Nameof Project
Total amountappliedfor
Signed / Date

Section1:Tellusaboutyourself and yourgroup

ContactDetails ofMainapplicant

Howandwhenis bestto contactyou?

Areyoupart ofacommunitygroupor organisation? Yes No

If so,pleaseprovide detailshere

Other peopleinvolvedinyourproject

Pleasegivedetailsof anycommittees,professional advice or supportyouhavereceived.

Name / Name ofCommunityGroup or Organisationif applicable / Contactdetails

Pleaseattach an extrasheetifnecessary.

Section2:Aboutyourproject, activities or event

Pleaseanswerthefollowing questionsabout theproject, activities or event forwhichyou areseeking funding.

Please describe your project, activitiesor event and how it will help our community


I believe thisprojectwill support the followingpriorities in the Birchwood Big Local Plan.(Pleasetick at least one box.)

Provide more activities and/or facilities for ChildrenandYoungPeople

Improve the environmentof the area and/ormake better use of our GreenSpaces

Contribute to CommunitySafety by discouraging crime and anti-social behaviour

Provide more eventsand/oractivities and facilities locally

It is a: One-off event New project or activity Ongoing project or activity

If it is a one-off event please give the date, time and venue.

If it is a new project or activity, whatis theplanned start date andwhenwillitbecompleted?



If it is an ongoing project or activitywhat additional benefits will this money bring to it?


Isita particular street,estate, catchment areaor the wholeBig Local area?

Doesyourprojectgenerateanyincome?(eg. Areyouchargingfor your activities?) If sohowmightyoucontributebacktoBigLocal?


We would expect that your project will provide positive publicity for Birchwood Big Local.

Please tick the boxes below to confirm that -

Your advance publicity will promote Birchwood Big Local

You will publicise Birchwood Big Local during your event

Howmanylocalpeoplewillbenefit from theproject, activity or event? E.g. Howmanypeoplebelongtoyour organisation?Howmanypeoplewill participateinthe project?

Who will be managing your project, activity or event? Will they be helped by people with

sufficient and relevant experience and qualifications for the proposed activities?

How will you know your project, activity or event has been a success? Eg: by evidence of

the numbers of people attending, and/or collecting feedback forms from participants?

If you application is successful we will send you our feedback form to return to us afterwards.

Howmuchwillyourproject, activity or eventcost?

If therearecosts whicharenot beingrequestedfromBirchwood BigLocal,howareyou intendingtofundthesecosts? (E.g. matchfunding)

Birchwood Big Local will not cover costs for elements of your activity that are funded by other grants or by charging users, but will consider supporting other costs to help make your project, activity or event viable.

If your activity is normally funded by someone else please provide further details below.

Howmuchwill eachitemoractivitycost, and will it generate any income? (E.g. are you

charging for anything?) Howmuchdoyouwantfrom BirchwoodBig Local for each item?

ItemorActivity: Total cost: Estimated income Amountrequested


Please attach an extra sheet if required to provide adequate information.

Please Note: Receipts are required for all expenditure funded by Birchwood Big Local


Pleasereturnyour project proposalform bye-mail to: or sendit

to: BirchwoodBigLocal,Unit 26 Birchwood Shopping Centre, Birchwood Avenue, Lincoln LN6 0QB

Advice and and Guidance:

As advertised, we will consider grants of up to £500 maximum per project. Please bear in mind when applying, however, that any funding is for the costed activities or events specified in your application form. So a one-off event, for instance, will normally cost less than a longer project.

We want you to have the best possible chance of receiving a grant, so if you need any advice and and guidance in completing this form please send us an email at or phone 01522 691851, and someone will contact you.

What happensnext? When you submit your form amember oftheBig Local Partnershipwill contact you aboutyour project,to confirm whether itiseligibleforfunding,clarify any points in your application if necessary anddiscusspublicitymaterials available if you are successful.

Your application will then be considered by our Communications Sub-Group as soon as possible. It will be considered against the following broad criteria:

  1. Whether the activity proposed will contribute to at least one of our four priorities
  2. Will it take place in the Birchwood Big Local area and benefit local residents?
  3. Whether it willgenerate positive publicity for Birchwood Big Local.
  4. Whether it will have lasting benefits beyond the life of the project, activity or event.
  5. Evidence that it will be well organised and managed to provide a high quality experience.
  6. How you will evaluate the success of your project and any wider community benefits.
  7. The costs and income should be accurate, reasonable and enough to support the project.
  8. Whether the funding would replace any previous funding by statutory services.

If successful, youwill beaskedfor details of a bank account to enable us to pay you.