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Title: Policy on Notification of Authorities
Effective Date: / Reviewed : / Revised: /

Function: Environment of Care


In the event of an emergency that disrupts the normal patient care and/or business operations of the organization, it is the policy of Facility Nameto identify all appropriate external authorities and notify those authorities to facilitate effective response, continuing operations, and recovery.


  • When the emergency operation plan or any emergency response plan is initiated, the appropriate external authorities and community resources will be notified.
  • External authorities include, but are not limited to:
  • Office of Emergency Management (OEM)911or (xxx) yyy-zzzz
  • Fire Department911or (xxx) yyy-zzzz
  • Law enforcement agencies911or (xxx) yyy-zzzz
  • EMS911or (xxx) yyy-zzzz
  • Emergency Management Agency(xxx) yyy-zzzz
  • Centers for Disease Control(xxx) yyy-zzzz
  • Red Cross of America(xxx) yyy-zzzz
  • Media organizations(xxx) yyy-zzzz
  • Utilizing the HICS system, the Public Information Officer (PIO) has the responsibility for media and public information as it pertains to an event that involves the hospital. The PIO has established working relationships with local media, emergency management office, and public health prior to an event. The PIO regularly attends meetings with the systems that would establish a joint information center (JIC). The information that will go out to the community will come from the JIC as a unified message to the area. To prevent incorrect and/or confusing data from being released, no other media communication is allowed.
  • If the hospital is involved solely during an event, the PIO in the HospitalCommandCenter will communicate with the community or local media.


EM.02.02.01 EP 3-4 Policy on Notification of Authorities.doc