with rare exceptions. There will be times where you will not be allowed to use your calculator. You need to learn and understand the mathematical concepts in order to solve a problem and know if your answer makes sense rather than just punching a button on your calculator and getting an answer.


You are expected to get the help you need in a timely manner. Don’t wait until the day before or the day of a quiz/test to ask for help!

Additional Help!

Ms. Thompson - Room 810

Ø Schedule will be posted on my website and the school website.

Ø Other times, by appointment.

Ø School Wide Math Lab During Lunches and Saturday Mornings

Saturday Morning Tutoring will be every other week. See Schedule.

Keys for Success
1 / Good Attendance
2 / Be organized! Keep track of your assignments on a calendar or in a day planner. An organized notebook and study area usually indicate an organized mind.
3 / Be prepared! Always check the board for updates on assignments. Be aware of upcoming assignments, tests, and quizzes
4 / Take thorough notes.
5 / Participate and ask questions. Questions are critical. Don’t be afraid to ask anything. However, don’t forget to listen and see whether your question was already asked and answered.
6 / Do all of your daily assignment. Every assignment is important no matter how small.
7 / Correct any incorrect problems on your homework – DAILY. If you put in all the time to do the work, don’t forget to check it and correct it.
8 / Seek additional help, when needed.
9 / Carefully arrange your schedule to allow a set time to do homework or study.
10 / Work effectively in your team, when applicable, and use class time wisely.
11 / Make up assignments on time when absent.

NAME: ______Period: _____ DATE: ______/______/______

Please Print Month Day Year

Welcome to Trig College Math. I would like you to take this opportunity to review my website so that you are aware of all of the information it contains. This will help ensure that students will have a rewarding and successful school year. By reading and signing this form, you are acknowledging your awareness and acceptance to abide by these policies and guidelines outlined in the syllabus. You are also indicating that you have visited my website and are aware of the information it contains.

Please initial the following indicating you have visited each area and understand the benefits of this site. Then sign at the bottom. Thanks!

Class Syllabus______Assignment Calendar______Grades______

Math Help______Contact______


I ______have read and do understand these guidelines for success in Trig College Math.


I ______parent of ______have read and do understand these guidelines for success in Trig College Math.

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